New York, NY - Mayor Bloomberg's Blunder
New York, NY - Mayor Bloomberg's decision, in the midst of the crisis over the shooting of Sean Bell, to turn to the Al Sharpton is one of those errors that he is going to have to deal with as he contemplates a campaign for the presidency in 2008.
The mayor's reputation suffered, certainly thousands of New Yorkers shook their heads in amazement when they picked up their newspapers to see the pictures of the mayor embracing Rev. Sharpton. Amazement turned to dismay as the mayor promptly pronounced the firing of 50 shots by the police "excessive" and "unacceptable." It may well be that something went wrong, that the police erred. But it was precisely the mayor's responsibility at that moment to stress the need for avoiding the pronouncement of judgments.
If he can be rushed into a premature pronouncement by the likes of Rev. Sharpton, how would he perform in a showdown with the likes of, say, Presidents Putin or Hu.
The mayor's reputation suffered, certainly thousands of New Yorkers shook their heads in amazement when they picked up their newspapers to see the pictures of the mayor embracing Rev. Sharpton. Amazement turned to dismay as the mayor promptly pronounced the firing of 50 shots by the police "excessive" and "unacceptable." It may well be that something went wrong, that the police erred. But it was precisely the mayor's responsibility at that moment to stress the need for avoiding the pronouncement of judgments.
If he can be rushed into a premature pronouncement by the likes of Rev. Sharpton, how would he perform in a showdown with the likes of, say, Presidents Putin or Hu.
At 10:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
I give him credit for being honest but why be with sharpton ?
At 10:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
He still has to be careful politically and even morally what he says. If they setup a commission to ivestigate the incident then he is not allowed and should not say any judgmental comments regardless of his personal opinion.
At 10:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Honest? He wasn't there. How would he know what really happened?
At 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
...the bottom line is that there is no justifiable reason for cops to shoot 50 rounds into a car when not one shot was fired at them. END OF STORY...
At 10:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
He's not running for President, he has no chance on the national stage. 50 rounds is certainly excessive, they should have shot out the tires.
At 11:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
Stupid, you dont shoot out tires when you're standing right in the front of a car thinking (even if you turn out to be wrong) that the guy in the passenger seat has a gun pointed at you.
At 11:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
bloomberg is the white version of dinkins. he is a blunder. sucking up to the blacks, all the time. a filthy lowlife filthy rich liberal kissing up to blacks all the time. people paying taxes all their careers can't meet Bloomberg yet these criminal victims and opportunists like SHarpton yemach shemo v'zichro,make a little noise and immediately get an audience with bloomberg.
bring back rudy
bring back rudy
bring back rudy
At 11:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
A vote for Anan 11:08 AM
bring back rudy
bring back rudy
bring back rudy
At 11:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 12:11 PM,
Expatriate Owl said…
One name seems to be totally absent from all discussion of this incident: Gidone Busch!
At 12:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shloime Shammos,
please remove the post, time stamped 11:58. Remarks such as this one is repulsive and was probably posted by an outsider of our community in order to discredit this blog.
At 12:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
lousy liberal bloomberg kowtowing and doing other things to the minororities and criminals in this New York CIty.
bloomberg, leave office. you are ruining this city. crime is up, cost of living is way up, and you are doing nothing but sucking up to the butts of blacks.
At 12:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
11:08 AM well said!
At 12:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you have a gun and someone tries to run you over you woud not shoot at him?
At 1:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah, good thing you're not a cop, you just might've been dead by now, because you wouldnt shoot at someone pointing a gun at you and intending to run you over.
At 1:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
12:11 PM how do you compare 3 (or 4) perps with criminal records coming out drunk @ 4:00 am from a strip club to Gidone Busch hy"d?
At 2:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
(AP) Law enforcement experts contend New York City's mayor spoke prematurely in saying police used "excessive force" in unleashing a 50-shot barrage that killed an unarmed man outside a strip club.
At 2:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Bloomberg is a mensch; Giuliani was an auswurf.
At 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
RUDY 2008!
At 3:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
2:27 PM What? Bloomberg a mentch? a two facer, mit seichel vee a kind.
At 3:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
RUDY & RUDY ONLY FOR 2008 !!!!!!!!!!
