New York - Younger Teitelbaum Wins Another Round in Court Battle Over Control of Satmar
New York - Rabbi Zalmen Teitelbaum has won another victory over his older brother Rabbi Aron Teitelbaum in their bitter battle for control of the Satmar Hasidic sect.
The New York Court of Appeals has struck down the request of the older brother and his followers in the Village of Kiryas Joel, in Monroe NY, to overturn a lower court decision that granted authority of the Satmar Chasidim and their Brooklyn congregations to his younger brother Rabbi Zalmen.
Both Rabbi Zalmen, 54, and brother Rabbi Aron, 58, rabbi of Kiryas Joel congregation in Orange County, claim they're head of the Brooklyn flock. When the dispute over who's boss went to court, a Brooklyn judge ruled in favor of Zalmen.
The decision handed down by the New York State Court of Appeals yesterday upheld's Zalmen's leadership, a ruling that followed the wishes of his father, Grand Rebbe Moses Teitelbaum, who died in April.
At 11:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
The Aronim won again ask them thats what they say :)!!!
At 11:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well, at this stage it doesn't matter anymore, Basiclly the Ahroinim are fully in charge in KJ both the Secular Authority and Religous School system and in Williamsburg they are gaining ground very fast with opening up the massive school system with thousends of students with this pace they are moving unless they slow down they will own most of the young student population anyway eventhough the Zalis own half a Billion worth of properties which they are starting to lease out space to other organizations like Viznitz Monsey, or Vien, and everywhere else the Ahroini's are fully in charge like Borough Park, etc, so the fight was only for the Half Billion dollars!! By the way the most sacred and most sentimental valuable piece of land is owned by the Ahroini's this is the cemetary where both revered are interened in KJ so this is a brief synopnis of the long battle.
At 11:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh so the whole fight was only about Half a Billion, Nu Beini U'beinchu Mah hi? For this they had to fight for so long? They should have came to me I would have given them the BB$$...
At 11:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
You are all all a bunch of crazies
just stop!! all of you BABIES!!
who cares reb aaron is in Monroe and Reb Zalmen in Williamsburg!
just stop it be happy with what you have!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 11:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't understand why this dispute between the Satmars is in a goysha court. Aren't Yiddin supposed to avoid bringing our disputes before the secular courts? Am I missing something??
At 11:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
yiddish mamma
well said
agree 100%
At 11:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
עס פרייט דאס הארץ צו זעהן "ווי דער וואס איז נייעס אגנעטור" דערציילט דאס אין ענגליש, וואס די NY TIMES און אנדערע גוים ליינען דאס, - עס איז א גרויסע סברא, אז דער ענין איז מקדש שם שמים
At 11:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
The synopsis was very well written, so who cares now about the court? The facts on the ground are changed and changing every day anyway? GO ARONI's.
At 11:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
anon: 11:36
at this stage it doesn't matter anymore:
the Zalis won and thats a fact!
At 11:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yiddish Mama: you can't change the facts on the ground regardless of corrupt judges or abusing an elderly dementiad person, the facts are clear the Aronim started a massive School System and in no time they will be the Majority even in Williamsburg which is the Hqtre's for Zali, why?? Because people are not crazy dummies!!! You can't steal and lie and then think that everybody will follow... It doesn't work like that anymore..maybe in Russia but not in the USA.
At 11:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Cut the Crap here, it is a well known secret who the leadership of the ZALIS are a bunch of THUGS and GONIFS so they showed the world that they are better legal minded then the truthful people, that's why they are THUGS John Gotti also got it his way until he was caught!!! SOIF GONIV L'TLIA!!!!
At 12:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
With all the infighting with both the Lubavs and Satmars, I'm glad Hashem made me a Litvak. We don't have to take sides and can concentrate on Mitzvos and Maisim Tovim, not machlokus.
At 12:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
There is an old saying" YOU CAN WIN THE BATTLE BUT NOT THE WAR" the zalis won the battle but not the war!! The masses are going after the older brother and the Zali's will have a lot of FOR LEASE sign's for buildings to lease out because its getting emptier and emptier....
At 12:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
excuse me but i think the aronim are the ones that are stealing and fist fighting.
and btw the aronim will be big one day yes, but they wont take away from the Zali's (who i can see be bigger)they are frum normal people as the aronim are known to be the oppisite
At 12:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
At the end of the day, it seems to be that Aron shot himself in the foot by ruling KJ with such an iron hand. This lead to the loss of the Williamsburg and the rise of the dissidents in KJ (which according to the voting info is no small group since Aron's mayor didnt win by that much last time around).
BTW, I'm not a Satmarer so I really couldnt care who wins. I'd actually prefer that Israel wins. LOL
At 12:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
This decision doesn't effect anything anyway, no building is changing hands, no minds are changing of who is right or wrong here, so who cares??
