Brooklyn, NY +Tzeduka Pishka Theft Caught+
Brooklyn, NY +Tzeduka Pishka Theft Caught+ NYPD have nabbed an 18-year-old woman and she is being charged with burglary for stealing from the Tzeduka Pishka at a Kensington synagogue.
Mikhail Tamrazyan of Ocean Parkway stole cash from the Tzeduka Pishka inside the Hamizrach Ohr Synagogue at 347 Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn, NY.
At 10:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
whats a pishka?
At 10:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
a pushka for you non hasidic types
At 11:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Time to come up with Pushka insurance. Perhaps some frustrated insurance agent is already working on this.
At 12:21 PM,
dave said…
let her keep the change, she must need it badly. go after the real ganovim, sitting in the front row.
At 8:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
amazing how much self-hatred exists.
i was in agreement with 12:21 when i sarted reading, but when i go to the second sentence i realized - here is an "imfarginer".
Anyway, yeah, probably must be very deparate.
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