At 3:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
he is a BB gun.
a blunder and a bum, and a rich one may I say.
Crime will soar under this liberal puke.
We need law and order mayors, like Rudy, not mayors looking to always ingratiate themselves to the N's running around here making babies, etc. etc.
At 3:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Whats really amazing is that a black Haitian police officer was the one that shot 32 rounds.
At 4:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
and they are claiming racial motives!
At 5:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shloime Shammos,
please remove the post, time stamped 4:57 PM. Remarks such as this one is repulsive and was probably posted by an outsider of our community in order to discredit this blog.
At 5:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
please do not remove post 4:57
he is saying the truth
and sometimes the truth hurts
At 6:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
remember gideon busch ten cops fired on a mentally ill person this time the cops drank arent there any laws about drinking on the job but then again laws are only for the people that pay their sallaries remember a month ago the ny cop in kentucky he couldnt understand why he got a ticket in ny you dont do anything wrong allot of times and they give you a ticket and outside of ny you can plea bargain in ny there is no justice thank you bloomberg finally someone had the guts to speak up yes bloomberg knows more information than anyone on this board but why did he associate himself with sharpton big mistake yes by gideon dov hikind spoke up noach dear was pro nypd and look who is still in office remember the truth always lasts
At 7:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
yiddish mamma at 6:00pm - I agree, so many of us are not able to look at things from another point of view. Just reading through the comments on this blog, you can see the blatant hypocrisy. Occasionally someone like you reminds us all not to just jump to judgment. Stop and ask yourself, what if it was my cousin, or my brother, or me?
50 shots are excessive. But I’ll wait for more information before criticizing Bloomberg, the victims, or the police.
At 8:51 PM,
Shtender Bender said…
Why is it that using bullets and killing doesn't get the same attention as using A PLUNGER????
Could it be that deep down we all know that the bullets are just the cops tools and that we would like to think that its use was justified? Perhaps it is so, but bullets is usually a strong lesson where using a plunger is perhaps not thought as using excessive force? Amido Dialo, if you remember, also was a late-night incident with a bar or so.
At 10:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
The facts in this story may enlighten some of you and result in markedly different comments-
Mystery Witnesses May Be Key To Perplexing Case
(CBS/AP) QUEENS One man was last seen dressed in black, standing in front of a sport utility vehicle with silver rims and exchanging glares and insults with Sean Bell. Another man was last seen wearing a beige jacket and running away from Bell's car as five officers unleashed a 50-bullet barrage.
Investigators believe both unidentified men, if found, could provide key answers to what prompted the perplexing police shooting Saturday that left Bell dead on his wedding day and two other unarmed men wounded. The shooting has ignited outrage in New York, and civil rights activists Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton visited the scene of the shooting Wednesday to console the victims' relatives.
Law enforcement officials provided partial descriptions Wednesday of the two missing witnesses and details about their possible roles based on accounts from undercover officers and at least one civilian.
Union officials have suggested that the fourth man could have fled with a gun -- a scenario investigators haven't ruled out.
According to an undercover officer, the other witness -- the man in black -- argued with Bell and his companions as they exited a Queen strip club where Bell was having a bachelor party. The officer was part of a vice team investigating complaints about prostitution and drug dealing at the club.
The man, while in front of a black SUV parked outside the club, reached into his pocket as if he had a weapon as Bell challenged him to a fight and one of Bell's companions, Joseph Guzman, said, "Yo, get my gun. Get my gun," according to the officials, citing the undercover detective's account. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation has not been completed.
The officials said the exchange prompted a second undercover detective to follow Bell and three other men as they walked away toward their car, apparently suspecting the men meant to arm themselves and attack the man in black.
The first undercover officer said he lost sight of the group -- including the fourth man he described as wearing a beige jacket -- as they rounded a corner with the second undercover trailing them on foot. Moments later, the second undercover started shooting at the car when Bell, while trying to drive away, bumped him and smashed into an unmarked police van.
Through his lawyer, the detective has insisted that he clearly identified himself as a police officer as he tried to stop them. He also claims he spotted Guzman, then sitting in the passenger seat, make a sudden move for his waistband before he and four other officers fired a total of 50 rounds.
