Long Beach, CA - Bomb Threat by Florida Student to JetBlue Flight
Long Beach, CA - Authorities have arrested 21-year-old Yechezkel Wells, after he called in a bomb threat from a public phone to the Long Beach Airport because he arrived late for his flight and was prevented from boarding, and he is being held at a federal detention center in Los Angeles following his arrest, FBI Special Agent Kenneth Smith said. He was arrested by local law enforcement at the airport based on unspecified information in his call.
Wells is accused of calling in the threat after he arrived only minutes before a JetBlue flight to Fort Lauderdale, Fla., was scheduled to leave and was denied a boarding pass, Smith said.
It was not immediately known which college he attends. "He admitted that there was no bomb and admitted he was upset because he wasn't allowed to board the plane," Smith said.
The plane departed about an hour late after authorities using bomb-sniffing dogs determined it was safe.
Three friends traveling with Wells all on there way back from a wedding, were also detained but released after being questioned.
U/D: 08/29/06
Yechezkel made an initial appearance in federal court in Los Angeles, and for now he is being released on $100,000 bond.
While on bail, he will only be allowed to leave home on a limited basis and must return to Los Angeles for his arraignment in federal court Sept. 18.
Defense attorney Donald Etra says his client is being prosecuted for "one moment of gross stupidity." And his client realizes the seriousness of what he did "in the severity of today's world."
At 5:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Was he going to Yeshiva?
Which one?
At 5:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
It makes no difference but it is a chillul Hashem. What was he thinking?
At 6:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
i am shocked, i am a talmid at the same ysivah, and he is not that type of boy, we all cant believe it.
He is really a good talmid, and they say that he is in dip dip trouble.
his parents flew out to try to see him, but they couldn't, they need every drop of help. If anyone that sees this and knows someone that know some people in the federal government, please please, try to contact them, they should first let the parents see him
At 6:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think because he is a good talmid he might have lacked some basic education on what can happen nowadays when you pull this kind of joke.
At 7:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
is there a update?
At 7:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Mayer z....
Here you have some more info on his whereabouts:
"He's being held at a federal detention center in Los Angeles and is to appear in court tomorrow on federal charges of providing false information and making threats."
The parents might not be able to see him as he is locked up. But they should obtain a GOOD lawyer IMMIDIATELY before tommorrow's appearance.
At 7:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
What a chillul Hashem. Why does a good yeshiva boy not recognize basic tenets of derech eretz as it relates to the outside world? What his parents are going through, the friends that were with him, his yeshiva, etc. And let me tell you, had it been me on that flight, watching the clock tick and tick while enduring thoughts of a bomb on board, all because of this idiotic hoax...
At 8:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
What a chillul hashem this is causing and it aint over yet. I hope this will teach everyone to take things more seriously, and not everyone has to wait for you because you came late to the airport. If you come late to the airport, miss your flight.
At 8:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Aug 28, 2006 4:08 pm US/Pacific.
Man Who Made Alleged Bomb Threat Out On Bail (CBS) LONG BEACH, Calif. The 21-year-old Miami Beach man who allegedly called in a bomb threat to JetBlue Airways from a pay phone at Long Beach Airport is being released on $100,000 bond. Yechezkel Wells made his initial appearance this afternoon in federal court in Los Angeles, where he's scheduled to be arraigned on Sept. 18. Defense attorney Donald Etra says his client is being prosecuted for "one moment of gross stupidity." Wells, who came to town with several friends for a wedding, apparently was upset after he arrived late for a flight to Fort Lauderdale and wasn't allowed to board.
At 10:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't think that the yeshivas are supposed to teach the kids not to call in bomb scares.This kid is obviously one big schmuck period.
