Washington, DC - Thousands Protest Israeli War on Lebanon
Washington, DC - Thousands of people gathered across from the White House on Saturday, even though the president was out of town, in support of Lebanese and Palestinians, and to condemn U.S. and Israeli policies in the Middle East.
"The occupiers are being seen as the victims, and I'm really ashamed of what is going on in the Middle East," said Alicia Jrapko, a member of the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, which organized the rally.
"End the occupation now!" one demonstrator's sign read, a call for Israel to leave historically Palestinian lands.
The crowd was filled with Muslims, but also contained many non-Muslims, including a handful of orthodox Jews. Yeshaye Rosenverg, 23, traveled form Monsey, N.Y., to "show the support for the Lebanese and Palestine people and to make clear that it's not a Jewish fight between Arabs and Jews."
At 11:19 PM, Anonymous said…
This Yeshaye Rosenverg is a roshe merusha to support these anti-semites, everyone knows the underlying cause for this whole conflict is that these arab anti-semites hate jews, period. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply naive, or is influenced by the far left media. It doesnt take a genius to figure it out, they are firing rockets at jews in israel, not militants, not a person that should instill an ounce of fear against them. They are trying to kill completely innocent jews, it's that simple. While israel, on the other hand, is just trying to preserve some peace and serenity for its tiny nation that is surrounded by many other countries that simply want to wipe israel off the map. What else do you expect, or want, from israel? It is doing the best job possible in the situation they were placed, not a situation that they asked for, or wanted, but a situation that was placed upon them by a bunch a fascist jew hating criminals.
At 9:40 AM, Anonymous said…
Its a shame, all the papers have the headlins today "Anti-Zionist Jews steal spotlight" regarding this protest
At 3:29 PM, Anonymous said…
"The crowd was filled with Muslims, but also contained many non-Muslims, including a handful of orthodox Jews. Yeshaye Rosenverg, 23, traveled form Monsey, N.Y., to "show the support for the Lebanese and Palestine people and to make clear that it's not a Jewish fight between Arabs and Jews."
More traitors and Sonnei Yisroel and Sonnei Hashem from the Neturei Karta MOSQUE -- for it is NO synagogue, and what is taught there is NOT Torah but a PERVERSION of Torah, since this nut cult group spits right in the Face of G-d Himself by rejecting the greatest nes He has done for klal Yisroel since the days of the Macabbees -- restoring the Jewish people to sovereign power over their own ancient homeland, barely three years after the Holocaust, and then thwarting all of the evil schemes of the Ishmaelites and and their putrid fellow travelers like the Iranians, the Russians (both Soviet-era and post-Soviet) and most of the Europeans, especially France, over the next six decades to destroy the Jewish nation.
On top of the fact that these so-called "orthodox" Jews are creating a great chillul Hashem, they are also guilty of desecrating Shabbos by their presence at such a noxious gathering of rashayim -Arabs, other Islamic anti-Semites, Communists and other left-wing radicals and right-wing neo-Nazi Jew-haters -- on Hashem's Holy Day. He will punish these turncoat weasels even MORE severely than He will punish their Jew-hating friends -- and then they'll be kvetching and krechting out of the other side of their faces.
At 4:14 PM, Anonymous said…
"There were black-turbaned Shiite clerics threading their way through the crowd, which included a group of silent ultra-orthodox Jews dressed in full Sabbath kaftans. Not far behind was a hardcore of mostly adolescent Hizbullah supporters chanting slogans in Arabic."
At 2:32 PM, Anonymous said…
but medinas israel is a much worse chillul Hashem
At 12:53 PM, Anonymous said…
Why is it that when an Eidele Yingerman goes to protest the Tzeyoinim the Soinai Hadaas Yemach Shemum only then its a chillul hashem, but all that goes on in that Triefeneh Medineh (that today is RCH"ML the Zenus capital of the world) where are you then to protest the Chilul hashem. Get your facts straight!!!!!!!!!!!
At 4:26 PM, Anonymous said…
no one is saying that medinas yisroel does not need improvement, however the garbage of NK promotes killing of innocent jews. They should fress drek.
At 7:16 PM, Anonymous said…
they dont need your support yhis peaple from nk they are strong about what they are doing,they dont give ahood for all u zionism
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