Bnei Brak, Israel +Security Alert at Satmar Viznitz Wedding+
Bnei Brak, Israel +Security Alert at Satmar Viznitz Wedding+ At the Satmar/Viznitz wedding in the lot of Osem on Shomer Street, a suspicious person tried entering the heavily guarded area, but was stopped by security personal they blocked him from entering the property.
A fight broke out between them that's when the suspicious person stabbed the guard in the chest, the aided was taking to the hospital with minor injuries.
At 2:27 PM, Anonymous said…
the only think we can do is say tehilim.
the rest is in hashem hands to protect us all.
At 3:34 PM, Anonymous said…
Probably a Zaliy who wanted to take matters in his own hands.....
At 3:36 PM, Anonymous said…
Or how about someone that was hired by the Zalis?
At 4:50 PM, Anonymous said…
You guys are one tracked minded
At 5:03 PM, Anonymous said…
I heared that the electricity was shut down in midddle of the chaseneh, there was a blackout.
At 5:05 PM, Anonymous said…
Reb Aron was Mesader Kidushun.
At 6:09 PM, Anonymous said…
The satmar rabbi is going to dance mitzve tanz now
At 7:01 PM, Anonymous said…
Satmar in Tzyoni Land?
At 7:06 PM, Anonymous said…
6:09 sorry but you don't know what's flying, the SATMAR RABBI was only by the chupa.
At 8:12 PM, Anonymous said…
L'maseh, did he meet w/the Belz'e Rabbi Shlit'a?
At 12:54 AM, Anonymous said…
Yes, the SATMAR rebba met with the belzer rebba and his father in-law the Vishnitzer Rebba and all the Klausenburg Rebba, and all the Rebba's that Zalman's Goon's terrorized all the years, its about time that the outside world recognizes a Normal leadership not what the terror the Zalis represent!!!
At 4:42 AM, Anonymous said…
In addition to all the other gidolim he met, he also went to the house of the great gaon, Rabbi Moshe Landau, chief Rabbi of Bnei Brak, he was also lots of kovod by the chasunah.
Does this mean that he also want wants to be friends with Lubavitch??
At 7:54 AM, Anonymous said…
LUBAVICH? Which Rabbi should he visit? The one who buried ALIVE at the ohel in queens? (According to Meshichisten!)Or the one that is interned in queens? You see todros there is a problem with Lubavitch!! NO LEADERSHIP!!
At 8:21 AM, Anonymous said…
Rabbi Launda from Bnei Brak doesn't represent himself as the LUBAVITCHER he is the RAV of BNEI BRAK that's why he gets all the respect, if he ould be the RAV of LUBAB he would long been outta there...
At 10:39 AM, Anonymous said…
rav landu took over his father postion as rav of bnei brak
everyone knew his father was a lubavitcher chossid?
bnei hamon lamdu torah bebnei brak
At 1:16 PM, Anonymous said…
I have a few questions regarding the visit of R’ Aaron Shlite to Israel:
1. Why wasn’t there a big parade as the Satmars are usually making for their leader?
2. Why was the whole visit so secretive until the last day, is the anything to be embarrassed with it?
3. Why would he not visit hi brother-in-law the Belzer Rebe Shlite?
4. Why was there a blackout at the wedding?
5. What was the fighting all about at the wedding?
6. Why isn’t there a word about this written in Der Blat?
I would appreciate it anyone how can post an answer to any of the question above.
At 2:34 PM, Anonymous said…
At 7:28 PM, Anonymous said…
To 2:34pm I just heard the tape of Rav Wosner's Speech and you can very clearly hear him say " The Rabbi of the Satmer Edah" (organization) Go on the Internet at the Israeli site "Tzofar" you can download the whole Video.
At 7:48 PM, Anonymous said…
I was at the "Tisch" friday night in Bnei Brak, WOW WOW I don't think that Bnei Brak EVER had such a big gathering who came to see the New Satmar Raabi!!! There was tens of thousends of people from all stripes and colors and hats and Shtrimels.Even the Old Satmar Raabi didn't have such a crowd,..
