Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY +Commercial MVA by Machinery+
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY +Commercial MVA by Machinery+ A accident at Certified Lumber on Kent Avenue and Division Avenue with an aided that was hit by a High-Low and is pinned under a heavy beam, Hatzolah on the scene requesting ALS units on a rush, NYPD ESU also requested.
U/D 15:06
Hatzolah canceling additional units aided is concious, EMS and FD responding for the heavy bleeder .
At 3:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
not m'shuliny
At 6:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
the victim is a boom driver at certified he was just walking by when a huge beam fell off a rack and cracked his head open but not mishelunee
At 11:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
will he sue certified?
At 9:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
stpuid ?
why dont they walk around with "hard hats" I hope they dont have OSHA issues now
At 9:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
well if they do not walk around with hard hats (and i know that for a fact) then its their own fault and nobody can help them if they get into trouble.
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