At 12:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Your glad to be a litvak? Those guys in bnei brak that are killing each other (ponovezh) what are they? s`yug l`chuchmo shtika. You just put your foot in your mouth
At 12:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
V'Raav Yaavod Tzuir - Parshas Toldos
At 12:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
This sounds like the classic Dr Seuss tale about the sneetches with the stars and the sneetches without the stars. To Anon 12:02 the Litvak -what about the fighting in Ponevich. It is I, a Yekke, who can claim to be the biggest Pay Tzadik.
What a laughing stock we have become. Hashem Yerachem.
At 12:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Litvak: You mean to learn and suck working Baei Batim for their hard earned monies. Show me 1 organizaton that was founded and being run by LITVAKS. You are a bunch of hypocites talking about mitzvohs and Masim Tovim...
At 12:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree this is a classic "WON THE BATTLE but LOST THE WAR" situation, the Aroini's are quickly gaining ground and the Zalis won a battle....
At 1:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Facts Facts Facts Facts
Ko lechai for Rabeini shlit"a 7564 kinderlach plus 664 Bacharim in yeshiva gedula 587 in yeshiva ketano all in willamsburg ,, in KJ 120 bachrim plus 1500 student's ,, and growing ,in boro park everybody admits %65 belonges to Rabbine shlit"a .... reb aaron has only 423 bucahrim ( i have the list of the collage program ) plus 343 in small tora yeshivas ,, in willamsburg you can look up the registerd students at www. us,gov they have 2238 students ,,, and you wining
At 1:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
don't understand why this dispute between the Satmars is in a goysha court. Aren't Yiddin supposed to avoid bringing our disputes before the secular courts? Am I missing something??
you are not missing anything. We are talking about evil, filthy chassidim. If this is what their leadership is like, imagine what the "ordinary" people are like. To hell with them.
At 1:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
1'06 is right we check'd it out look like the AHARUNIM ARE LOSING GROUND thats why reb AHRON is getting closer to other chasidus
At 1:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Facts facts facts facts by writing numbers that don't jive at all that doesn't make Zalmen for our Rebbe, you are making a mockery of yourself by writing these numbers that everybody knows its false I.E. 1500 students? How ridiculous can u be? The real truth hurts which is R'Aaron is gaining ground very quickly and is the undisputed Torah Authority on all Yiddishkeit matters not Mafia style....
At 1:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
1;06 you have a mistake about Monroe Bucharim i have the list i work for them its not 423 ..its 432
At 1:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Let them continue fiting each other, as long as they are fiting among themselves the rest of us out there have Menucha. Did you already forgot what it was like before?
At 1:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
waiter! check, please.
At 1:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Court said "Go to Din Tora" not here in secular court!!! Now who doesn't want to go Din Tora? Clearly Zalmen!! Because a younger brother according to the Tora doesn't get what he and his cronies stole!!!! Check with any Rabbi or look back in history.
At 1:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
1:06. WWWHHHAAATTT??? you have in willi maybe 7000 children inclu. Bucherem. plus about 580 Queens students (I HAVE A LIST). BP: not even 40%!!!. KY: about 1000 kids. 90 Bucherem. WE HAVE: willi: over 3500 kids plus about 350 Bucherem. BP: over 60%! KY: over 5500 children. over 700 Bucherem in Yeshiva Gedola!!! so who is a reall winner??? thats without we have much more in the whole world!
At 1:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
You don't like that Ahron is getting closer to other chassidus? Well this is exactly why we don't want you and your goons led by Zali because you always wanted FIGHTS machlokes, its about time that we should ALL get closer and have peace not Mafia Gang wars...
At 1:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
I propose Chassidus just end. Its all fake anyway. Let them return to the way things always were. They just make things worse.
At 1:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Mr. 133pm anonymous;
please excuse my ignorance;
Where does it say in the Torah that an older brother iherits his father's chasidus?
At 1:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
You are fiting like little children, I HAVE MORE. NO! I HAVE MORE.
What diference does it make how much beef each of you have?
Go Get a life.
At 2:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
"why can't we all just get along??"
even rodney king sounded smarter than satmars that work so hard at not getting along.
everybody choose a rebbe.
don't interest yourselves in other people's choices.
learn torah.
At 2:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
i am not satmar i daven CHASAN SOFER . but i was this week at the DINER of REB MAYER BAL HANES and SATMAR REBBE OF WILLAMSBURG came i cant get over the KOVED he got it look like he won the battle
At 2:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
yes 1:33. In fact if you lookI diont think it says anywhere in the torah about rebbes.
At 3:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
A pleasant story about a group of controlled mafia are claiming victory over thousands of peoples money and belongings.
A few hundred took over thousands of people and assets of millions forever.
People donated millions over 60 years for satmar and now its in pocket of a few hunger monsters.