At 12:32 AM, Anonymous said…
there were more peaple at TISH then the old satmer rebba beacuse there are more frum jewes now then then..
At 1:04 AM, Anonymous said…
The Israeli Papers are reporting that over 40,000 FORTY THOUSEND people were at the Bagleiten of the SATMAR Rebbi Motzei Shabbos in Bnei Barak, This Means All of the peoplw in Bnei Barak where there.
At 1:21 AM, Anonymous said…
There is a Video of the Baglaiten in Bnei Barak on "Tzofar" it's awesome,
At 1:32 AM, Anonymous said…
RABOSEI what should I tell you!! A Shabbos like last Shabbos we never had here in Bnei Brak! It was "Me'ein Olam Habah" I wish that the Rebba will come more often! It is a tremendous Chizuk for us here in Kiryas Yoel, Bnei Brak. The Climax at the Motsai shhabbas outside on the streets is something that we will never forget!!!!!
At 1:34 AM, Anonymous said…
At 1:39 AM, Anonymous said…
UNBELEIVEBLE! AMAZING! WHAT A SIGHT! I just downloaded the clip from Israel I have to say its more Lebedig then the American Bagkleiten.
At 7:03 AM, Anonymous said…
this guy that stabbed the guard was a frank that wanted to come in to the back of the front stage that was closed of course,
(and this bucher - not a zaly = a frank / sfardy) wanted to go in so as an israely he started fighting with the guard the gouard wasn't allowing anyone in because the visnizer rebbe, food, etc,,, would go thru there so that guy took a soda can split it in half and stabbed the guard right in his chest and than he was keeping figting with other 5 guards and 2 cops until some chasidishe yingerman took him in the air than he was arrested like israely are arresting and thats the whole story no satmar stuff, and actually this happened in the begining of the wedding
At 9:28 AM, Anonymous said…
The satmar rabbi did NOT visit the belzer rabbi since he didn't appolegize the old satmar rabbi zy"u .
At 9:31 AM, Anonymous said…
I hope that the Satmar Higher ups learned their lesson to prepare BIGGER for the Satmarers next visit in Isreal, they underestimated the amount of people who want to see him.
At 9:34 AM, Anonymous said…
The Rabbi is on the way back now with MALEV airlines to Budapest where he daven shacris, on the plane he met the Makove Rabbi who is very close with him.
At 9:35 AM, Anonymous said…
Anon @ 1:04 wrote:
"The Israeli Papers are reporting that over 40,000 FORTY THOUSEND people were at the Bagleiten of the SATMAR Rebbi Motzei Shabbos in Bnei Barak,"
It would be nice that you provide us w/a link!
Anon @ 1:32 wrote:
"RABOSEI what should I tell you!! A Shabbos like last Shabbos we never had here in Bnei Brak! It was "Me'ein Olam Habah" I wish that the Rebba will come more often! It is a tremendous Chizuk for us here in Kiryas Yoel, Bnei Brak."
As we know it, the Israelis can hardly utter an english word, & here we have someone writing as a UTA (of US) graduate, claiming to be a Bnei Barak'er......
At 9:37 AM, Anonymous said…
Harav Vozner called him both the manhig of the satmar eida and the ruv of kiryas yoel, since he is still the ONLY ONE to be msader kidishen in KY.
At 9:47 AM, Anonymous said…
Since I am an American who emigrated to Israel 3 Years ago and currently live in Bnei Brak, I went shabbos to the Satmar Shikkun because this is where everybody was flocking to the Satmarer Rebbe Reb Ahron, I arrived at the Shul but couldn't get in because it was JamPacked inside, I was dissapointed, I came back Motzei Shabbos it was a sight I see only in Miron at the Tzion Harashb"I at Lag Baomer, there were thousends upon thousends of people dancing in the streets I was lucky I got there early with my 3 Boys because I was boxed in the street that the rebbe was staying, we heard the Rebbe saying his Brachas and the Oilam went ballistics with dancing. I hope he comes again soon because my kids really enjoyed it.
