Blooming Grove, NY - Town Suing Village Of Kiryas Joel, For Grand Rabbi's Funeral Expenses
Blooming Grove, NY - The Town Board agreed to sue its Hasidic Jewish neighbors to recoup $1,200 the town spent on police overtime for traffic control at Satmar Grand Rebbe Moses Teitelbaum's funeral April 25 in Kiryas Joel.
"You just can't keep bleeding people," Blooming Grove Supervisor Charlie Bohan said. "I don't believe the surrounding communities can continue to support things in that village that has nothing to do with our community. People are just sick of it."
In this dispute, the town initially wrote the village seeking a "neighborly" resolution for its $1,200.
But Kiryas Joel replied that it had no obligation to pay. It indicated it would be willing to consult with the state Comptroller's Office for an opinion, "If the Comptroller's Office says we owe them, then we would absolutely comply," the village said. "If they say we cannot spend municipal dollars like this, then we will not pay them a dime."
The argued Blooming Grove is wrong to bill his village. The funeral, attended by an estimated 5,000 to 8,000 faithful, was not a planned event sponsored by the village like a holiday parade. Kiryas Joel responded to an emergency and spent $25,000 to $30,000, they said.
Bohan disagreed, saying authorities had planned as far back as October for the grand rebbe's funeral, which many thought would attract up to 125,000 mourners and cripple Orange County roads.
All this wrangling for $1,200? "It's not necessarily the amount, it's the principle of the thing," Bohan said.
Town Councilman Brandon Nielsen, who voted to pursue legal action, said it's important to set a precedent. "(Fighting it) sends a serious message to Kiryas Joel that other municipalities will not be taken advantage of," he said.
At 7:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Shame on the KJ leaders for making a Chilul Hasehm over $1200, those bastards KJ leaders they are the ones who will be responsible for another holocaust in this country, and the anti Semitism it brings.
At 9:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
what about all the tax $$ paid by the Hasidic community for schooling in which they don't use. Granted it is their own decission, but nonetheless, it means more for spending money for the rest of the community to use.
At 10:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
The reason KJ dosn't want to pay the money is obviously the same reason why Blooming Grove is asking the the small amount of $1200 (which is not because they need that money)
At 10:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Shame on both of you!
If you read the letter sent by KJ, you will see there can be legal issues involved. If they pay and for whatever reason they didnt have to, they could be in big doo doo for mis-spending funds. So before you spout your anti KJ dreq, think for a second that there is something legit going on here. They never refused to pay it, they want to make sure it is legal.
This is not a normal thing so they have to be 100% sure.
Chill zich!
At 10:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
i agree KJ is responsible for many many episodes of chilul Hashem in the past, but with their arrogent, nasty and careless attitude they refuse to change. yes on many occasions thay have no choice because there is much unprovoked anti-semitism in that part of the world, but kj and their leaders should use common sense and wisdom to try to diffuse the situation as much as humanly possible and at all cost, because the way i see it, its only getting worse. thanks
At 10:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
And lets not forget its the job of person at the paper to stir things up ESPECIALLY when yiddin and all the more so when Chasidim are involved.
At 11:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
the parasites will never pay
At 11:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
the parasites will pay
At 12:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why cant they pay with foodstamps or welfare ?
At 12:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
If an accident happens in Blooming Grove, and as a result from the trafic on hte surrounding roads KJ puplic safety has to pay for their employees overtime to control the trafic on KJ's roads, do you think that KJ should be reimbursed from Blooming Grove?...
At 5:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
אזויווי עס האט ליידער אנגעפאנגען א שערורי' איבער די געלטער וואס שכינות'דיגע שטעטלעך האבן ארויפגעצאלט ביי די צורישונגען צו די לוי' פין רבינו הק' ברך משה זי"ע, האט די וואיל באקאנטע ארגעניזאציע קרית יואל אלייענס באצאלט עד פ"א
At 1:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
blooming grove is an old trouble maker for kj with the water and other things and I think in this case too they want to get some attention from the media there leaders are babys againstt kjs powerfull people .
At 9:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 5:17,
The Aliance didn't pay because of making a Kidush Hashem, they paid it because of their own political dreams.
Furthermore it wasn't paid form government money (which KJ had a problem to do) but it was paid from their political account as mentioned above!
At 1:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
These people do whatever they want to. What a chillul hashem indeed.
I heard that the cemetary was littered with wrappers and garbage from the food people were eating.
Which brings up another subject, do we always have to eat on other peoples property? Why can't we clean up after ourselves, are we such pigs that it's beneath us to clean up. Do we must bring up our cleaning ladies when we have a high profile levaya?
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