Rockland County, NY - One Of America's Most Wanted Might Hide Out In Monsey, NY
Monsey, NY - On the list of America's Most Wanted is, Yossi Hananiya Bensadon, authorities believe Bensadon is living in the Hasidic community in Munsey, NY. Cops say he is very religious and well-versed in Jewish practices and customs.
Cops think he might be working in roofing or construction, he has worked as a roofer in the past. He was last seen at the Win Caf Carwash in Manhattan.
Yossi Bensadon and his bodybuilding buddy, Israel Or, on Feb 21, 2003, posed as florists with a delivery of flowers, in order to weasel their way into an office in Manhattan of an Israeli-owned business, which dealt only in cash, they wrapped the bookkeeper in duct tape, then put a 9mm Glock handgun to her head and screamed to let them into the safe or they would kill her on the spot. Fearing for her life, she opened the door. After the two men barged in, they tied her up, stole all the cash from the safe and other places where they knew money was stashed, and got away with more than $150,000 in cash. In the process.
A week before the robbery, a muscular man came in and asked for a job. The man's voice and his distinctive blue eyes stuck in her memory. Officials say that man is Israel Or.
Bensadon and Or have left the New York City area and have gone their separate ways. Bensadon has been spotted in Sherman Oaks, Ca., Miami and in the Hasidic community in Munsey, NY. Authorities believe that Or has returned back to Israel.
Now cops across the country and around the world are on the look out for these two fugitives.
At 11:45 AM,
Thalia Chin the bookkeeper, knows all the details because she was the victim.
The robbery affected her so deeply, that she decided to become a cop in the New York City Police Department, to keep people in the 23rd Precinct safe from the violence she experienced.
At 12:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you see him don't call the cops.Call him to a din torah.
At 1:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
You are a sick dude.
Bais din is a farce and you know it.
If he held a gun to her head as the story goes, then he is considered a dangerous man and you are mechuyav (obligated) to call in the poilice dept.
If he held a gun to your daughters head would you run to a bais din?
At 2:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Guys calm down!!!!
He was being sarcastic. Sheesh
At 2:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
can we please see isreal or' picture please. anyone.
At 4:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why is he "America's Most Wanted"? he's just another robber
At 7:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
"can we please see isreal or' picture please" heres a link
At 11:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
America's Most Wanted is a TV show that helps catch the bad guys. I dont think there is a pix of these chalerias in the post office.
At 10:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
His mother said years ago that he is a gonef!
He was always slipping a piece of kugel when noone was looking.
At 2:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
For All those that do not know Yossi Ben-sadon is has also been arrested in Israel on drug, assault & sexual assault to minors. It is very important that he & Israel Or are arrested for the good of all. They thought nothing of robbing from their own & have no problems robbing or terrorizing anyone.
Call Americas Most Wanted at
1800 crime TV. or the 19th Detective Squad at 212 452-0633.
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