Boro Park, Brooklyn, NY +Owner Tied Up in Home Invasion+
Boro Park, Brooklyn, NY +Owner Tied Up in Home Invasion+ NYPD of 66th Pct, BP Shomrim Patrol and Hatzolah are all on the scene at 1609 54th Street and 16th Avenue for a home invasion, after a neighbor witnessed two perps wearing masks walk out of the house with large bags, he got in and found the owner tied up to a bed saying that this white perps with knifes got in from a back window and robbed him and a large amount of valuables, jewelry, and cash were taken.
Perps fled in a white Yukon NY REG# CPF 2030, after being inside the home over one hour, ESU responding, crime scene set up.
U/D: 22:21
NYPD calling for a level one mobilization.
U/D/ 09/26/06
NYPD located the vehicle unoccupied on 20th Avenue and 85th Street in Brooklyn, NY.
At 10:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
The name of the guy is Zicherman
At 10:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wolf zicermanfrom Muntkats
At 10:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
is everybody ok?
At 10:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
what a wierd hour for a burglery like that. did they make owner say where he keeps his stuff? or did they know exactly where to find what thbey were lookin for?
At 11:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
everyone is doing fine
they are still looking for the two ppl. the safe was taken out of the house and that had alot of jewlery and cash about 10 min. ago 16th ave. from 53rd Street till 55t hStreet was closed off now only 54th Street is closed
At 11:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
wolf sicherman... they came in through a window and tied Mrs. Sicherman up and took bag of valuables along with a safe that contained massive amounts of jewelry and money.
At 11:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
could have been disgruntled maids that were fired or even cohorts of current maids. its sicherman
At 11:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
a few weeks ago there was also a robbrey on 11th ave.& 49th st.
i think it was the same discription.
At 11:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
the street is open already
At 11:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Is this the Volf Zicherman that donated a lot of money for the so-called eruv?
They tied him up with the eruv shtrik & carried everything out using the eruv, with "Rabbinical Supervision" of course.
At 11:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would like to wish to MR Zicherman, that he should have hatzlacha finding the bad guys.
Nobody deserves anything like this.
At 11:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Perps fled in a white Yukon NY REG# CPF 2030"
Was it a stolen vehicle?? Or does that mean that they know who did it.
At 12:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
y do ppl always have to add there silly 2 cents comments that are not even funny. this should not happen to anyone ever . its traumatizing for any person doesnt matter if affiliated with erev or anything else.
some ppl never grow up and always have to make a stupid remark when its not neccessary
At 12:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
Monday 11:45 PM
In Long Island the same exact thing happend today.
is iut a coincidence?
At 12:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
11:52 - get over it. there will always be losers like you who will exploit any situation for a dying cause.
VERY bad taste to do this at a traumatic time like this.
At 12:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 12:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
whats going on can some one explain
At 2:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
anonymous said...
There was a similar robbery like that on Rosh Hashana at 8 p.m. on 59th st between 18 and 19th ave. However it wasn't a home invasion but they semmed to be profressional and also entered thorugh the window and took cash and valuables.
I don't get it, so what's similar about it??
At 6:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think the GOOD LUCK of the perps is the similar think about it.
At 7:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
A home on 45th Street, 8-9 Ave, was also broken into last Thursday evening, Erev Rosh Hasahana, at an odd time, just before 8 p.m.-a time when you would expect people to be home. As it happens, they were out grocery shopping. Their son came home just before the parents,interrupting the burglary. When he realized someone was in the house, he ran out. The parents drove up a minute later. The father ran toward the house, when he saw his son and heard his shouts- passing the goniv on the way out. The sheigetz ran toward a waiting car, which took off. The mother, who'd still been outside next to their car, had the presence of mind to note the license plate number. The police were able to trace the goniv through the plate number and arrested the son of the car's owner. I don't know if any stolen items were recovered.
