Brooklyn, NY +Garage Collapse+
Brooklyn, NY +Garage Collapse+ Large area of concrete collapsed on to workers at a construction site of a garage at 733 Ocean Parkway between Foster Avenue and Parkville Avenue, 2 aided are pinned in a trench under a large piece of concrete at this time, FDNY on the scene, ESU and the Collapse Units are requested. Ocean Parkway closed down ATT.
U/D: 07:51
NYPD 70th Pct are calling for a level one mobilization.
EMS requesting additional BLS and ALS units to respond to the scene, also Con-Ed to respond with the vacume truck.
U/D: 08:21
Aided was extricated and EMS is advising he is DOA, also one firefighter was hit by a vehicle on the scene.
Building Dept responding.
At 8:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
1 confirmed DOA
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