White Lake, NY +MVA+
White Lake, NY +MVA+ A motor vehicle accident on Shortcut Road off Route 52 West after Lapidus Bungolow Colony, with two people injured and might be trapped, Hatzolah responding on a rush.
U/D: 01:47
Hatzolah on the scene requesting Medevac to be on stand by.
U/D: 01:51
Sulliven County said should make ground trans.
U/D: 01:53
White Lake-1 requesting Medics to meet them on Route 17B.
At 1:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Chopper was req. by a member who has no clue what pt care is thinking every mva needs a chopper, how does it look if Sullivan county is on scene be4 hatzolah and they say no need for chopper and a non experience member comes on scene first thing he does is req a chopper, its bad for hatzolah they loose their creditability . and for all people to know both pt were stable
At 7:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
what a HATE for the chassidim who are saving a yiddish live and trying to run away from "HARRIS". WHAT A HATE.
At 11:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
its the point that there are these members who have no clue on treating a pt, all they know is to req a chopper
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