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Friday, August 26, 2005

Bid To Seize PLO House In Manhattan

On Spt. 13 The Ungar family an American Jewish family, is scheduled to go to court to ask a federal judge to order the building at 115 E. 65th St. the Palestinians' U.N. Mission building in Manhattan to be sold and the proceeds $115 million to be given to Ungar's kin.

Yaron Ungar's surviving family, won a huge judgment from the Palestinians last year after suing them for their role in a 1995 Hamas terror attack, in which Yaron Ungar and his wife, were ambushed by Hamas gunman and killed, they died in front of their children.

The Palestinians tried to get the suit thrown out, arguing sovereign immunity. When that was rejected, they failed to defend themselves, leading to a huge summary judgement against them


  • At 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    that would be a small touch of justice... it wouldn't stop the plo from killing more, and there's plenty of money..nebach the ungar family, wont get their family back


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