This story is such a shame because a few corrupt low-lifes like Ed Reich, [In Jail] Mel Barasch, and Scott Mollen, Michel Pesce, and others, who have used the system and made every tech issue of the system for their gain.
Each story they told, they reversed themselves in the course of the arguments as always.
As an outsider get so confused when they saw and elderly Grand Rabbi in the ’90s with extreme Alzheimer’s, they took advantage of the stranger world view of the satmar dynasty and played they Brooklyn corrupt judicial for there gain politically and financially.
If you are on the board a corrupt judge throws you away, if you are not on the board you are allowed to act as a board member by a corrupt judge.
If you are not getting help in the donations form satmar folks you may stiffen millions from the bank of congress financial you are a HERO, and getting away with it.
Members of satmar, bought seats in a new synagogue and invested over $7m, they are now not getting after 12 years nothing, because of a belzer schmuk BABAD, who participated in this fight for no good reason.
Again & again a few hunger low bums starved for power and money and jobs have succeeded in a community where they abused trust of over 60 years in the making, by low altitude minded guys form Auschwitz.
Satmar is no Satmar any more, and power they starved for is not their any more, but a divided disputed community and sect forever ever.
At 3:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
The same thing happened when Aron came to KJ and when his father became Rebbe... As then as now...
At 3:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
B"H I am not affiliated with any of you argumentive Chassidim, misnagdim, Lubavitch etc. I am just plain Jewish and frum and I daven to the One and Only Hashem.
At 3:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
3'05 you are right ,,keep it up . you the best
At 3:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have a simple question. The new shul that they are building, I'm assuming went to Zalmen. When is that building going to be finished? Since I'm a little boy, whenever my family drove from flatbush to Willy to eat the best deli in the world at Gottleibs, my dad pointed out wherev the new shul was supposed to be built.
So, When is tha shul going to be completed?
At 3:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 305 lets get together and at least get back our money for the seats in the new beth hamedrosh i gave over $4000
At 4:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
12:42 pm - just to name a few - Chai Lifeline, Shuvu, Echo, Agudas Yisroel
At 4:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
just to let you know! its not over! we gonna fight it out all the way! we will appeal it all the way! Sof Kol Sof Vet Der Emes Zigen! The Rutzen from the Rabbe Z"L will be Mekiyem! his oldest son the Satmara Rabbe will be his fully M'Mala Mukem! lets wait and see! every good thing comes hard! but dont worry Lochen Vet Ver S'Locht Di Latzta!
At 4:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
yes 1:33. In fact if you lookI diont think it says anywhere in the torah about rebbes.
2:28 PM
At 4:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. 3:05pm
Speak English much?
Please ask your wife, neighbor, or housekeeper to check your emails before you press send; so we may understand what you are talking about.
At 4:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. 4:14pm
You seem to believe that HaRav Aaron Titelbaum, Shlita is the Satmar Rav.
Why can't you be happy with that?
Do you believe that continued fighting will get people that follow HaRav Zalman Titlebaum, Shlita to change over to your opinion?
And, why do you care?
You have your rebbe, they have their rebbe.
Now lets get back to learning Torah.
Chaim Tovim v'Shulom
At 4:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
why are you crying on your lose ,, the aharunim started the court .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and the tora says ....... VaHe Lo Sitzlach
At 5:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hashem in heavan konws that R'aron is right and he is the YORESH, give it a few years and evreybody will see who is right
At 6:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
can someone please explain to me why this was dealt with in new york state courts rather than the beis din??? im sorry not so envolved and dont know the intricacies and just wondering why what looks to me like a huge chillul Hashem is hapeneing?
At 6:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
go aron go rebbe was senile when he calledin zalman everyone knows this
At 6:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
In the same Simon in Shilchon Aurech where it says that you are not allowed to go in Court, it also says an exception that if the other party is Mesarev L'Din then you are allowed to go to Court!
So what was the problem with going to Court by the Aroinim's side?
At 7:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
is it just me; or do the Aaron supporters that write to this website seem to have strange obsessive behavior. the Zalman followers are excitable, but the Aaron folowers are really over the top.
how many times are they going to say; "we lost but we really won" or "we are going to win" or "we are going to fight until we win"
But not one of them ever makes clear what they want to accomplish by winning.
so i ask: what do the Aaron followers want by winning?
At 7:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
What we want by winning is to get back what is rightfully ours: the Mosdos and batei Midrashim that we built with our sweat and blood!! Why should we be the one to shell out now over FIFTY MILLION dollars to build new Mosdos? They want someone else to be Rebbi Granted, Spend the Money and show that you can build without stealing our properties!!! Do you know the Maimer Chazal "Hirtzachta V'gam Y'rashta"??
