Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY +Large Crowd+

Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY +Large Crowd+ PD on the scene in Boro Park with a large crowd forming and a large fight at 45th Street and 16th Avenue, Additional NYPD units requested and Hatzolah also on the scene requesting additional units.
U/D: 18:59
NYPD calling for a level one mobilization, and have arrested an 80-year-old man.
U/D: 19:14
PD calling for additional units to respond, to 16th Avenue, garbage cans burning, people getting maced, some of the crowd moved to the front of the 66th Pct, 2 more people in custody.
U/D: 21:46
Large crowd of about 200 heading now to the 66th Pct.
U/D: 22:29
NYPD bringing in additional units.
U/D: 23:01
RMP set on fire at 47th Street and 17th Avenue.
U/D: 04/05/06 05:37
Police denied mistreating the man, Arthur Schick, and say that calm is restored.
U/D: 04/05/06 12:14
Simcha Felder & Dov Hikind just held the press conf. They said "Joseph Esposito the chief of the Department said GET THE F... JEWS OUT OF HERE...I WANT SOME HEADS ROLLING"....they also condemmed all the fires and violence....said that Joseph Esposito must be removed since there is no confidence left in him anymore...
At 6:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
the owner of shicks was arrested for passing a red light
At 6:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
there was fight with the cops..they wanted to arrest some1 for not moving his car when told to. they tried to arrest him..and the cops called a 10-13 with aviation on scene..lots of ppl. and cops
At 6:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
whats the fight about
At 7:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
the cops set up a blockade around the precient and some started a fire on 16th ave & 45th street..fdny on scene
At 7:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 7:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Need more information for jack quickly. Can someone post some pictures
At 8:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah Lipa where are you when we need you?
At 8:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 8:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
The r put on more fire 16 47-48. Aviation is above
48 x 16 high flames till traffic light
At 8:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
I wonder if a women police officer was involved, 2 weeks ago fryday i was drooping my wife in front of Bochner grocery 49 cor 16 and a lady police officer came over a sec after I stoped and told me to move, I ask her to let me stay for one min my wife should be able to take out the carriage and she said if you dont move NOW you will be arrest you.
At 8:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who is the owner of SCHICKS Bakery?
At 8:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
i personaly called Felder office last week to have the cops ease off on traffic tickets on 16th ave which was out of control..and was told by the girl on the phone that the felder office HAS REQUESTED THE COPS TO BEEF UP ENFORCEMENT and pple deserve tickets if they break the law even if the cops are unreasonable.. i warned that this would happen
At 8:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Huge huge flames wow 16 48 47 fd pulling up now
At 8:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
f/f fighting can't get to scene.
At 8:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
I wonder if a women police officer was involved, 2 weeks ago fryday i was drooping my wife in front of Bochner grocery 49 cor 16 and a lady police officer came over a sec after I stoped and told me to move, I ask her to let me stay for one min my wife should be able to take out the carriage and she said if you dont move NOW you will be arrest you.
At 8:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
any update
At 8:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
The police car is total, pd riot units r setting up at 17 x 49 r u here.
At 8:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
They are firing rubber bullets from helicopters!
At 8:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
chilul hashem
At 8:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
a 10-13 issued for female officer with rioter breaking her windows on 47 & 16..all units responding ..previous command to station by the house is overriden..10-13..this wild 8.40pm
At 8:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is an outrage, and a very big chilul hashem...
At 8:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
yiden r beatting up 2 female po 47 st 16-17 in rmp and all windows & tires gone on rmp
At 8:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
mobilization point is "18 x 56" wow
At 9:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
xo has ordered all police vechiles to move off 16ave "members of service" to be on 16av...
At 9:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Once my kids are asleep, I'll be there... I don't care if I end up in jail... These cops deserve it.
At 9:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is sickening... To hit an 80 year old... Felder thinks we need him for suspending the alternate side parking on Purim...
At 9:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
who put on the fire?
At 9:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
info fire st. 12 x 42 large crowd
At 9:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
why is everyone lighting fires?!?!?! soon the yidden will sound like a bunch of hudlagins!!!
