With Fuel Prices Hitting Record Highs, In Brooklyn You Could Get a Bargain
When it comes to getting a relative gas bargain, Brooklyn is King.
With fuel prices hitting record highs around the country, Brooklyn, for the most part, is the easiest on motorists' wallets.
Experts are at a loss to explain why gas prices in Kings County often were below the average in the city for regular. Gas prices were highest in Manhattan. There weren't many bargains to be found outside of Brooklyn.
With fuel prices hitting record highs around the country, Brooklyn, for the most part, is the easiest on motorists' wallets.
Experts are at a loss to explain why gas prices in Kings County often were below the average in the city for regular. Gas prices were highest in Manhattan. There weren't many bargains to be found outside of Brooklyn.
At 12:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
I guess your brklyn isn't my brklyn
At 12:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
why, in your Brooklyn they are not mixing?
At 1:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
i don't know where they get they're #'s from. true there are several cheap places in bklyn but so are there in the bronx
At 1:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
lets all move to nj its alot cheaper there and it full service
At 2:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Where's the important news like the fact our "Yiddeshe Mishpochco's" in eretz yiroel are being thrown out of their homes in Gush katif, Neve Dekalim, etc. etc..... by yiddeshe "soldires"
How can we just sit by and watch it's brutal....
At 3:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
What are we supose to do about it fight back and get beat up by the "nazi" thats what they are its realy sad but what can we do hashem is showing us that we need to do schuva FAST!!!!!!!
At 3:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
ohhhhhh yeeeeeeessssss!!!!!
At 4:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
I knew some people would jump on the "satmar bandwagon" but from the pictures all over the news I don't see one! satmarer chosid there!! I see Yidden and that's it!!
Besides the rebbe's speak of how bad the use of the internet and television's are I'm sure you own a T.V.
You have an opportunity to listen to the rebbe in front of you and you chose not to, are you any better then the people who were born and raised in the eretz hakodoaisha??
Oh! and when you to say well I never went to Israel...my response to you is your right, in your twisted mind going to Atlantic City with all the Pritzus and Minuvalim is probaly better.
And just in case you have trouble reading here are some pictures.
If you can look at the way these Yidden are being treated and say "well the satmar rebbe said..." and look away you might just be palastinean..
At 5:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
looking forward to the day sharon is forced to give away his ranch to the arabs
At 8:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
as gush katif becomes judenrein-
the jewish soldiers evict yidden from shuls, destroy mikvas, kollels-
all we can talk about is the fuel prices-
Which Rebbe would advocate shuls/kollels/mikvas being destroyed? Maybe the rebbe of those meshugaim in niturei karta.
we all cryed in '67- even the tzionim- jerusalem remains divided, chevron, schem.
bk5454, jerusalem and chevron are not part of your mesora? kollel yeshiva and mikva are not either?
I bet I know what is part of your mesora, medicaid, foodstamps, section 8, stealing robbing and lying, as long as the shtreimel stays on.
At 11:19 AM,
The price of gas at stations off New Jersey’s two main toll roads can be a bargain when prices are volatile.
At 7:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
vos is neias should have said:
it is horribel what is happening in the Holy Land. My hart & tfilos go out to the holy settelers, especially those of the gaza strip.
vos is neias- we are all yentas, but some discretion is in order...
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