Lakewood, NJ - NAACP Asking To Reclassify A Bias Incident As A Bias Crime
Lakewood, NJ - A black 15-year-old boy, Jamarr Dickerson took a shortcut through an alley behind some houses near Lawrence Avenue in Lakewood, NJ on his way to a friend's house when 43-year-old Elchonon Zimmerman, who lives on Lawrence Avenue, told him that he was on private property and tried to take the youth's picture with his cell phone camera.
A crowd of white men gathered around the boy and uttered a series of racial slurs, the local NAACP alleges. The men said, among other slurs, that black youth did not belong in a predominantly Jewish section of Lakewood, and a scuffle ensued and when a patrolman arrived, he found Zimmerman kneeling on the youth's back. Dickerson was treated and released from the hospital for injuries that he said included cuts on his neck and shoulder and some bruises. Dickerson said he also had a shoe print on his right arm.
Now the local NAACP branch wants the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office to take over the investigation, and they are calling the case a bias crime because the teenager is black.
But the county office declined to usurp Lakewood police, citing a standard policy of assisting police departments with bias allegations. "The local department is conducting the investigation," Assistant Prosecutor Martin Anton said. "The reports are being sent to us and we review the material as we receive it."
Warren A. Sherard, NAACP branch president, said that the case should be taken over by the prosecutor's office "or even perhaps a federal prosecutor." "The Lakewood Police Department is a very professional organization, but the circumstances surrounding this case are sensitive enough to warrant some outside help," Sherard said.
Zimmerman was charged with simple assault.
Public Safety Director Al Peters said "We did file a bias incident report," Peters said. "We did not file bias crime charges. It did not fit."
Sherard, though, questioned why only one person has been arrested in connection with the incident when Dickerson reported several men either touched him or uttered racial slurs.
"It is our position that everyone that put their hand on this child or yelled racial slurs at him while he was being assaulted . . . is part of the alleged crime," Sherard said. "We will not be satisfied with the arrest of one lone participant."
Peters countered that no one is coming forward to identify who any of those men are and since Zimmerman is not accused of issuing racial slurs, he does not meet the requirements for bias charges.
At 9:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
a big chilul hashem, its a shame!
At 9:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
It isn't a good idea to get into a scuffle with tresspassers. Maybe Zimmerman should just have called the police. It is not bias to tell trespassers to get off private property.
At 9:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
This story is not true of course what happened was that this teen was fighting with the kids in the neighborhood so this man went and held him down while one of the FRUM neighbors called the cops
At 10:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
According to the law, if it is a pure (100%) trespass (you can't be wrong about it), the property owner is allowed by force to stop the trespasser. However, self help is not preferred. Rather you should call law enforcement officials. Although this is the law in most states, i do not know what the law is in N.J.
At 11:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
If the teen was starting up with cops, then probably someone had to restrain him, and I am sure this was bias reporting, not a bias crime.
At 2:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
To anonymous 9:24 AM,
Why is it that you always scream "a big chiul hashem, it's a shame"? It seems you didn't hear of this story before voisneias posted it today. This has been in the Asbury Park Press, which by the way are way way biased against Jews, the past week.
The story was that a 15yr old was a someone private property and it seemed to the owner of the property taht he wanted to steal a bike. He requested that the 15yr old black person leave his property. He took out his cellphone to grab a picture of the youth and he was punched in the face by the youth. At that time, defending himself, he lay the black teenager on the ground and somone else called the cops.
The cops saw him sitting on the 15yr old and they arrested him because the black kid said that he beat him up.
Instead of them arresting the kid for tresspassing they areested a nice heimisher yungerman for assault!
The kids family was smart enough to go to the NAACP and have them make a whole bias crime out of it when the real culpirt was the 15yr old black kid.
Why do the blacks know how to stick up for their own but when a yid gets charged with assault for stopping someone from stealing from his property, instead of protesting all we do is say that it was a chillul hashem????
At 9:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ferd says we will probably never know what happened. but we do know what happened . there were a bunch of witnesses so before you jump to judgement know the facts
At 11:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lakewood was crying its a big chilul hashem when boro park had a riot now they can shviyg.
When you got a trespasser you get your shotgun to chase him away and you don't leave a shoe print
At 2:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
The facts are that several bikes were stolen at that time by 3 other black kids . Right aftger that this individual was seen on private property and told to leave .When he did not ,Rabbi Zimmerman tried to take his picture with his cellphone . As soon as he saw that ,the black individual punched Rabbi Zimmerman and attempted to break the cellphone . As a simple act of self defense Rabbi Zimmerman restrained him ,and kneeled over him to hold him for police to arrst . He immediately called others to help and the police were immediately called to arrest the black kid . The police took a long time in coming and Rabbi Zimmerman had to restrain the individual the whole time . When they came the originally were pretty nice to Raqbbi Zimmerman and asked him to come to the station with them to give them a statement . Somewhere in the station one of the Anti Semitic cops all of a sudden decided to arrest Rabbi Zimmerman without even investigating the true facts of the case .Rabbi Zimmerman was trewated very shabbily .Even those Askanim in Lakewood who are close to trhe politicians and usually stick up for the Police and politicians ,admit that thius time the police are totally off base and there is no way to defend their actions . In any other town ,even if the police ultimately felt that the restrainer was wrong , they would have conducted a serious investigation and interviewed witnesses for several days befor making a decision to arrest someone who truly believed that he was acting in self defense and protecting his property . There was absolutely no reason to make that rash decision so quickly that night. A person who calls the police to come pick up an intruder and hooodlum on hos propewrty certainly hads no reason tyo believe that he was doing anything wrong and certainly was not a risk of fleeing . So the decision to arrest him without doing a propewr investigation was either Anti semitic or just plain police malice and wrong . The local politicians who usually stick up for the goyishe politicians and police are very embarrased and hurt by thius as it shows that the poliuce are totally out of control in Lakewood
At 9:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Finally people are waking up the lakewood cops are out of control
At 10:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
I know R' Zimmerman, and he wouldn't start up with someone unless it was warranted. The Lakewood police are unfortunately not "Lakewood's Finest". It was a bias crime against Yidden not the other way around.
At 10:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Truly, Ferd, the name fits.
At 1:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
How in the world can you ask for validated proof from "professional news reports." I is very well known that the last place to look for facts in in todays news reporting.
At 9:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
OK, lets sum this up: The police are wrong, some of the police are anti semetic. The media does not report accurately, and this week the APP is anti semetic. As a relatively new comer to Lakewood I have observed that anyone who goes against the orthodox community is anti semetic, anyone who dares to question the orthodox community is anti semetic. And I'm sure I shall now be called anti semetic for stating my observations.
How about if that "bunch of witnesses" come forward and tell us all what happened? Do they have something to hide? Or need time to get their stories straight? Why wasn't "this teen was fighting with the kids in the neighborhood" or that "it seemed to the owner of the property that he wanted to steal a bike" in the newspapers? Oh, I forgot, the APP is "biased against jews". By Anon in Lakewood.
At 11:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
When a jew commits a crime he is a "White man" but when a jew is the victim of a crime he is a "jew"... Funny how that works, just like the jew dominated media wants it to, maximum sympathy for the jew, maximum guilt for the whites!
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