At 8:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
To the guy who is asking about Inheriting the Rabbanus according to the Tora? I don't think this is the only issue here, what about the reported over $80 Million dollars that the father left (don't forget he was rich even before becoming Rabbi) not a penny went to R'Ahron, what about the House? Why should it go to the FOURTH child? Everything? All his belongings? Everything for the FOURTH child? Is this what the Torah says?.....
At 8:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
why do you need to build new mosdos.
You certainly have fine mosdos and a beautiful (and large) bais medrash in KJ.
and nobody from willburg is trying to take them from you.
they have willburg. you have kj.
what's the problem.
At 8:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 7:52 The Zali's will never be able to build anew from scratch what the Ahroin's are doing now! That's why they fighted tooth and nail to win because they new that if they lose the properties they are finished, from the other side the Aroini's it would have been nice and sweet to win so they don't have to spend Millions on new properties, but they are capable of putting it together from the beginning and by the end of game their Williamsburg Instituitions will look a lot better then the Zali's eventhough they own Half Billion Dollar properties
At 8:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
do you really believe that Aaron Teitlebaum got nothing, and Zalman Teitlebaum got everything.
Have you heard this from Aaron Teitlebaum. Or are you so naieve that you believe the inflating bube maises that spread around in the batei medrashim.
At 8:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
To 8:08pm You are saying that willi should go for Z and KJ for A, well I guess you don't know what's going on here! There are literally THOUSENDS of satmar families in willi who don't want to have any connection to the mafia, they want to be connected to their Rebbe who was their Rosh Yeshiva for all the years and who the Old rebbe OBM always spoke of so highly and clearly wanted him to be his successor, he said this to many people, and these people just refuse to be connected to someone and again I am not saying that Z is not a nice guy but he connected himself with all the enemies of the old Rebbe OBM just to spite the older brother, these people refuse to be CONTROLED by mafia gangsters.
At 8:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
8:11pm You don't believe that R'Ahron got Nothing? Well, who is sleeping in the fathers house on Bedford Ave.? Who is using the fathers house in the back of the Rodney st. Shul? Who is using the Fathers Summer house in Swan Lake? Who is wearing the fathers Bekitche's and Shtreimel on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur? Who is using the fathers house in Boro park? I can go on and on and on? U still don't believe it?
At 8:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. 8:09PM
If the money is no big deal for you and your Aaroni friends why make such a big chilul HaShem?
The Zali's will have the schools they already have, the Aaroni's are so very rich (as you indicated) that they will build beautiful new schools. There will be wonderful Yiddish chinuch all the way around. So why not forget the whole fighting thing, and be good neighbors. nu? it could work.
At 8:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who was the first one to say that ONLY he can call himself SATMAR? Isn't KJ a satmar enclave? Didn't the father make him Rosh Yeshiva and later Rav still in his healthy years? Didn't the father put him in charge of every yiddishkeit matter that came up all the years? So why is the FOURTH child denying the right to use the name satmar for the FIRST child?
At 9:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
if Reb Aaron wouldn't have tried taking everything before is father died maybe he would have gotten something. now its to late.
At 10:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
who cares???
At 10:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
REB ZALMEN LEIB won a long time ago he control ten botei medroshim in willamsburg REB Ahron only TWO
At 10:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
yes win or no win Rabbi Zalmen Shlit"a sits on his fathers seat
At 10:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Both groups will lose all soon!
check out the following:!
A90: United Nations to Confiscate "All" Private Property
Bush has established guidelines for "suspending" the election in the event of a "terrorist attack"
Credible evidence exists to indicate that Bush himself is the terrorist
At the end of this article are a large number of links showing details of the shadow government's intentions to trigger war on US Soil and to incarcerate dissidents in concentration camps a la Guantanamo. Included in these links is a detailed US Army Field Manual showing specifics pertaining to the Civilian Interment (concentration camps) Bush intends to put us in if we attempt to oppose the New World Order.
Lest you scoff and attempt to say this could "never happen" on US soil, I solemnly remind you that it already HAS and IS happening..... it happened during the Civil War with huge numbers of Union Troops being housed in Confederate Army concentration camps, it happened again during WW2 with huge numbers of innocent Japanese civilians on US soil, and its happening right now at Guantanamo Bay Cuba, and in prisons in the US where many alleged "terrorists" are being held without trials in total violation of their due process rights.
On June 19, 2004 the British Medical Journal has documented Bush's plan to screen the entire US population for mental illness
This is confirmed by World Net Daily
Both articles heavily document Bush connections with prominent psychiatric drug manufacturer Eli Lilly which contributed heavily to Bush's campaigns both as governor of Texas and in his run for Presidential office.