At 9:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
someone give some real info on whats going on
At 9:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
is there still fighting now pls post pic
At 9:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
from all these posts it seems the streets are full from 16x45-49, 17x49, 18x46, 12x42, 47x 17-16, 18x56.
Is this true? Are some streets empty?
At 9:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
"all windows & tires gone on rmp"
what does rmp stand for?
At 9:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Time for an update...
At 9:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Helicopters are gone and things seem to have gotten back to normal. 1010wins just had a report live from the scene at 9:22.
At 9:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
OK Lipa, now we want some hardcore pics!!
At 9:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
NEW YORK -- Hundreds of angry Hasidic Jews poured into the streets in Borough Park Tuesday night, snarling traffic and setting fires to protest the arrest of a senior member of their community.
The 75-year-old man was arrested after being stopped for talking on his cell phone while driving, according to police. The man refused to hand over his license and registration, and the officers arrested him following a struggle, police said.
The arrest sparked an uproar in the Borough Park community, with irate men in tradition Hasidic garb packing the area around the intersection where the man was arrested. At least two bonfires burned after protesters ignited piles of cardboard boxes. Men threw more folded boxes onto the flames to make them stronger.
Police in riot gear arrived on the scene after Hasidim surrounded a cruiser, trapping an officer inside. The officer called for help when one of the windows was broken.
Shortly after the riot police arrived the protest lost intensity, but groups of men still milled about in the streets. The NYPD also dispatched a helicopter to the area to light up the streets with a powerful beam, allowing riot police could see the protesters.
At one point, the mob blocked the passage of a tractor-trailer and a fire truck trying to put out one of the fires. A few scuffles broke out where protesters were standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the street.
Police said they initially cleared officers from the area to avoid further provoking the protesters.
At 10:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
We're tuned Lipa, but we really want some hardcore pics, C'mon!!
At 10:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
its not stopping its sound crazy
At 10:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
hatzoloah on the scene?
At 10:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
it would be "normal" in williamsburg,
but boro park?
this is civilized people?
its a chilul hashem
At 10:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
the owner of shicks is mr. brunstein
At 11:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
anynomous at 10:59- when the police stop abusing their powers!!
At 11:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's not the owner of Schicks bakery. According to the news it's a different Schick
At 11:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
the owner of schick is Mr Braunfeld NOT Braunstein
At 11:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
its the old owner from shicks catring from flatbush e92st
At 11:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
these people should get tickets... they are chayas and they drive like maniacs i have personally witnessed people talking on their cellphones not paying attention and running through red lights. so this is what happens when the bochurim are out of yeshiva they go throw things at cops and burn garbage cans? this is a busha and a chillul hashem i am sick and tired of people complainig about tickets, they are a danger to our community and should be ticketed. woudl you rather a child be killed??? GIVE ME A BREAK. stop crying antisemitism and tickets, the cops are doing you a favor by ticketing, unfortunately thats the only thing people in this community understand
At 11:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is absolutely ridiculous, and further demonstrates why the Chasidic world is obnoxious and out of touch with reality. Someone talking on a cell phone while driving is in violation of a law, and should be prosecuted for it. If you do not like the law you work to change it, you dont attack police officers.
I hope they arrest all the Chassidim, this is a terrible chillul hashem and a disgrace to a people that are supposed to be educated and intelligent. This type of mob behavior is more befitting of the pathetic French than of G-d's people.
We do not live in a society where we are persecuted and need to resort to mob violence in order to get justice. The chasidim are a very privileged lot who get more than the necessary accommodation (well into the realm of favoritism) from the NYPD and they should show some appreciation and respect instead of acting like animals.
I am disgusted.
At 11:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
according to the news it's Arthur Shick the former owner. He happened to be going past his old bakery.
At 12:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
If it's true I'm glad Felder requested beefed up enforcement. We need community leaders who are responsible, not some Yoely who just drives around with fake permits and sirens. Either way, the police have a responsibility to enforce the laws. How is ticketing someone for being double parked unreasonable? You're insane! I'd rather have some idiot who only cares about himself and not the danger he is causing others to get a ticket for double parking while talking on a cellphone than wait for someone to get killed. And once again, we only have ourselves to blame for the negative press in the media.
