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Sunday, February 19, 2006

NYC Cops On Their Lunch Break

NYC Police officers sat down to eat lunch in a Restaurant in Times Square, for two grilled chicken salads, one sandwich special and a roast-chicken platter, when they spotted a 29 year-old Russian immigrant from Bensonhust, withdrawing loads and loads of money from an ATM machine. After inserting ATM card after ATM card with stolen account numbers and withdrawing handfuls after handfuls of cash, the cops arrested him when he tried to exit the restaurant. He was found with $7,504 and 52 blank ATM cards.
After the arrest, the Secret Service took the case over as they have been investigating this person with the FBI. After initially saying that he found the cards, he later said that he bought the cards from someone in Canada. The story just gets better. In his Porsche parked in a lot nearby, he had another $497. And at home, he had 105 more ATM cards and nearly $70,000 in cash and goods.


  • At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wow, that is incredible.

  • At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    איין קליינע שאלה שמש.

    איך מיין די סכום $7,504 שטימט נישט
    ווייל א ATM גיבט נאר צוואנציגערס.

    חוץ אויב ער האט געהאט פיר דאלאר ביי זיך אין טאש פון פאראויס

  • At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    מסתמא האט ער געקויפט א פארשען פאר 16$ מסתמא


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