Manhattan +Homicide @ Indonesian Consulet+

Manhattan +Homicide @ Indonesian Consulet+ NYPD Sgt of the 19th Pct is calling for a level one mobilization at 5 East 68th Street between 5th and Madison Avenue's at the Indonesian Consulet in regards to a perp and evidence serach for a serious assault in the basement of the consulate on a member of the Indonesian Consulet with one victim DOA, ECT, K-9 requested, and ESU to secure the crime scene.
U/D: 01/30/06 23:56
Authorities said that he took his own life by repeatedly stabbing himself with various knives in a gruesome fashion.
The man's wife told investigators that she believed he had suffered a mental breakdown and said he was supposed to be taking medication for a psychological disorder, a high-ranking police investigator, speaking on condition of anonymity, said.
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