At 12:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
yeah i heard it was arthur shick the caterer but i called his son who said it not true
At 12:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
It has nothing to do with Schick’s bakery and not someone braunstein. It is Arthur Schick the caterer. He is about 78 years old.
A cop (Sergeant Russo) wanted to pass a red light and he didn't realize because he was on his cell. He went out of his car and the cop said he is going to arrest him. He asked him why and he said because you are a dirty nigger and punched him. People saw and began asking the cop why he is arresting him. the cop called for backup and you know what happens in BP. One cop another 10 people show up, another 5 cops another 50 people etc. A commotion began and some idiots began setting fires and making a chillul hashem.
Russo made a huge mistake tonight he killed all his good relation with the yidden. He and Vinny, which were very good with all the switzers, showed their real colors by beating Arthur Schick for now reason and then screaming a yidden you F--- Jews.
Head of department Espisito (used to be cheif in 66 for many years) also lost it tonight. He had a fight in the precinct with Rabbi Gluck and said some derogatory statements about Jews.
BTW. There is a video of most of the police brutality against Arthur Schick. It is a shame that the whole thing happened especially with a nice guy like Arthur and Sergeant Russo.
At 12:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
to poster 8:18 pm
you warned that what would happen-that frumme yidden would riot and set cans on fire and cause a chillul hashem>>?? thats our answer?youre an idiot
At 12:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
A number of points:
Firstly the person arrested was Mr. Arthur Shick of Shick's catering, and it was in front of Schik's bakery on 16th Ave. He is hard of hearing, and did not hear pd, nor understand what they want from him. He was confused and when they grabbed him he tried defending himself.
The police car that had it's windows broken on 16/47 was being driven by two female officers, who were ignoring orders not to be there. The command of the 66/70 ordered all officers away from the area, but these two women couldn't listen. They got what they deserve.
As for a chilul hashem I find it hardly is so. We have been abused as a community long enough, and have a right to express frustration. Our chosen politicians do little to help the situation. As a community that has been abused by PD for so long, its about time that we shake up the situation, and bring attention to the problem.
The whole 66 precint is corrupt and bought off by a few 'chosen' community members who claim to represent us all. That can't be farther from the truth as they are hardly representing anyone.
A well know community affairs officer at the scene was overheard saying: "I've had it with the F-ing jews". I think he was just expressing the sentiment they all feel about us.
As a community with limited crime, and with almost 0 violent crime you'd think that we'd be appreciated by the PD, yet sadly it's not so.
The community liasons, including Y. Meyer, B. Freilich, Y. Rieder were all escorted out of the 66 station house.
At 12:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
NEW YORK (AP) -- Hundreds of residents stormed the streets and set garbage cans on fire Tuesday night to protest the treatment of a 75-year-old hearing-impaired caterer they say was shoved around by police officers during a traffic stop and thrown headfirst into a van.
Police denied mistreating the man, Arthur Schick, and officers in riot gear fanned out to clear the crowd, which lingered for hours.
Sariel Widawsky, co-owner of the Schick's Bakery, said he saw the traffic stop through the front window of his store, which once was owned by Schick's mother. He said he saw police push Schick, whom he described as a friend he's known since 1960.
"They pushed Arthur against the car and physically manhandled him in a way unbefitting such a well-respected and liked member of the community," Widawsky said. "He shouldn't be treated like that."
He said police "acted as if they were going to a riot, pulling out batons and spaying Mace and abusing their power." He said people at the scene begged the officers to stop.
The man was pulled over in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn for talking on his cell phone while driving around 6:30 p.m., police said. He resisted the officers during the stop at 47th Street and 16th Avenue and was arrested with two other people who meddled in the incident, police said.
Yossi Baumann, a bakery shipping manager who was on the sidewalk wrapping a pallet, said the police called for backup after Schick resisted their handcuffs. He said four officers picked Schick up horizontally and hurled him into a van.