At 10:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
instead of saying how bad he looks and the chillul hashem he caused, everyone here should be praying for him.
i just got off the phone with all the lawyers, chaplin, and anyone involved including me, the case is not simple.
i was right there when it happened watching him get arrested, and interegated.
i ran to the media, and made sure the word "jewish" was not mentioned,and therefor waisting your time here bashing him is a chillul hashem.
hope you guys will consider the case and actually pray for him.
besurot tovot
At 11:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
what yeshiva is he in?
At 11:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
even a good lawyer make not help here. this now falls into homeland security- these guys don't "appreciate" jokes like this and they don't answer to anyone. I have a friend who had a problem getting back from canada once and even Hillary clinton could not help because of them.
At 11:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
even if they have "connections" it really won't make a difference in this case. This now falls into homeland security and those guys have no bosses and cant be pressured into making deals.
is the kid who did this stable?
At 11:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
This boy cost taxpayers and will continue to cost taxpayers thousands upon thousands of dollars and he caused inconvience to hundreds of passengers and employees at the Long Beach airport. And, now his parents have got to bail him out.
Are you for real when you say he just made a mistake and we should all be trying to do what we can to help him out?
At 12:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
By the way L.A channel 7 reported he was Jewish.
At 12:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
What is the maximum jail time he can get?
At 4:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
he will be let go they just wanna show that they are strict he's a really nice guy and a big talmid chcham we all make mistakes he's no threat to this country and should be free with nothing on his name lets all daven this works out they only arrested him bec he's jewish if he was muslim they would be afraid to arrest him so he should be fine
At 8:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
This arrested him because he made a bomb threat. It has nothing to do with jewish. If any1 makes a threat they will arrest. it was a very stupid mistake by him. Lets not make excuses
At 8:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
anon. @ 424
you make me sick..you are onw of those people that everything that happens is anti semetic..if the idiot picked up the phone and called in the bomb threat damn right he should serve the time.there are laws and I know most frum people are above them.
let's see the connections he has.maybe he will get away with it
At 9:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
he's a really nice guy and a big talmid chcham
Is it just me, or doesn't it seem incongrous for a "really nice guy" to hold up an entire plane of people trying to get to their destination because he is late? Somehow I don't imagine an actual talmid chacham doing such a thing. Are our standards for Torah scholars this low now?
At 9:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
How can you call someone a talmid chochom if he obviously has SO LITTLE derech eretz? He may have the capabilities to learn well, but the lessons to be learned therein have obviously NOT sunk in.
At 9:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
to all of you who are making him a bad person
we all make mistakes doing a mistake does not take away in any way any good a person does whats good is good and whats bad is bad in torah the 2 does not go together you cant say bec i was so good i can do something bad
he happens to be a great talmid chacham who learns alot and helps people
just because he did a little mistake does not take away the fact of his good side
we all make mistakes in our life and that does not take away the positive
look at the cup half full not half empty
At 9:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
why don't we just wait and see exactly what happens and if he really is guilty of this, and then make our comments.
At 9:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
in regard to mentioning the word "jewish" what would you think if the above idiot (understatement)would have had a name starting with mohammed? how stupid must one be not to think yeheskel as a jewish name? and by the way he deserves every bit of headach he will be receiving and let this be a lesson to all!
At 9:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think what people are saying is that LEARNING torah is not enough. One must uphold the principles therein or all the learning is for nothing.
And making excuses will only encourage more such behavior.
We need to teach our children not just to learn torah, but to LIVE A LIFE of Torah.
At 11:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
i just got this website e mailed to me from my wife.
who do you ppl think you are, judging, and thinking you know what the hell you are talking about.
being jewish, mochamed, idiot,etc...
don't you have anything better to do in your lifes then come here online where anyone could read this, wich is the biggest chillul hashem ever.
you ppl sound like frum ppl with your frum language posted here, and by the way the reason mashiach is not here is bec ppl like you who have nothing to do in they life but talking gossip and loshon horoh.
stop posting messages about him, and just pray for him, and don't worry about his shidduch make sure you have one first, and if you do i feel bad for him or her that you have nothing better to do in you life then post messages here.
just daven for him and let's hope he comes out of jail, he does not belong there, with murderers, rapers,etc..
