Kiryas Joel, Monroe, NY +2nd Alarm Fire+
Kiryas Joel, Monroe, NY +2nd Alarm Fire+ KJ Fire Department on the scene at 43 Forest Road and Carter Lane with a private wood frame dwelling 2 story 30x40 fully involved structure fire calling a 2nd alarm on arrival, M/A from several surrounding towns going in, command has requested a FAST Team from Woodbury and fire investigator also to respond.
U/D: 23:04
Command requesting NY State Police fortwith for crowd control, over 100 subjects interfering with operations M/A Monroe.
U/D: 23:11
Two lines from and ladder truck from Monroe and Woodbury with fast team.
Fire through the roof of the dwelling.
U/D: 08/21/06 00:11
Fire is under control, units on scene for extensive overhaul.
At 11:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
The house from Avrumi Hufman! Its the 2nd one in the house. (he is not living there bcs of the 1st 1)
At 11:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
he is going to throw the house down and build a new one. I heard this fire was for the matzilai aish to learn on, but now i hear the woodbury fire dept is on the scene and the trees are also already burning
At 11:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
watch what you say your mouth is on fire
At 1:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
last week the was a traning there from kjfd whit fake smoke and domes dout now it was a real fire
At 7:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
It Happened right at the end of the Yahrtzeit seuda of the late Satmar Rebbe OBM in the Main shul in KJ when thousends of people started streaming out after the main speech of Grand Rabbi Aron Teitelbaum it was some scene to watch thousends look from the balconie of the Shul as fire and smoke were billowing from afar. And the KJ fire volunteers running to quash it, it was a "Kiddush Hashem" an eventful event made even more interesting after closing the holy day of the biggest Yahrtzeit of american Jewry since 1979 the Petira of Grand Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum OBM the founder of this magnificent village (me? A lakewood Yungerman on the way back from the catskills)
At 8:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
training,with,doubt; not so bad to go to English after all!
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