These were not wealthy people, just very ehrliche, hard-working poor people, who could ill afford the loss of the items stolen from them. Yet, they have a very positive attitude, b"h. This must be a cheshbon that still had to be paid last year. They had to undergo a loss last year apparently, and b"h, it was only "things"- not ,ch"v, something worse!
The goniv appeared to be of Mexican / Indian (NOT Indo-Pakistani) origin. These type of people seem to be everywhere these days- working in almost every store, at most construction jobs and in many homes. There seems to be a surge of robberies, car break-ins and burglaries in Boro Park, lately. I wonder...
At 9:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 9:29 AM,
Anonymous said… say 10 million dollars was stolen
At 9:40 AM,
Anonymous said… is reporting
שוד מזעזע בארה"ב. אלמונים לבושים בשחור ורעולי פנים חדרו אמש (שני) כשעה לאחר סיום צום גדליה לביתו של הרב וואלף זיכרמן ראש הקהל של חסידות מונקאטש הנמצא בלב השכונה החרדית בורו פארק, כפתו אותו וציוו על רעייתו לפתוח את הכספת שהכילה מעל 10 מיליון דולר במזומן. לאחמ"כ כפתו גם את רעייתו ונמלטו מהמקום ברכב מילוט שהמתין להם במקום. מחקירה ראשונית עולה כי השודדים חדרו מחלון קטן בצד האחורי של הבית וניתקו את מערכת החשמל וכך מצלמות האבטחה לא צילמו דבר. הכסף שנשדד היה מיועד לצרכי צדקה למשפחות נזקקות. הרב זיכרמן ידוע כבעל צדקה גדול ופועל רבות לטובת משפחות נזקקות. את המקרה גילו בני המשפחה שהגיעו ומצאו את הוריהם כפותים, ומיד הזעיקו את המשטרה שהגיעה בכוחות מתוגברים למקום. ל"לדעת.נט" נמסר כי למשטרת ניו יורק יש קצה חוט בפרשה זאת לאחר אחד השכנים שהבחין באותם שודדים יוצאים רעולי פנים, הצליח לרשום את מספר הרכב, דבר שכעת נבדק ע"י משטרת ניו יורק.
At 9:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
very sad story
At 10:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
eruv? i know someone else who was robbed he 2 paid for an eruv in his city
i wonder if this has to do with one another are they getting punished from hashem? who knows
i hope they will make back their money and spend it better
At 10:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
i hope this is only a test for this big baal tzedakah who has given so much money for others and the community
he should be paid back 1000 times more and he should be able to give alot more
gmar chasimah tova
At 10:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
first of all this so group shomrim are worth less they dont do anything were they cant get koved my car was broken in a few night ago and robbed bone dry i called shomrin gave them my number i askd that a bp coordenater to return my call soo far its almost 2 weeks and no phone call i guess its not involvd nypd or fdny or any big shots.
please if anybody is ready to volonteer nights and try to chatch this tiffes i will iy"h be back with my email address were you could write me and help our yiddish brother שלא על תנאי לקבל פרס
At 11:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
10:22 a.m. you are an idiot! Whether or not you support the Boro Park Eruv is irrelevant when it comes to such an inyon as this! Where is your compassion? What do you mean "spend it better"? They are well-known to spend lots and lots of money on chesed and tzedaka! Syug lachochma shtika.
At 11:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
מען וועט זעין ווי שנעל וועסט מיד ווערן
At 11:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
To Anonymous at 11:52 p.m. What you said in this comment shows your true colors. I just hope that everyone else opposed to the Eiruv are not like you. What would you have said if someone posted about the story in Williamsburg; when a person (violently) opposed to the eiruv got his head opened up: good for him. You would be screaming in the streets! But here it is OK?