At 12:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't know what was going through this guys head when he made the threat, but he should of had enough common sense not to use the "bomb" word. My 6 year old has enough common sense not to scream fire in a crowded room (or any room) so a 21 year old should know better. This bochur knew exactly what would happen by making a threat. He knew that the plane would be stopped and he would be able to get back on the flight. In other words HE KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING!! He just didn't think he would get caught. The only question is, WHY?WHY? WHY? And his lawyer said it best "GROSS STUPIDITY".
BTW,,,If an arab did the same thing on an EL AL plane, I am sure that everyone in this blog would scream that he should be punished severly. So forget about the "Yeshiva Boy" and "what a great kid" lingo. It may be true, but that doesn't fly in the real world.
At 12:18 PM,
dave said…
tovo eimo vatekanech tzoas benuh.
torah with zero derech eretz.
doesnt look good for the next generation. it reminds me of the BP riots.
At 12:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Doald Etra is rated as a top attorney by Martindale
Private Practice Lawyer Profile for Donald Etra
Donald Etra
Law Offices of
Donald Etra
2029 Century Park East, Suite 1040
Los Angeles, California 90067
(Los Angeles Co.)
Telephone: 310-284-2040; Cell: 310-344-9411
Fax: 310-284-2048
Email: Send an Email
AV Peer Review Rated
Practice Areas: Criminal Defense; Federal Criminal Law
Admitted: 1971, New York; 1978, District of Columbia and California
Law School: Columbia University, J.D., 1971
College: Yale University, B.A., 1968; Columbia University, M.B.A., 1971
Member: Los Angeles County and American (Member, Criminal Section) Bar Associations.
Biography: Author: "Citibank, The Nader Report on First National City Bank," Grossman, 1974. Associate of Ralph Nader, 1971-1973. Trial Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., 1973-1977. Assistant U.S. Attorney, Central District of California, 1978-1981. Partner, Sidley & Austin, 1983-1995. Member, Federal Indigent Defense Panel, Central District of California, 1983-1988. Judge pro tem, Beverly Hills Municipal Court, Los Angeles County, 1983-1988.
Born: New York, N.Y., July 23, 1947
ISLN: 907559991
Web Site: http://www.donaldetra.com
At 1:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Bp riots were 100 percent justified but thats not my point.(1)If Homeland security said he should be locked up for 2 years I would feel bad for him, but how could you blame them.Imagine if the new thing is that you just call in bomb threats to planes every plane would have to be searched .(2)How do u think those people on that plane fealt when they finally took off i gurantee everyone in this room that the entire flight was nervous the entire trip.(3)Why does the Air Lines not press charges on him personally every time something like this happens it costs them big money .People get nervous to fly .People cancle there flights . I sound like a disgusting person but im not it just makes me sick how sick a person could be. Maybe he needs a mental Hospital for a couple of years .
At 1:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
this is not the first time this has happened -not him specificaly- but calling in threats, a couple of months ago in oregon i think, anyone know what they got.
At 4:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
he is NOT in yeshiva- not that it matters. he did something very ver very stupid and needs help.
we ALL do stupid things sometime, and none of us would want to be taken to task for them.
the only iff. is that most of us never do something this stupid
At 4:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
One thing that amazing bibliography of the lawyer indicates is that he charges a hell of alot of money for representation.
At 5:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
There was a similar incident in NY of a jeweler calling in faking terrorist plots against former business associates and was then arrested for making everything up. The police spent over 100k trying to track his story.
go to : http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14125979/
At 5:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
You ppl should not be talking about him. Work on your own Middos, and some of you got it wrong. He does not learn in our yeshiva anymore, he is an israeli who learned here, and now works and lives on his own. I'm sure hes suffering enough so all of oyu should say tehillim for him maybe that can help. Ppl shouldn't write information if they don't know it!
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