Other witnesses and friends said it's possible Schick, a caterer of weddings and bat mitzvahs, didn't hear instructions from the officers because he uses a hearing aid. They said the police, who twisted Schick's arms behind his back, had overreacted.
"Maybe they have protocol, but a little common sense and sensitivity would help," said Shimon Seidenfeld, who claimed he was outraged because Schick is about three times as old as the arresting officers.
Protesters set small fires and blocked streets in the Orthodox Jewish neighborhood while Schick's car sat parked in front of the bakery bearing his family's name.
Dozens of young Orthodox Jews in traditional black suits and hats gathered on street corners in the neighborhood, which sees very little crime. Charred garbage pockmarked the streets.
Police officers herded away onlookers, who yelled back angrily.
Schick's friends said a lawyer told them he was taken to a police station and spent time in a cell before being released. Schick's wife, reached by telephone at home around midnight, said her husband was asleep and declined to comment further.
The incident happened on one of the busiest shopping days before Passover, the weeklong Jewish commemoration of the deliverance of the ancient Hebrews from slavery in Egypt.
At 12:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
It has nothing to do with Schick’s bakery and not someone braunstein. It is Arthur Schick the caterer. He is about 78 years old.
A cop (Sergeant Russo) wanted to pass a red light and he didn't realize because he was on his cell. He went out of his car and the cop said he is going to arrest him. He asked him why and he said because you are a dirty nigger and punched him. People saw and began asking the cop why he is arresting him. the cop called for backup and you know what happens in BP. One cop another 10 people show up, another 5 cops another 50 people etc. A commotion began and some idiots began setting fires and making a chillul hashem.
Russo made a huge mistake tonight he killed all his good relation with the yidden. He and Vinny, which were very good with all the switzers, showed their real colors by beating Arthur Schick for now reason and then screaming a yidden you F--- Jews.
Head of department Espisito (used to be cheif in 66 for many years) also lost it tonight. He had a fight in the precinct with Rabbi Gluck and said some derogatory statements about Jews.
BTW. There is a video of most of the police brutality against Arthur Schick. It is a shame that the whole thing happened especially with a nice guy like Arthur and Sergeant Russo.
At 2:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
its the original owner
At 9:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 9:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Of course they're going to deny it, but you can always bring a lawsuit agianst the police officers and the department and you can have sworn witness testimony rebutting their denial. Now isn't our justice system just fabulous?!?
At 9:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
FROM NYPOST.COM- This seems like a very fair analysis of the story!
At the end of the article you have the names of the arrested guys!
April 5, 2006 -- An angry protest over the arrest of an elderly Hasidic man turned violent in Brooklyn last night, when throngs of irate residents lit fires on the street, clashed with cops and smashed the windows of a squad car.
At one point, more than 1,000 people flooded onto 16th Avenue between 45th and 48th streets in Borough Park, many pushing and shoving police.
Cops in riot gear struggled to hold back the mob as a firetruck shot water into the air to douse the many small trash fires.
The violence began at 6:30 p.m., when witnesses said neighborhood fixture Arthur Schick was leaving the bakery he used to own, Schick's, on 16th Avenue.
Schick, 75, was talking on his cellphone as he got into his car and started driving away, prompting officers to stop him, the witnesses said.
A cop asked for his license, but Schick, who's hard of hearing, couldn't understand and got out of the car, the witnesses said.
"He jumped out and before anything, they pushed him back into the car. They put him in handcuffs," said Leonard Rosenberg.
When Schick protested, two officers began using force, Rosenberg said.
"They were pushing him against the car," he said. "People were saying, 'Stop! Stop!' "
A Schick's employee, who wouldn't give her name, said the officers were "very, very rough with him. Everyone was screaming, 'He's just an old man!' "
Two passers-by, Chaim Gillig, 18, and Chaim Appel, 37, were arrested for scuffling with officers, cops said.
Gillig's mother said her son was pushed into one of the cops. "He was at the wrong place at the wrong time," she said.
Police gave a very different account of Shick's arrest.
An official said the cops were on their way to a crime scene when they got stuck behind the elderly man's car.