At 11:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
In reggards to Shomrim , YES there is kuvid involved and yes it is not done 100% lshem shmayim - at the end of the day they definitely contribute and have been helpful-
To Mr Zicherman who is known to be a tremendous baal chesed Btzinah I hope they catch these perpetrators
If it is $10 mill. he is going to have alot of explaining to do to the Feds- and that will be a bigger headache to him than the money being taken from him under such circumstances
At 11:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
1010 Wins-
Couple Terrorized in Boro Park Home
NEW YORK (1010 WINS) -- Two people in ski masks broke into a Brooklyn home and terrorized a couple Monday night.
Officials said the well-known orthodox couple was tied-up with duct tape and found by neighbors inside their home on 16th Avenue in Boro Park.
Police said the suspects took cash and jewelry from a safe.
Police are looking for a white Yukon truck that the thieves allegedly drove away in.
No serious injuries were reported.
At 12:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
While I am not here to support or discredit the Shomrim, what is it exactly that you want the shomrim to do for you hours after the car was broken into.
The shomrim don't get kovod, they only get called names by people like you. There is no kovod involved at all.
Also, the shomrim do alot of things that the community at large is not even aware of. And its better that way!!!
At 12:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
if you dont like the shomrim then dont pay them!!
(oh i forgot u dont pay them anyway they are volnteers)
so why r u complaining anyway
as long as they dont charge you why do u care????
At 12:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
As for the shomrim comment, You are a real fool!! Shomrim guys do a wonderful job! Many leave in middle of work hours to try to catch a ganif in your driveway, or look for a missing child, or help open a car door with the keys inseide, and its 90 degrees and a child is inside!! WHAT KOVOD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? Kovod from the little child who's life was just saved?? You silly fool! You don't deserve that shomrim should ever respond to your calls! Go pray on Yom kippur well! you are probally a kovod mentch who got insulted that a non paying volonteer didnt drop everything and go help you, were the ganif was long gone!! Be well.
Shomrim does a wonderful job, keep it up Shomrim guys!!
At 1:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
you can see this all live - News - Couple Tied Up, Robbed During Home Invasion
At 1:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
In regard to the comment about car break in i Am on the street early in the morning and i always see nisht mishelunee Roaming the streets eyeing each car while walking and they all have back packs on them i wonder why
At 1:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
I cant understand that, they got the license plates and they can't get the robbers?!
At 1:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
why do we need shomrim to open a car with a child inside with ninety degree weather?
break the window fools!!!
At 2:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
the shomrim do some good but i agree
they are not there for themself they are there for the kovod and for the action
come on guys be honest they go driving like crazy they dont catch anyone they are young kids looking for fun
they never stop a crime before it happens or catch the guy while hes doing the crime
better to have them around then not have them we dont even pay what dp we care if they wanna have fun i would not start a new one i dont think any of us can do a btter job
but rabosie be honest they want action fun and kovod and let them have it who cares as long as they are doing good they deserve it
At 3:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Give shomrim a break & a huge thank you!!
They do tons!
Who cares if they're a bunch of vilde kids. Fact: there are plenty of them that are in their thirties, approaching forty!
Better they join shomrim than just go vilde!
At 3:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Recently we hear a lot of safes beeing stolen. I think we should check up on safe companys and the people installing them.
At 3:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
I cant understand that, they got the license plates and they can't get the robbers?!
1:34 PM
Maybe the car was stolen? Thought about that?
At 3:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
attention the guy that said "if they have the liscence plate then they should have them" well, at that point the eyewitness wasn't sure exactly what was happening since it seemed like the zicherman's weren't home! These robbers looked scary, one was on a cell phone probably speaking to the driver of their Yukon & this eyewitness thought this might be a robbery so let me take the license down! The car sped off before the witness had a chance to call Shomrim!
At 3:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
wow! its amazing that everyone knows every single shomrim member in bp and flatbush to say that they all want kavod and action. and that they are all young guys when 90% of them are older than 35 and marrried. i personally know 1 shomrim member who has made over 5 arrests preventing robberies and stolen cars along with his fellow members. if they are after the kavod.. then where is it. certainly not from the polodce dept. they hate shomrim so if anyone has anmy ideas where si this supposed kavod coming from?
