London +Poisoned Russian Spy Dies+
London - Poisoned Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko died in an intensive care ward.
Litvinenko, a fierce critic of the Russian government, suffered a rapid deterioration in his health on Thursday, but doctors still were unable to determine the cause of his death, a spokesman said in a statement.
U/D: 11/24/06 10:28
A large amount of alpha radiation, probably from polonium-210, was found in the urine of the ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko, an expert says.
At 8:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
I wonder what putin or the old KGB will say( if they will ?) about it or condem it to my opinion the british M15 will really want to find out who did it, it might lead them to a spy ring in the uk.
At 8:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
You're absolutely right, that Russia has no changes in plan.
But I truly think that it's high time, for the 'US' to adapt their policies, we're dealing with the biggest criminals of all times, & we're still so 'Politically Correct'......
At 6:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Russia is Russia and there methods always was and will be cruel, and if they want someone dead they'll succeed. The only big public failure was Ukrainian PM Victor Yushenko, and they were very close.
Don't start with Russia!
At 8:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
I wonder if you did a poll how many actually think Russia/Putin wasn't responsible.
It's interesting to read in Wikipedia: Putin
Which as yet hasn't been updated to reflect the death of Alexander Litvinenko this quote from the subsection 'Press Freedom and intimidation'
A number of Russian reporters who have spoken out against Putin's administration have been mysteriously murdered. In 2006, Anna Politkovskaya (1958 – 2006) was the 13th journalist to be murdered. She ran a campaign exposing corruption in the Russian army and its reign in Chechnya. Since her assassination, the Committee to Protect Journalists has disclosed that Russia has become the third most dangerous place in the world to work as a journalistic reporter. (Only in Iraq and Algeria have more reporters been murdered.)
Looks like Iraq and Algeria need to watch out!
Visit: Bagelblogger
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