Israel - Reuters Admits Altering Beirut Photo
Israel - A Reuters photograph of smoke rising from buildings in Beirut has been withdrawn after coming under attack by American web logs. The blogs accused Reuters of distorting the photograph to include more smoke and damage.
The photograph showed two very heavy plumes of black smoke billowing from buildings in Beirut after an Air Force attack on the Lebanese capital.
Reuters has since withdrawn the photograph from its website, along a message admitting that the image was distorted, and an apology to editors.
In the message, Reuters said that "photo editing software was improperly used on this image. A corrected version will immediately follow this advisory. We are sorry for any inconvience."
At 9:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
al-reuters bias is apparent to any thinking person on a daily basis. unfortunately this story is not surprising enough. the surprising part is that sombody actually made them explain themselves. yasher coach to however did this. when they realize that they will have to answer for their distorted version of the news they will slow down their rehtoric.
At 9:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
I learn from this a media can hurt people like just a word. Their word like weapon we need to send our soldier to stop those media.
At 12:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
The appropriate response is a vigilant response.
The senior executives at Reuters, as with most businesses, get paid to count money. Reporting the news is not as important to them as getting paid and having the lowest expenses. I have emailed Reuter's many times and they have replied politely every time, and made appropriate edits several times when I was able to back up my asertion of anti-jewish bias in their articles with facts. the anti-jewish bias comes from all the arab writers, the organization's bias is to make money. if they constantly need to make corrections because people are holding them responsible that costs them money and crediblity. all pens are mighty. if we all use the strength we have we can make a kidush hashem. send them solid facts, not opinions, when you see an error. a few people can change the world.
At 1:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
The photographer has since been dismissed and the photos have been removed so printing of them is impossible.
At 11:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Anonymous 12:06
Excellent. Yes facts not opinion. Also please provide Reuters contact info. Thank you.
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