The third victim, Trent Benefield, told police in a brief interview at the hospital that there was never a fourth person. He also claimed Bell became spooked and tried to take off because he didn't know the undercover was a police officer.
But the shooter insists that the group he followed numbered four, and that at some point he saw the fourth man run away from the car and disappear into the night.
"There was a fourth person involved -- no doubt," his attorney, Philip Karasyk, said Wednesday.
Another witness seems to back the account: She has told police she looked out the window of her nearby home after hearing gunfire and spotted someone running away from the direction of the shooting scene. She too described a man wearing a beige jacket, the officials said.
On Tuesday, a team of officers searched for fresh evidence near the shooting scene underneath an airport monorail, based on a tip that a man had ditched a weapon there, the law enforcement officials said.
Investigators said they also have studied images recorded by security cameras at the entrance of the club in hopes of identifying the fourth man in Bell's group and any other potential witnesses.
Meanwhile, a law enforcement official close to the case said prosecutors are waiting to examine 911 calls, police radio communications and ballistic reports, which could determine the origin of the deadly shots. Despite a clamor for answers about what happened, the official said it is a complex investigation that requires thoroughness.
"This investigation is in the very beginning stages. It is not like CSI, where a case is solved within a 30-minute segment," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation has not been completed.
Gov. George Pataki and governor-elect Eliot Spitzer also weighed in on the case Wednesday, saying they believed the shooting was excessive. "Obviously, 50 bullets fired into or at an unarmed individual in New York is excessice force," Pataki said in a news conference, via satellite from Kuwait.
The community outrage over the shooting was evident Wednesday in signs taped up on a brick wall of an auto body shop near the shuttered strip club. "Death to Police Brutality and Murder," said one hand-printed sign. "Off the Pigs Who Shoot Our Kids," said another.
A flower wreath on an easel showed a photo of the 23-year-old Bell, his fiance and one of their young daughters, with the words: "Love Yourself, Stop the Violence" near where Jackson urged a crowd to demand justice.
"God has the power to take evil and turn it into good," he said. "Don't be silent."
Sharpton also said he believes police committed a crime when they killed Bell, noting that one officer reloaded during the barrage.
All five officers were placed on paid administrative leave while the Queens District Attorney's officer pursues possible criminal charges.
Guzman, 31, shot at least 11 times, and Benefield, 23, hit three times, have remained hospitalized.
At 9:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
anon 515,
you are repulsive to all.
Get off these blogs.
free country, You don't like what is written, then get off the internet, you pablum puking liberal piece of feces.
You repulse humanity.
At 9:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
A message to all:
This blog is not intended for pablum puking liberals. If you pukes were REAL liberals, you would not be living in:
Boro Park
Marine Park
Five Towns
Upper West Side
Upper East Side
Great Neck
Kew Garden Hills
You liberals make me sick.
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
How about some derech eretz on this blog? Since when are Jews to be equated with fascistic attitudes and demeanor? Being liberal means showing respect in order to get respect for oneself. If liberals are not allowed on this blog, then woe is am Yisroel. If we sound like, yemach shemum, our enemies we will become who they are.
At 12:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
liberal mensch,
That is an OXYMORON
YOU CANNOT BE BOTH A LIBERAL AND A MENTSCH. You have and continue to ruin this country.
Get off this blog, liberal puke.
Down with Bloomy, Up with Rudy.
At 12:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
bloomy is a liberal.
Fech. Wish he would leave office.
Prblem is he would leave it in the hands of the Ni_s.
At 12:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
You may not know much about oxymorons, but when it comes to the plain kind, perhaps a mirror would help you. Just tone down and deal with facts. Which part of liberalism disturbs you most-veahavta lereiacha kmocha, giving tzedaka, being emesdik in business, not making excessive profits, not using loshon hora?
At 1:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Liberal Mensch:
I disagree with those ‘anonymous’ individuals who impartially disparage liberal perspectives, that having been said, what indeed is the crime in earning large salaries and reaping 'excessive profits’?
The term excessive in and of itself connotes "beyond the proper limit", who exactly established this proper limit?
At 2:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ona'ah at 16%?
At 3:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Capitalism, done right nobody has to suffer. (Adam Smith)
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