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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Jerusalem, Israel - Two Arrested After Protestors Riot

Jerusalem, Israel - Dozens of charedim protestors attempted to block Bar Ilan Street in Jerusalem on Shabbos and threw stones at police officers who arrived on the scene. No one was wounded and no damage was reported as a result of the violence.

The demonstration was dispersed by police and two protestors were arrested.


  • At 12:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    And throwing rocks on Shabbos is allowed. Such bumbs....it's amazing.

    This is NOT how we do kiruv and what a darn shame that these idiots that protest the people doing chillul shabbos don't get it. I am wondering if there is even one person that was impressed with their rock throwing and decided to become more of an oberservant jew.

    I would put these bumbs in the same class as the few people which parade on the side of the PLO.

  • At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    what are they thinking?
    throwing stones on shabbos is mutar?
    I think that anyone that threw stones at anyone, whether it be the police or someone driving his car, should definitely get arrested.
    that's not the way to stop someone from being mechalel shabbos.
    it must be don b'darkei noam, ub'darkei shalom!

  • At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Shloma - where did you get this story from? I live off Bar Ilan and didn't hear a thing all Shabbos!

  • At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't know what you are talking about, i was there and it was a chaotic scene, and from putting your head in the sand, would not prevent a chillel h'sham like this.

    PS it was covered all over Israeli news, so don't deny it.

  • At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    These people are definitely NOT defending Torah. By throwing rocks on Shabbos, dressed up in their bekeshes and their big hats and striemels, they defile Shabbos more than any secular or non-Jewish motorist ever could. They are practicing not Judaism, but "frumkeit chumra-ism" -- a modern-day form of avodah zara.

  • At 2:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    actually, I'm not so against it.
    maybe after they get their cars all smashed up, they'll wake up and realize that Shabbos is sirious business.
    some times being nice doesn't help, and what's needed is a "slap in the face"!
    and I don't know where you guys get your sources from, but it's pretty obvious that you cann't compare driving on shabbos to just throwing some rocks, especially when it's for a good purpouse.


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