New Square Heimishe Family Evicted
Ramapo, New Square. Police officers spent the night guarding the house after some mischief was done like windows got broken by rocks and the water turned on inside, from upset neighbors, because an outside company has bought the house on 9 Eisenhower Ave. and evicted its tenants in this insular Chasidich Jewish community and the potential of non community members moving into this village.
They also attempt to remove the police officers watching the building by calling 911 indicating that a shooting, a suicidal EDP and a fight in some other areas in the village to have the officers leave the house but other officers respond to this calls.
They also attempt to remove the police officers watching the building by calling 911 indicating that a shooting, a suicidal EDP and a fight in some other areas in the village to have the officers leave the house but other officers respond to this calls.
At 1:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Police stopping ehlicher yiddin from living in their own shtetl, kill the mother f****krs.
At 2:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why do you say so, why didn't anyone in the leadership try to help this guy before the bank took action, why wasn't he responsible to ask for help before it got out of hand, its the easiest think to blame the police its always their fold, they have to do what they have swearn to do and that's to protect everyone, even someone that doesn't go to the Rabbis Tish or dosn't belong to this community and even you.
At 3:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
what does everyone want from New Squere, such a quite shtetel where almost all the people learn and pray all day! Why are you all so happy sounding and anti village?
somehow I always find that people hate that place, I could never figure out why! their rabbi dosnt talk on anyone..
Perhaps because it is the only vilage stil living like it would be part of the USSR.....
At 4:27 PM,
Thanks for voicing your opinion
At 9:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Did you know that the owner of this home has a child that's disabled, and he has Ben laid of work for some time now, maybe you help him get a job back and he can help his family and his disabled child a life and a home, and what do you want from the rebbe, he is not god, he cannot help all the people, at ones.....
At 11:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
its a shame a community not to be responsible, and than they cry racism when something is being done against them
At 4:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
they do this a lot in KJ Monroe, they let the house go to foreclosure and they buy it for the lowest price
At 12:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Rumor has it that when Gorbachev came to the US, he met with the Skverer Rebbe and congratulated him on bringing communism to the us.
At 10:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
yes and it still is that way
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