The driver was on his cellphone and refused to move even after the officers turned on their lights and sirens, the police official said.
When their emergency call was canceled, the officers confronted the man, who allegedly was "argumentative" and threw himself to the ground. He was charged with resisting arrest.
Schick, whose nephew Avi is an assistant to state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, according to sources, was released late last night.
"It was a horrifying and harrowing experience," said his wife.
As word of the arrest spread, hundreds of residents began lighting fires and blocking traffic. Some smashed the window of two squad cars and threw burning debris on them.
Things quieted down by 9:30 p.m. Two officers had minor injuries, cops said.
Additional reporting by Meredith Woerner and Ed Robinson
At 9:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
why was Simcha Felder kicked out of the 66th Pct last night and who did it?
At 10:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
To moti at 9:06 am
At 10:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
We should apologize to them? They should apologize to us! Whatever happened to sensitivity training? What happened to NYPD proffessionalism? Just because they're upset because they get stuck behind an old man, they get violent with him? That gives them permission to come out with batons swinging at innocent bystanders? Gimme a break!
At 10:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
It was the top top Police under Kelly. His name is Espisito and he used to be the captain in 66 for many years.
He came down to 66 and began yelling at Rabbi Gluck and Simcha Felder to get the F--- out of his house (meaning the precint). He was really yelling at them, saying if you can't take care of your F---'in jews on the street you don't belong there. There was someone from the mayors office whom the mayor sent down to 66 who saw how Espisito behaved and he was really shocked. He called the comissioner and told him to tell Espisito not to say F'in Jews or he will have to take action.
It wasn't only felder and Gluck that were kicked out. Yanki Meyer and Berish Freilich were also told to get the hell out of there.
As somone wrote earlier a lot of cops who were always goo with the yidden messed up last night.
At 11:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
well see how all u big mouths who claim its a chillul hashem will talk if your father,grandfather,or son is arrested. what would you say would sit at home and say he did something wrong let him sit overnight? would you say justice was done? would you say let him call the police department to apologize?
obviously you will answer my son or my father would never get arested since they always obey the law buttttt if we dont put an end to it now and the cops will see nothing happens they will start aresting inocent people just to get a high rank.
so all you idiots out there screaming justice was done and mr. schick had to be arrested why dont you go sit in jail instead of this 78 year old.
At 11:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
After all said and done..burning garbage in the street is not acceptable. However, the police have been on a ticket blitz for the last week on 16th ave. People violating the law should be issued tickets but in a community there needs to be some respect from the PD. That means, there needs to be some common sense used. It unfortunate that some officers are hot heads. No one will argue that BP has a traffic problem and that it is over crowded but force on an 80 year old. The solution is moving the 66 house out from BP, the cops won’t frequent the area and breathe down peoples back. Basically you have officer on the way to a shift or from a shift who are trying to fill a ticket quota and us BP proper as the feeding ground.
At 11:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
For all those who are talking that the chasidiem made a chillul hashem..What happened if this took place in front of ave J or on Coney Island, that an old man was beat up in the street by cops no matter how uncooperative he was, people would interfere.
At 11:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have a friend who was listening to an NYPD (including 66 pct.) scanner while yesterday's event was going on, he told me every third word on the radio was Heil Hitler and other Anti Semitic comments, etc.....
So, next time you're pulled over for not wearing seat belts or talking on a cell phone, know that the cop is really concerned about our safety...
At 11:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
Welcome to double park !.Maybe all the yoilys should get "official plates" so they could double park where they want and break all the laws in the book ? The cops and the lousy ticket agents are out of control giving out tickets for stupidities so people blame them for everything even if they derserve a ticket !. If you see a cop pull you over dont be a clown listen to what they want and then deeal with it like a mench .The cops are always in a hurry to goto dunkin donuts or macdonalds so please listen right away before their coffe gets cold !
At 12:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
"why was Simcha Felder kicked out of the 66th Pct last night and who did it? "
Because he didn't do anything BEFORE to prevent this from happening... That is why...
We didn't ask him to go to 66 pct last night. All we want from him is to work just a little bit...
