Monsey, NY - Congregation Issued Notice Of Violation
Monsey, NY - Town issued for Congregation Vyoal Moshe D'Satmer a notice of violation for operating without a certificate of occupancy. The temporary certificate they have now has expired on April 20.
"There are no substantial structural issues," said Klein, the town attorney. "The work was substantially completed and the Building Department issued a temporary certificate of occupancy pending the completion of some remaining site work."
"There are no substantial structural issues," said Klein, the town attorney. "The work was substantially completed and the Building Department issued a temporary certificate of occupancy pending the completion of some remaining site work."
At 9:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi! I'm really saddened by reading this article, since this clearly comes from a "mesire"(ask anyone who's involved in construction, will surely tell the same,that these citings aren't coming by itself) , & undoubtedly it's coming from Aaron's side, why can't you understand that you're in the process of constructing a new company, sooner or later you're going to be heavily involved in constructing new buildings for boys & girls schools, don't u think they'll retaliate, I mean, it's about time for everyone to stop these "mesires", it's certainly killing everybody!
At 9:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Its totally false your claim of Mesirah, the fact's are differant, the town attorney has sent previously several letters to the Cong. about the C of O and they were ignored, Period, You can't ignore town rules, this has nothing to do with mesira, please check facts before ranting.
At 11:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Fact's
Upon reading your reply I was wondering where are these so called "FACTS" come from, is there any evidence to prove your point? Also from your sarcastic reply it's quite obvious, where you come from, you're saying, (quote on quote) "Period, you can't ignore town rules," since when are you bothered by someone's disobedience of town rules? are you by any chance a town advocate, or what? think about it! I think that Mr. "Saddened" in fact made a great point & he shouldn't be "ignored" (not town rules)!
At 8:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear "Saddened" and the reply, Yes I am a personnal friend of the town attorney and I checked out the circumstances and facts of this particuler Violation and I can say again with a clear mind this Violation did not come from a "Mesira" as you state in your post. it is a bigger "sin" to call someone a "musser" without verifying and especially in a public forum. by writing quote: "ask anyone" etc, that proofs that your sources is pure hearsay and "Loshon Hora" you should learn some Chofetz Chaim.
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