Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY +Bedford Avenue Traffic Alert+
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY +Bedford Avenue Shut Down+ Due to an earlier motor vehicle accident with a SUV that overturned on Bedford Avenue corner Flushing with the vehicle crashing into an utility pole with wires hanging down, Bedford Avenue at Flushing is completely closed down by NYPD of the 90th Pct.
All occupants of the SUV were self extricated, no serious injuried reported.
At 10:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
א שרעקליכע עקסידענט היינט ציפרי אויף בעדפארד קארנער פלאשינג. איינער ווייסט עפעס?
יעצט 9 אזזיגער ליגט נאך די קאר איבערגדרייט אין בעדפארד עוו. איז אפגעשארט צווישן פלאשינג אין וואלעבויט סט.
At 10:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
The accident happened on 5:50 am, the overturned vehicle came from Bedford av. passed the light and was hit by a BMW coming from Flushing av. the bmw had just minor damaged on the hood the driver was walking around on the scene. the suv rolled over several times and hit a temporary red light pole pushing it towards a building [that building has been hit several times by vehicles in the past] Driver from suv was bleeding but managed to come out by himself thru the broken window.
At 6:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
any jews
At 11:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
"lo misheluni"
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