> > We Have A Very Serious And Urgent Problem In Our Country - download a 30 minute video clip of this German's analysis of 9/11 evidence
At 10:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
i am not satmar i daven CHASAN SOFER . but i was this week at the DINER of REB MAYER BAL HANES and SATMAR REBBE OF WILLAMSBURG came i cant get over the KOVED he got it look like he won the battle
2:02 PM
You're spelling shows you learned in Satmer
At 10:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
The guy who is talking about the Dinner of Reb Meir Baal Haness in Boro Park, Big Deal!! I can assure you that if the older more charismatic would have been there he would have had more Koved then the Younger bum, but he doesn't care about this kind of Koved and besides that this dinner doesn't make it or break it on the issue of who the masses are going after, facts can't get ignored the older brother is a serious speaker and he captures the audience unlike the younger brother who doesn't have these kind of skills at all.
At 11:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have it on good authority that Aaron and Zalman realized a long time ago that nothing motivates chasidim to donate money like a good machlokes. This whole machlokes was planned by them as a good business move and you all fell for it hook, line and sinker.
At 12:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you ZALI you put the AHARONIM in place
At 2:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
YiddishMama I forgot to ask you! You didn't answer why is a FOURTH child getting EVERYTHING from the fathers Yerusha? EVERY personnal and sentimental and property? Isn't there other heirs? Isn't there the oldest brother? Who according to the TORAH gets double????
At 2:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
The guy who is talking about the Dinner of Reb Meir Baal Haness in Boro Park, Big Deal!! I can assure you that if the older more charismatic would have been there he would have had more Koved then the Younger bum, but he doesn't care about this kind of Koved and besides that this dinner doesn't make it or break it on the issue of who the masses are going after, facts can't get ignored the older brother is a serious speaker and he captures the audience unlike the younger brother who doesn't have these kind of skills at all.
11:37 AM
and even though he lost so what does that tell you
Stop using the ugly language on your beloved Rebbes son
At 2:12 PM,
Just Trying said…
JUST A FEW QUESTIONS: Do we sacrifice so much (extra financial burden of running a frum home, denying ourselves pleasures that are prohibited AL Pi Toarh, etc.) FOR THIS GARBAGE?
Who cares who's bigger-There are many times more Yankee fans out there than either Zali's OR Ahroni's! Shall we therefore "convert"?
Did any of those busy with this garbage ever SERIOUSLY consider why the founders of Chassidus started Chassidus in the first place: As what they believed to be the "best" way to pull closer to Hashem?!
I think that the fact that this fight goes on and on only proves that many of us have lost touch with our bigger purpose...
And if you don't believe that Chassidus had/has a bigger purpose, but feel it's just a community/country club thing, what Heter do you have taking it to heart so much, Shelo L'shem Shomayim?
Finally, did you ever stop to think about the spiritual destruction this emptiness causes for our children's future? Could it possibly be that when they go thru emotional difficulties, for example, they may become lax in their observance, SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY WERE NEVER TAUGHT TO FEEL FULFILLMENT IN YIDDESHKEIT, ONLY AGGRESIVE SELFISHNESS!!! There is no doubt in my mind that the damage has already been done, and that the repurcussions will be felt for many years...
At 2:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Interesting YiddishMama who says is NOT satmar Knows: 1) what the Rabbi wanted! 2) that the Rabbi didn't have Alzhiemers! And I can go on and on with your lenghty distorted lies that you are writing.. I can only give you some advice! Make sure that the check you are getting from the Zali team clears your bank!!!! Because they are known to bounce a lot.....
At 2:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
in the times of Dovid HaMelekh, the Aronim would be on the side of Dovid's brother. Later on, when it was time for Shlomo HaMelekh to take control, they would have been again on the wrong side. There is no immediate "eldest son rules" rule in Yiddishkeit. Am Ha'aratzim, go learn. perhaps, then you won't have time to blog stupidities.
At 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
YiddishMama You are so wrong with your nice story that its laughable...the people behind the terror all the years are ALL now at the forefront of the ZALI team!!!! Even TODAY and I mean TODAY they terrorized the people in the Ahron camp for making official peace with BELZ!!! (Check this out)
At 2:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think Yidish Mama made an excellent point. From an outsider (my family is heimish) the conduct of Satmar chasidim lokks no different than the conduct of hooligans in the inner city. If you disagreed with satmar, they beat the crap ou of you. I remember when Agudah had a rally in Manhattan angainst the Isreal Supreme Court, the Satmar hooligans let the air out of the tires of the buses going from Williamsburg. The point is, their altitude has always been "our way or the high way." They never seem to realize that ther are other Choshivu yidden in the woirld besides their rebbe. Yes, Reb, Yoel was a tzadik, but so was the Kleisenburger Rebbe, R' Ahron Kotler, etc and they disagreed with the Satmar "shita".
Now the chicken has come home to roost, in a sense that most of the hooligans side with Ahron and cant belive that their terroristic ways are not working. Even storning a shul on Sukkos didnt work. Their altitude is "who the hell is the courts of NY to tell us who owns what."
