Tehran, Iran - Prosecutor Demands Arrest of Argentinean Officials
Tehran, Iran - A top Iranian prosecutor demanded an arrest warrant be issued for Argentinean judges and prosecutors, after Argentina demanded the arrest of Iranian officials over the bombing of a Jewish center.
At 9:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
So, will they have a million brainwashed Islamic idiots demonstrating in the streets of Tehran, with their usual "Death To The Infidels!" baloney, like they did when some Danish cartoonist "insulted the Muslim uumah by ridiculing the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him"? And will their terrorist thug President I'm-a-mas-jihadi be up there on the platform, egging them on, like a cheerleader?
The sooner someone -- the US, Israel, whoever -- napalms this clown, his "spiritual leader" Atatollah Cock-a-mamie and the rest of these nutballs, the closer world peace will be brought.
At 8:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kudos to the Argentinians for publicly standing up for their citizens; this is the only language Iran understands.
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