Borough Park, Brooklyn +Pedestrian Struck+
Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY +Pedestrian Struck+ A motor vehicle accident with a pedestrian an elderly female that was struck by an auto, aided is unconscious on Fort Hamilton Parkway and 46th Street, Hatzolah BLS units on the scene are requesting ALS Medics to respond.
U/D: 11:09
Aided was transported to Lutheran Hospital with numerous lacerations and with serious head trauma. NYPD Highway A.I.S. Team was notified for the possible A.I. job.
U/D: 11:31
Aided is in likely condition at Lutheran.
U/D: 11:09
Aided was transported to Lutheran Hospital with numerous lacerations and with serious head trauma. NYPD Highway A.I.S. Team was notified for the possible A.I. job.
U/D: 11:31
Aided is in likely condition at Lutheran.
At 11:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 12:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
any updates on the person,M or F age, so we can say thilem. also any info on the make of the car and color.
we the last name, but not ready to release.
At 12:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
can someone explain? a person hit on ft hamilton & 45 is transported to lutheran when maimonides is right there?
At 2:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Perplexed, Lutheran is a trauma center.
At 3:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
and lutheran is a better hospital
At 3:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
tells ya something about miamonidies, doesnt it???
does lutheran also pack em in 7 to a room???
At 4:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
is the person alive or not?
was it a heimesher??
any update?
At 5:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
any update?
At 5:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
whats her name? condition?
At 5:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
To the "medical experts" who are proving that they are total dingbats:
There are hospitals that have specially certified trauma teams that have particular training and equipment to deal with trauma patients (for those who don't understand English, those are patients who are tzi'zetzed, like someone seriously injured in an accident).
Bringing a patient there for care does not reflect on any closer facility that does not have such personnel and equipment.
It's likely that, based on his medical training, your general physician can accurately read your x-ray, but when there's something you need clarified, you go to a radiologist. Does that mean that your doctor isn't a good physician?
At 6:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think you have it wrong.
It was a 77 year old female from BP. Her name is Berkowitz. She has major head injuries and is still in likely condition.
The car fled the scene.
At 7:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
any update
make up ypur mind was it a 32 year old or was it a 77 year old
At 3:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
average it, it was a 54 1/2 yr old timtim-androiginis from sharishpotike
At 8:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Grandma badly hurt by van
A 70-year-old grandmother out shopping for a vacuum cleaner was hit by a van and critically injured in Brooklyn yesterday, police and relatives said.
Zina Berkowitz, who came from Russia to the U.S. 13 years ago to join her daughter, was the center of a family prayer vigil late yesterday.
"She came here for freedom," said her daughter Irena Slavin, fighting back tears at Lutheran Medical Center. "All we can do now is pray for the best."
Berkowitz was hit about 10:45 a.m. at Fort Hamilton Parkway and 46th St. in Borough Park during a downpour.
She became an American citizen two years ago, relatives said.
The driver stayed at the scene and wasn't charged.
At 10:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
TO ANON 12:17
when you find out the make and color of the car let us know. Also the age is very important to know for tehillim
At 11:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
she is 70 and that is a fact
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