I think maybe, just maybe, they'll figure out that maybe hardball tactics work only in the short term ,but in the long term, they lose.
At 2:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nobody says that Zalman shouldn't be A Rabbi!! Its the STEALING part that is at issue here!
At 4:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yiddish Mama the one who is distorting facts here is none other then you!! Who Yelled at the shabbas Aufruf and disrupted the service BEFORE the big wedding in 1984? It was Alter Moshe Goldberger who has a Hotline now and is a big Chussid of Zalmen!!!he and all the likes of him are the troublemakers all these years in Satmar, those people are all affiliated with Zalmen!!
At 4:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
YIDDISH MAMA please reveal your real name its the PR firm of GEORGE ARTZ COMMUNICATION.....
At 4:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who helped R'Yisroel Hager all the years he was in exile here in the U.S. And who helped him with his financial problems he had? It was no other then R'AHRAN!!!!
At 4:57 PM,
Just Trying said…
JUST A FEW QUESTIONS: Do we sacrifice so much (extra financial burden of running a frum home, denying ourselves pleasures that are prohibited AL Pi Toarh, etc.) FOR THIS GARBAGE?
Who cares who's bigger-There are many times more Yankee fans out there than either Zali's OR Ahroni's! Shall we therefore "convert"?
Did any of those busy with this garbage ever SERIOUSLY consider why the founders of Chassidus started Chassidus in the first place: As what they believed to be the "best" way to pull closer to Hashem?!
I think that the fact that this fight goes on and on only proves that many of us have lost touch with our bigger purpose...
And if you don't believe that Chassidus had/has a bigger purpose, but feel it's just a community/country club thing, what Heter do you have taking it to heart so much, Shelo L'shem Shomayim?
Finally, did you ever stop to think about the spiritual destruction this emptiness causes for our children's future? Could it possibly be that when they go thru emotional difficulties, for example, they may become lax in their observance, SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY WERE NEVER TAUGHT TO FEEL FULFILLMENT IN YIDDESHKEIT, ONLY AGGRESIVE SELFISHNESS!!! There is no doubt in my mind that the damage has already been done, and that the repurcussions will be felt for many years...
(I know, I posted this once before and it was ignored, does that prove my point even more-that nobody here cares? Where are the level-headed people?)
At 6:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
YIDDISH MAMA the person in the Zali camp who told you to write about REB BEREL FRIEDMAN gave you the wrong info., R'Berel is the son of the legendary REB LIPA FRIEDMAN who built Satmar from scratch and R'BEREL was his fathers right hand man all the years that he ran Satmar, HE AIN'T NO STRANGER like you describe him as an "INNOCENT HUNGARIAN"!!!!!
At 7:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
this is to all the so-called frum yidden who are willing to write hateful stories that will only make our beloved "friends" also known as anti-semites smile, rejoice--and look forward to the future--they know that they won't have much left to do to finish us of for good.
if any one of you deep-thinking people believe that tzaddikim's neshomos are able to look down from gan eden and see what is going on in the world they worked so hard to re-build after so many of their families were destroyed forever, what do you think they will see? anyone of you ever stop and think why that gehinnom also known as the holocaust happened? and if you did stop and think--you tell us what these incredible heilige neshomos are "seeing" and "feeling" -( i don't know the proper words to describe what and if neshomos see and feel)
have all of you chassidim made these neshomos proud--have all of you made sure that whenever you pass away and you will have to face your leader, R' Yoel zt"l that you so revered and respected and loved--what do you think will be your greeting from him? or do you ever think of the anguish and heartache that must be going on in the place that this heilige dor rests--
shame on all of you for destroying what these survivors of the holocaust worked endlessly to re-build. shame on all of the so-called chassidim who have nothing to do then make a mockery and a terrible joke of that which gedolim and incredible tzaddikim, the likes of which we will never be zoche to see again, built with blood, sweat, and endless tears.
we all know that in yemei moshiach our leaders will become those who in reality are led by the klal, we all know that we are very close to that time. and it is exactly what is happening now.
has anyone thought about what the price will be in human lives to get to the days of moshiach as a result of this senseless, bitter, and public fighting?
Hashem yishmor.
