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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Monsey, NY - Wal-Mart Developer Asked To Do Economic Study

Monsey, NY - A decision to have the developer of a proposed Wal-Mart Supercenter provide a study of the economic ramifications of the project has proved to be a plus for the development's opponents.

"This is a victory for the community," said Richard Lipsky, director of the Manhattan-based Neighborhood Retail Alliance, which fights for the rights of small businesses. "It's great that discretion was used to expand the scope and look at these essential issues. It's important information that needs to be examined." And after the board reviews the studies a public hearing will be set.

Abraham Stauber, who runs the Jewish Business Counseling Center in Spring Valley, said he did not see how the project could be good for the heavily Orthodox Jewish community. "We're not fighting Wal-Mart, we just want to preserve our community," said the Monsey man, who ran a diamond business in Manhattan for 28 years. "Look what happened to downtown Spring Valley when the Nanuet Mall opened. I don't see a silver lining in the whole thing. It's like putting a toll booth on Route 59."


  • At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    well maybe walmart will make the other stores drop their crazy high prices. I was in one of the stores today and their prices are crazy. when I am able i go to shoprite or pathmark. i think u people are jsut upset they dont hire illegals!


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