At 9:51 AM, Anonymous said…
To: A Zaliy, I hope that you "PLOTZ" away, finally you see who thr real Rabbi is, People don't like Fake's....
At 9:58 AM, Anonymous said…
To: A Zali, no need to give you Links, when it comes to issues regarding the REAL SATMAR Rabbi you guy's are BLIND anyway!!!!....
At 1:55 PM, Anonymous said…
someone please provide a link to tzofar video
At 2:59 PM, Anonymous said…
As someone who witnessed the beautiful shabbos I could truly say it felt like the olden days , the times I remember with the Grand holy Rebbe Rabenu Yoel zt"l.
I'm so happy the young generation can finally feel the taste we had right after the holocaust building together with Rabeinu Yoel the same is now , May we be zoiche together with the Rebbe shlita to greet Moshaich B'Korev.
At 3:07 PM, Anonymous said…
At 4:18 PM, Anonymous said…
It is amazing how much the Satmars wan to think that they are the center of the universe. The description above is absolutely false, it is as fake as one can imagine. Most benei torah were applaud by the hype, that did not produce any decency or modesty. The rebe is well known to must benei torah to be a bully, that does not respect another human being. Not even his own father. Most people could not care less what he is doing, and were making sure the kids did not go there. This is not torah nor midos, just hungry power seeking people, with NO POWER! Hashem yarachem
At 4:45 PM, Anonymous said…
To 4:18 PM, I just listened to H'rav Vosner, and he is talking different then you!
At 4:47 PM, Anonymous said…
Burich HaBuh B'Sheim HaShem! Rabeiny Shlita arrived in JFK!
At 5:04 PM, Anonymous said…
Does everybody the hatred from the Zalis? Anon 4:18pm why are you ranting? Why is the "DER YID" editorial this week ranting and spewing hatred? Didn't the Zalis win over half a billion in real estate? Why the hatred? I will answer you in the next message.
At 5:18 PM, Anonymous said…
Listening to H'rav Vosner's Derushah, I can tell you that there are some Derushes you can say on almost everybody (out of the box, just tailored to your current needs), But this Derushah was very different and personal (custom made).
In other words, he is not saying something he would've said on anybody else!
At 5:37 PM, Anonymous said…
The answer is very Simple! If your Spirituel Leader is full of air and baloney and has nothing what to sell you can have 10 Billion $ in real estate it ain't gonna help you!! The crowds are not stupid!! More to follow...
At 5:44 PM, Anonymous said…
So the guys who supposedly won everything! Millions in real estate are still ranting! When the guy who supposedly LOST everything gets mobbed by thousends of people whereever he goes its because the people finally realize what happened here!!
At 5:55 PM, Anonymous said…
But if your whole desire is TORAH like the gadol hador Rav Wosner clearly said that the Rabbi of the Satmar Edah (not the Willi one but the one from Monroe..)Is full of Torah!!! This is why the crowds run after him, and this is what the Zalis hate to recognized eventhough they have the BILIONS in Real estate holdings and all the Goons....
At 8:24 AM, Anonymous said…
I am trying to find the vedeo of the Beglatin but can not find it. please send the address of how to get it ............thank you
At 9:17 AM, Anonymous said…
what a chilul hashem by these phoney jews walking around thinkikng they are more pious than others.
Chassisdim today is nothing but a fashion fad. Walking around wearing more fur than my wife does!
At 11:43 AM, Anonymous said…
Anan 8:24 AM, you can find some videos on google, here is a link to one of them.
At 12:14 PM, Anonymous said…
what a propoganda the above: just check out this site, and see how the ISRAELI BENEI BRAKER people think about this. Go here and check it out
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