At 12:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
No one is denying that if you break the law you deserve a ticket. However if you live in BP, and drive, and is obvious that the critics here don't, then you will know that many innocent people have been given tickets. There are people who are getting stopped for no seat belt, when they clearly have a seat belt on. There are people being stopped for talking on the cell phone, when they aren't. There are people getting double parked tickets when they are waiting to back into a parking spot. There are tickets given for dropping someone off at a fire hydrant, something wich is 100% legal. There are people with Handicapped permits getting tickets, and the officer marks no permit displayed.
Then we have the sanitation police that are looking for every opportunity to give tickets. On a windy day, people get tickets for garbage in front of their homes. Tickets are given for bags too heavy, cans not covered, overflowed cans, etc. etc.
Yes it those cases that are abuse of the system. No one is complaining of those that are truly guilty.
The community is fed up at the pd for their total insensitivity to the community.
PD will call Chaveirim when they have a flat or lock out, yet if Chaveirim stops to help others they are harrased and ticketed. Hatzoloh is called when an officer is having a heart attack at the station, yet Hatzoloh members are being ticketed while on call. In fact, a Hatzoloh ambulance was ticketed as a patient was being loaded.
It is this kind of behavior that gets the community upset.
So for all those talking about chilul hashem, and other derogatory remarks, I just hope that next time you are looking for parking you get a ticket. Or on Alternate side days, getting a ticket a full 10 minutes before the time. Then you'll be singing a different tune.
At 12:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Any eord about the news confrence this morning?
At 12:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Here is my 2 sense
It was a chillul hashem - no qestion about that - and it was not osgehalden al pi tin torah ( ask and ruv )
now as to the PD behavior - well what else can i say when a 0 year old get manhandled like this - it is pure ABUSE and overreaction on the officers part - but for that their is a system and the guy would have been freed within hours had their not been the protests
what can we do with our politicans that never HELP us - maybe we should elect goyim and they wont be ashamed to protect us -- it seems our politicans have a JEWISH complexition issue -
as for the the ticket blitz - well thank FELDER for it - I work in ENY and the churches have their services every sunday and their are blocks with double parked cars and no ticket are given -Why ? because the politicans over there have no complexiton problems - they know they have to deliver for their area or they are out
At 12:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
For all of you idiots saying thing like "Yoeli's", "bp double parkers" and "chasidishe guys" let me tell you something, Arthur Schick isn't a "yoeli" and is by far not a chassidishe guy. He doesn't even live in BP. He came to make an order for his business. So it isn't a chassidishe guy that didn't listen to the police it is a modern guy. So all you chassidishe haters, it was one of yours that didn't listen!!!!
Now to the story, I know someone who saw a video of the whole thing and he tells me that Arthur Schick (again not a chassidishe guy, a clean shaven modern 78 year old nice jew) was manhandled by the police like he was a 19-year-old shwartzeh. Although the media is begging for the video tape because they would love to show a police brutality, they aren't giving the video to anyone because a lawyer told them that although it might be in the best interest of the community for this video to be played on TV but it is of much better interest of Arthur Schick if it is just given to a lawyer.
The police actually wanted to let him go right away (after taking him to 66) seeing that they made a huge mistake and letting him go wouldn't get any cops in trouble. However his lawyer wanted that he should be booked so then an investigation could begin on the police.
I also hear that there is a meeting with all the shwitzers, Simcha Felder, Gluck, etc. in 1 Police Plaza this afternoon. They are extremely upset how Espisito handled the situation and kicked them out of 66. Espisito even kicked out somone from the mayor's office, whom the mayor sent down to try to calm everyone down. He thought he was just another Jew and told him get the f--- out of here. Espisito was already upset on the yidden because he was having a problem with the zali's and arony's so when he came into 66 he lost it.
The real shame is that we don't have real community leaders. The ones we have, although do much favors for people are just much much too much hand in hand with the cops. Instead of calling a press conference today, like an Al Sharpton would do, with all the media outlets and showing pictures and videos what happened, all they will do to calm the situation is give the cops another free phone from Big Man.
