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Thursday, April 06, 2006

New York, NY - When It Says Kosher, It Doesn't Mean It Is Kosher

A Staten Island rabbi has been granting his kosher certification to city Dunkin’ Donuts franchises that have served bacon, ham, and sausage.

“The meats all come prepackaged,” says the rabbi. “The employees have to wear gloves. I do not condone mixing kosher with nonkosher.”
In Manhattan, the same rabbi has also given his ner tamid K stamp to Pongal Vegetarian, an Indian restaurant that operates during the Shabbas, another no-no among Jews.

The rabbi was recently fired as the kosher supervisor at a Dunkin’ franchise on 34th Street after it received complaints from some Jewish community's about the rabbi and the pork.
A spokesmen for the four top kosher-certifying agencies said they would never approve a restaurant that served nonkosher meats or operated on the Shabbas.

But the rabbi insists his methods are 100 percent kosher. “I know a lot of people with beards who go into my stores,” he says.


  • At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    so what if they have beards that quote just gave away your stupidity


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