I go out to my parents kevoros regularly in kiryas yoel. and all I see there are matzeivos describing people who have passed on in the most praise worthy words, the kovod for the meisim is beyond measure. and I ask again--is this what all those neshomos are zoche to see? is this what will bring them onto the next level in gan eden? is this why we go out during the yomim noraim and daven they should be our meilitz yosher? is this what our tehillim is worth?
has anyone stopped for a moment to think the repercussions of this useless bitter endless fighting? does anyone remember what brought about the churban? and all it was was because one person shamed one other person in public. only ONE --imagine what would have happened to klal yisroel then if thousands destroyed thousands of others. imagine for a moment what kind of punishment will be ours--all of ours--not only the satmar chassidim--every one of us yidden--when the Ribono Shel Olom decides that He has suffered enough from our selfish hatred, jew against jew. if any of you ever spoke to your parents or grandparents about what horrific animalistic suffering they went through, indescribable heinos acts of violence at the hands of goyim, not jews, nazi's yimach sh'mom who hated us-- believe me when I say it will be nothing compared to what will be our deserved punishment for the stupid senseless hatred taking place, jew agaist jew, in wmsbg., kj and bnei brak.
and to my great sorrow it will be all of us , even those who never took part in any way in this public shaming of am yisroel, all of us will go through a churban the likes of which will make WWII a joke.
stop and think what you are allowing to happen all in the name of $$, kovod and winning. stop and think what your parents and grandparents and the tzaddik, R' Yoel, would want you to do, and how he would ask you to behave.
and try to ask yourself if all these abnormal terrible tragedies happening almost EVERY DAY, yes EVERY DAY, fatal accident after fatal accident--and sickness without end, children dying, young fathers and mothers being buried by their parents -- and ask yourselves why. Why are such tragedies coming one after another.
think carefully if this is really what our Heilige Tatte in himmel wants of us. and when you daven sh'monei esreh, think carefully what you are saying when you came to the part of Av Harachamim.
and please remember those of us who really care what happens to each and every person in klal yisroel. and ask yourself if it is all worth it.
I am begging all of you,for the sake of my parents, and all of my grandparents and aunts and uncles who I was never zoche to know, who now that they are gone, I only want to make them proud of me and my family, please stop this public churban before a real churban min hashomyim is brought upon us.
I believe this is what our beloved R' Yoelish would want. I really do. And after this note, I hope and daven you will agree with me.
At 9:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Since I am the 100th Post on this topic I would like to close this subject with the posuk "OSEH SHALOM BIMROMOV HU YASEH SHALOM ULAINU V'Al KOL YISROEL" and by the way "GO ARONI's"
At 9:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 7:37 Beautiful and touching and very moving Musser Shmuess that you gave us, BUT you what you don't understand is that the people who come to these blogs are looking for these kinda stories!!! That's why they are here!! Otherwise they would go in Shul or visit the sick or else, but they choose to read the smut and crap and fart of every A hole who has to say something.... U UNDERSTAND?
At 8:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
go Aaron! what is he a yankee fan??
or maybe an olympic runner! who knows maybe he even runs in the Marthon.
sounds like it I keep on seeing people write Go Aaron GO!
At 8:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
It is Interesting to Note that the person who writes all the pro Zali stuff here is one of the official names on this Blog! Click on YIDDISHMAMA and it comes up all the names from this blog! Looks like the PR companies the Zalis hired are infiltrating everything....
At 11:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
8:53 Yea she is the MAMA of PR not YIDDISH but GOYISH and ZALISH!!
At 7:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yidish Mama, you mean from people like you to the judges on the NYS Court of Appeals. (In NYS, the lowest court is the supreme court and the highest one is the Court of Appeals. This latest rejection of Aron's claim, came from the Court of Appeals.) Sorry I couldnt resis commenting. I'm one of those law geeks, otherwise known as a "lawyer"
At 1:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yiddish MaMa what are you talking about? "If R'Aharon Wouldn't fight Chutspadig" ????do you know what you write? Obviously not!!! Because if you would know the facts you would have been ashamed of yourself!!!! What Happened has nothing with R'Aharon who Rav Wosner just Yesterday night at the reception in Bnei Brak Crowned him as Satmar Rabbi, it was the Secretary of the old Rabbi and his friend a Tycoon who decided to throw out a legal board of 80 people who created and still inflame this whole fiasco!!!!
At 10:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
I grew up in Satmar in Williamsburg, and learned in the Rebbe's z'l yeshiva at 550 Bedford, and lived in the dormatory across from the The Satmar Ruv's house. When I say "the Rebbe" Z'L, or the Ruv, I mean R'Yoilish, Zchisoi Yugein Uleini.
For a good part of my life, when people asked me, "Whose chossid are you?" I proudly replied, "I am a Satmar Chussid."
After "The Rebbe's" ZT'L heilige neshama was nistaleik, things started to change.
I saw things that "embarrassed" me. I saw supposedly yirei shumayim act towards other with a great lack of kovoid.
I saw his Rebetzin receive much less than the respect that was due her, both on her own merit as well as on the merit of her late husband, our Rebbe.
I saw a split between a once very unified group dedicated to Torah and G'Milas Chasudim, and a beginning of focus on pushing each other around.