At 12:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
can any one advise where we can watch the news conferance and what didthey say.please
At 1:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
not a chassidishe guy 12:40 PM:
Very well said.
At 1:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
The police deny mishandling Mr. Schick. If picking up a 80 year old man and throwing him into a van, and then continuing to hit him is not mishandling, then I don't know what is.
At 1:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you want to see whayt anti-semites these cops really are, read their message board. How can they call themselves NY finest
someone should bring this message board to the attention of our community leaders.
At 3:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
The first initial fires were not started by thr Jews.
At 3:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
I know some of the NYPD cops... they are the lowest of the lowest... And of course they hate us...
At 5:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY - Arrested Driver Blames Police and Protesters for Melee
Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY - The man at the center of a melee, today criticized both the New York City police and the hundreds of Orthodox Jews who protested in the streets for hours after his arrest, even setting a police car on fire.
Arthur Schick, a 75-year-old caterer who was stopped by police on Tuesday for talking on his cellphone while driving, said he was not aware of the protest that ensued after police hauled him away until he was released from a holding cell at the 66th Precinct house hours later.
In an interview today in his home on East 17th Street in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn, Mr. Schick said both sides were wrong.
"The riots were 100 percent wrong," he said. "Protest is good, but it has to be done in a legal, proper and civil manner.
At 5:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
the fires was not importent it just made the hule riot baybeish and it was a chill hasham
At 5:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
From the NYTimes:
Lawyer Is Investigated in Real Estate Fraud
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Published: May 9, 1996
Federal investigators are looking into accusations that a lawyer prominent in the Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn swindled millions of dollars from real estate investors, many if not most of whom were Orthodox Jews, law-enforcement officials said.
A lawyer for David Schick, the man under investigation, acknowledged yesterday that his client had defrauded people through some bogus investments and confirmed that Mr. Schick was being investigated by Federal authorities in Brooklyn and Manhattan.
But the lawyer, Victor J. Rocco, also said that other real estate investments for which Mr. Schick had taken money were legitimate, even though investors lost money in those projects, and that still other investments had been both legitimate and profitable.
The situation is multifaceted, Mr. Rocco said. He said he did not know the totals involved in the fraudulent investments. But he said that Mr. Schick, 36, a member of a family well known in Orthodox Jewish circles in New York City, was repentant, was "prepared to accept responsibility for what he did" and wanted to cooperate with the authorities.
An uncle of Mr. Schick, Marvin Schick, a consultant to foundations on philanthropic matters, said in an interview yesterday that his nephew had recently told him that "he had done some wrongful things" and appeared distraught.
The accusations against Mr. Schick, a father of 10 who lives in the Midwood section of Brooklyn, have been a topic of conversation among Orthodox Jews in that neighborhood and in Borough Park, both of which have large Orthodox populations, as well in other Orthodox neighborhoods in the New York City region.
Edward A. Rial, chief of the business fraud unit of the United States Attorney's office in Brooklyn, and Matthew E. Fishbein, chief assistant United States Attorney in Manhattan, declined yesterday to comment on the case.
But investigators familiar with the inquiry, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said they expected that criminal charges would be filed against Mr. Schick in the next few weeks. The investigators said it appeared that millions of dollars were involved in the fraudulent investments, but they said they could not be more specific and did not know how much of the total had been lost.
But one investigator said that reports in the Orthodox community that Mr. Schick had appropriated as much as $200 million appeared to be excessive.
Marvin Schick said that although his nephew had lived comfortably with his large family in a remodeled single-family home, "He didn't enrich himself this way." In any case, he said, David Schick now "has no money, literally."
He also said that his nephew had "spent much of his time doing mitzvahs," good deeds, and that this was "a very large part of his life."
David Schick was with the Manhattan law firm of Frenkel & Hershkowitz in Manhattan until late last year, when he left and formed a partnership with another lawyer, said Irving P. Seidman, a lawyer representing Frenkel & Hershkowitz. Mr. Seidman said Frenkel & Hershkowitz was "conducting its own investigation into the allegations against its former partner, and has not as yet determined if the events relate to the period during which" he was with that firm.
