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Monday, November 27, 2006

New York, NY - City Council Speaker Raising Mayoral Speculation

New York, NY - City Council Speaker Quinn kicked off a five-borough "Community Conversation" in Brooklyn - raising speculation that she's considering a run for mayor.
The speaker has crisscrossed the city talking to communities about hospital closings, universal pre-kindergarten, hunger issues, reforms in the Buildings Department, and the Campaign for Fiscal Equity on behalf of city school kids, all of this is increasing her profile as a mayoral contender in 2009. "There is no question in my mind that someone who is as competent as her and has the leadership skills she has shown should run for higher office," said Councilman Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn).

But Quinn insists "You can't have good policy if you don't go visit all parts of the city," Quinn (D-Manhattan) said, insisting there's no politics involved in her effort to reach all corners of the Big Apple.
Maura Keaney, one of Quinn's top aides, pointed out that her boss is an organizer who works best by talking directly to those involved. "It's a better learning experience for her than listening to a policy person," she said.


  • At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    felder supporting an openly declared feigele (the female version, that is).

    What will the rabbonim say about felder supporting SOdom?gemorrah at the highesst levels of City Govt.

    WIll the frum community put Torah ethics ahead of influence and money or NOT.

    I think I know the answer, sadly to say.

  • At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Felder is thinking about his own career. With term limits, Felder's job is coming to an end. By supporting Quinn, and assuming she wins, he can count on a job in her administration.

  • At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    anon 1129,

    you are probably correct. A career politician, chances are that Felder is not capable of holding a real job.

    Does this not remind you of some other frum politician in the community always looking to run for political office. These are losers who can do nothing else.

  • At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Actualy the big hypocrite here is really Mr. Felder.

    Simcha Felder cares about Simcha Felder.

    When Ms. Quinn became city council president, Mr. Felder openly supported her, and worked to make sure she had the requisite number of votes to win.

    HOWEVER, when it came time to vote, Mr. Felder CLAIMED, that he was too busy, and could not attend the session, and went to the bathroom. So we would not be supporting someone his community does not agree with.


    People toward the back of the City Council Chamber during the vote that made Chris Quinn speaker noticed an unexpected sight: Councilman Simcha Felder, a key Quinn supporter, slipping into the men's room at the back of the chamber just before the vote.
    I called Felder to ask about this and he declined to comment -- -- he would only say he was happy Chris won -- but referred me to a Jewish Week item (scroll down) I'd missed: Apparently, the vote in Chris's favor was not 50 in favor (with one abstention), but actually 49 votes with an abstention and an absentee: Felder.

    The Jewish Week reports that rabbinic authorities told Felder, an Orthodox Jew from Borough Park, that he could not vote for Quinn because she's a lesbian. But this didn't stop him from backing her, and playing a central role in the maneuverings that swung momentum decisively in her favor.

    And, obviously, he didn't want to vote against her. Thus the flight to the bathroom.

    In another context, you might call the logic Jesuitical.

  • At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Send Felder a box of medication to control incontinence.

  • At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    typical politician

    looking out only for his own good. Every now and then, of course, taking care of constituent needs, however for the most part, looking out for ZECH.

  • At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    anon 1220,

    don't b so sure.

  • At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How did Felder ever win an election with his speech impediment (weak articulation)?

  • At 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    felder is really "behind" Quinn.

    Where is this guy's yiddishe ethics.


    What a great disappointment to frum jews. Only council member quoted in the New York Times article as stating that Quinn would make for a great mayor. A frum council member of all 51 meembers to come out in support of a mooshchis female.

    Shame on Felder.

    Kick him out of office.

  • At 11:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Give me a break. The speaker of the assembly is a frum jew and is probably a bigger chillul hashem than some of the posters on this board combined. Why don't we talk about double dipping and putting influence and money before torah over there..

  • At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If all politicians either start out as, or become, power hungry , dishonest sleezeballs when winning office, why should we elect frum politicians?

  • At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    anon 1112,

    i don't subscribe to the theory that if a guy wears a yarmilke, he automatically gets my vote.

    NO WAY.

    Frum people within the community have been very effective and influential without being a sleazy poliitician lying each and every day. Don't politicians have any shame. Are there special Al Chaits a frum politician says on Yomim naroim????????


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