I went to visit friends in KY and found the Rebbe's dream, the dream of a community dedicated to unity and to Satmar families raising their children in the Satmar way of Torah, Yiras Shumayim and Gemilas Chasudim turned into a "community" of two kehilas. The Bnai Yoel, and the rest. My friend's home was right outside of the "village" to make sure they were not in Aron's kehila. My friend and his family are some of the kindest, most wonderful people I have ever met, and I had tears in my eyes that they felt they needed to build their home "across the border" from the village that was our Rebbe's dream.
Then I went to visit a friend "in the Village" and heard LH about the Bnei Yoel.
Both friends who always were gentle, talmedei chachomim, and wonderful people were on opposite sides of a growing chasm.
Meanwhile, I went to the Rebbe's Tziyun, and was appalled by the condition of the beis hakvorois! It looked like some old semi-abandoned cemetery. Oh, sure, the Tziyum was nice, but the rest just seemed run down. Not the kovoid that these tzadikim who are buried there deserve.
I was horrified. With some many other things that need attention, these wonderful Yidden are focused on macholkes instead of working on what needs to be done.
I drove away in tears.
By this time, when people asked me the questions "Vehmen's Chussid Bist Di?" I hesitated.... not sure how to respond.
Then, after the petira of Aron and Zali's father, and even before, when I started to see this vast split between them, I was even more horrified.
I am sorry, both sides have been and are still acting in ways that they would be ashamed to act in from of the Satmar Rov, R Yoilish, ZY'U.
Last year, I needed to choose a mesader kedishin for my upcoming chasina that was last Ellil (not this past Ellil, but the one before. I am married now 15 months). (unfortunately not my first marriage.)
I wanted all my friends to be able to attend and be happy.
Where do I make it? Whom to I ask to be mesader kedishin?
After seeing and hearing the actions of both brothers, I felt I did not wish either one to be there.
So, I made my chasina in Krasne, and asked R Avruhom Leitner, Shlita, the Montevideo Rov to be my mesader kidishin.
At my chusson's tish, a friend's brother asked me, "So, Vehemen's Chussid bist di?"
I replied with tears in my eyes, "I am a chussid of the Freeidiker Satmar Rov, R Yoilish, Zichisoi Yugein Uleini. I have nothing againts the present rebbe or his sons, but I do not feel right saying I am a chussid of any one of them."
No, I am not a bnei Yoel, for that label seems to imply a willful split.
I want no part of any machlokes at all.
I moved away from NY. I am now in a smaller Yiddishe community that is mixed. Chassidim of various rebbes misnagdim, yeshivish and even some Chabadniks. We all get along.
There are even some Tzioinim here, who know I am a Satmar chussid, and are so impressed that I can sit down and talk to them nicely, that they now listen and think.. Some now state publicly that they do not support the "medina" anymore.
Gentle, "ahavas yisroel" works and communicates so much better that fighting and name calling.
They all know me as their "friend the Satmar Chusid" .... but when asked specifically today, "Whose chussid are you?"
I reply, "I am a chussid of the previous Satmar Rov, R' Yoilish, ZT'L. Not wishing to encourage machlokes or misunderstandings, I say, "I knew R Yoilish personally, ate Shabbos at the Rebbetzin's A'H, many times, and was fahered by the Satmar Rov as my Rosh Yeshiva. A few times I helped the hoze bucher put away The Rebbe's seforim. I "KNEW" my rebbe.
Unfortunately, since I now live away from NY, I can't really say that I "KNOW" these two brothers, I have never met them personally. So until I do, I still stay I am a Chussid of R' Yoilish ZT'L"
But to be 100% honest, I am embarrassed to pick either side today. They are both acting in ways that I can't back or support.
This is all about Hashem Yisburach, not about who controls which of the moisdois. It is about supporting Toirah, not about infighting. It is about helping any Yid in need, not about spending money on machlokes. It is about making a kiddish Hashem, not a Chillil Hashem..
Please all of you, "Bnei Yoil'", "Aronis" and "Zalis" and members of any other spliter group ... please stop this. Is this what you want others to think of Satmar? Is this what Satmar represents?
I remember being at the Rebbe's tish many times when rabbonim from ALL walks of Yiddishkeit would walk in and were treated with equal respect and koved.
My Rebbe, the Satmar Rov, Zechisoi Yugain Uleini supported all types of Yeshivos... in fact he was a major financial supporter of a certain Litvisher Yeshiva during a multi year financial crisis they had. He must be in tears over what Satmar has turned into.
Please, in his zchis, let's all try to live in a way to make him proud.
Of course, Hashem Yisburach would probably like it too.
Anything I wrote above was NOT intended to hurt anyone's feelings. It was only the observations of my limited abilities and the feeling deep in my tear-filled heart.
May be have shuloim and work toward bias hamushiach.....
And remember, those in the "other" camp, are not XXXXX's (words that should not be uttered) ... they are fellow Yidden! Fellow Satmar Chassidim!
Please forgive any typos and/or misspellings, I am too upset to proof read.
Kol Tiv
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