Mr. Schick's father, Arthur, heads a Brooklyn kosher catering company well known in New York's Orthodox Jewish community. It was also one of the three companies that catered the inaugural reception for Mayor David M. Dinkins in 1990.
"It's a very difficult period for the family," Marvin Schick said yesterday.
At 5:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
OK... Not that writing this will change a thing but why not...
I don't live in BP, I'm not chasidish, and can't say I truely believe that the PD really treats the Chasidish community badly, but....
This is insane. Hundreds of people rioting, yes rioting, in the street, setting fires, breaking windows of Police cars, pushing cops, making the largest Chilul HaShem that this city, if not the country has seen in along time is simply embarrasing.
What do I say when I go to a business meeting later today or tomorrow with a non-frum or a goy when they ask me about 'those guys in BP'. How do I explain it? Saying it was the cops' fault won't cut it. There is no excuse for behavior of this type.
If you all feel that the elected and self-elected memeber of the community, then vote them out!
Complaining on-line or in the back of shul isn't going to do anything.
In conclusion, what happend last nite is a terrible stain on the community in BP and elsewhere and will take time to heal.
I just hope it heals in time for the next time someone in BP needs a cop. Shomerim are nice guys, but they can't do it all.
At 6:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
I disagree, there is no stain on the community, as there was no looting, attacks on people, etc.
It was simply people taking to the streets in protest.
There were protest by the G8 summit, protests about the war, protests about immigaration ,etc.
But when we protest, then you are emabarrased to be a jew??? Stop being embarrased and be proud.
At 7:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 5:42 PM, Anonymous said
mr anonymos the one who is going to an important meeting.
if id come over to you and push you or kick you would u stay quiet and just walk away or u wouldnt care what headlines this will make that jewish guys fighting or what chilul hashem this can make.
here were talking of a 78 year old holocaust surviver who was beaten up for no good reason i was there when they beat him he was screaming im not resisting arrest butt they still were twisting his hands and pushing him within two minutes there was about 10 cars to backup the cop. what were they scared of.
1) would a 78 year old be able to hurt to police officers?
2)would he be able to run away of two police officers?
3) did he look like a schvartzer mob leader .(one thing i know the way cops arived the first second it looked like a drugbust)
well if they were scared of him for whatever reason this means our pd system is corrupt since two cops cant handle a 78 year old how do you expect them to handle a burglurry of teenagers.
the point is something has to be done back to you if you dont stick up for him then you bassicly can title urself an anti semite since ur buisness meeting with ur partner is more important to you than helping another jew.
At 7:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm the 'business meeting guy"
You simply misunderstood my message.
The cops should never have touched Mr. Schick. I don't have a position on whether he should recieve a ticket, I wasn't there.
I think it would certainly be OK to stick up for a defensless 78 year old man, but to set fire to garbage, damage Police cars, and come close to rioting in the streets, in not acceptable. And yes, that is embarrassing.
At 8:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't care what happened, if he resisted arrest they had the right to use force.
In addition, the slurs obviously upsets people, that's understandable, but what isn't acceptable is the way you respond to it. Lighting fires in your own neighborhood, where you live, is an expression of how chaotic and disrespectful you feel about your community. Maybe it was an expression that just needed to be expressed, because as you know, extreme orthodox religious people always repress and avoid many "wrong" feelings for the sake of conformity.
There was a right way to go about this whole thing. The right way was not chosen. A peaceful protest would have been sufficient.
An orthodox Jew.
At 8:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
To anonymous at 8:39pm
you are not an orthodox jew and never will be, and aspecelly if you write on Shabbos night
At 3:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
As a resident of Borough Park for the last 30 years, I question why is it that Hasidic Jews in Borough Park should get preferential treatment from the police? I have seen their immunity from being issued parking tickets.
How do they get away with striking police officers? If it were any other religious group, they might have gotten shot.
At 3:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shame on you Jew hater!
What a Chutzpah, who needs you as a neighbor,
At 3:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Freilich and Yanky Meyer don't represent anyone. They are just in power to quell their power thirst.
Get lost.
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