At 3:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
To all who ridicule the BELOVED Shomrim Members!
Watch how u express urself u may never know when ull be in this dire situation of a child in 90 dagree in a car and u hear a PD car racing to "assist" u with consequences, whom would u rather have at that door? 2nd)what do u know about shomrim that u could have such a big mouth, imagine ur at work and your mother calls u at work with an emergency u should come home, what do u do the first thing u tell her call shomrim and ill be there soon, from where do u think do these volunteers come from ? they come from "WORK" too. 3rd) how old are your children ?(if u have any) are they tennagers etc. ? are u challenged by their age? do u know whats going on in their life? or when trouble arises u pick up the phone in the middle of the night so your child doesen't know whom ur calling and seeking advice on how to deal with the situation? thats after talking to his rebbe and menahel.... Do u still want more info?...... 4th)talking about Kovod Yes ITS TIME TO GIVE THEM THE DESERVED KOVED..
5th)Find me one member between the age of 18-25??? these are fathers/ grandfathers of families....
At 4:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
With all the money in BP, and te cheap price of wireless cameras, why doesnt every block have a camera at the beginning and end of the block that records every car/person coming in and keeps a record for a month or so. This should cut crime to nothing.
At 4:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Recently we hear a lot of safes beeing stolen. I think we should check up on safe companys and the people installing them.
whats on your cmon spill whom are you trying to accuse
At 4:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
How come EMVA ambulance was not on the scene?
At 4:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think you are on to something. How do they know there are safes? Were all these safes installed by the same guy?
At 4:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey i have nothing againts the shomrim
true i will call them when im in need lets hope none of us will need them
and they do great work and they deserve more kovod then we give them
i was just saying the fact that they join for the fun the older ones once they are in it they stay in it but they didnt join at 35 they joined at 18-20 for the fun
thats all i was saying
we should all do what we love and they enjoy doing this so be it!
the people that are really bashing the shomrim they are just jelous
At 4:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
This Comment is for this anonymous person! First of all that was pure loshon hara especially saying the name strait out if u have nothing else to right then dont write anything at all because u wrote something which was purely disgusting!! put urself in thier shoes! i guess the only thing it will take is for somebody to do that to u inorder for u to learn its not something to spread un humerous jokes about i hope one day youll grow up!!!! i wish u alot of hatzlachah in ur life!!!!!!!
Is this the Volf Zicherman that donated a lot of money for the so-called eruv?
They tied him up with the eruv shtrik & carried everything out using the eruv, with "Rabbinical Supervision" of course.
11:52 PM
At 5:14 PM,
Lucky Wolf said…
any relation to Mr. Zichler from the movie a gesheft.
At 5:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
One thing I dont understand - How do they know it was 10 million dollars? The Zichermans would never let it be known and the thief was not caught - I dont get it
At 5:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
How stupid can you get?????????
It was NOT $10,000,000.00!!!!!!!!!!
First of all Sicherman would never tell you this
Secondly NOBODY keeps 10mil in their house
3rd you need a safe the size of a room to stack 10MIl dollars which is 100,000 $100 dollar bills. do the cheshbon and you'll see that....
Does anybody know if Wolf was home at the time and tied up or not. there are conflicting reports about that.
At 5:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is very strange story - my feeling is this story will change over the next few days -
At 5:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
they stoll everything
At 6:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 6:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
I personally know the Zichermans and I know them to be quiet tzaddikim, tyere mentchen, with goldene middos. There are practically hundreds or thousands of people being helped by them for many many years on a steady basis without any noise or fanfare. Mr. Zicherman is highly respected in the real estate business and he is know for his fair and straight dealings. His tenants, many of who are minority/poor, think highly of him and he treats them very well. The City of New York has entruted him with some of the worst apartment buildings in the city because he has a reputation running an honest, clean operation. Anyone whio has the gall to disparage them now in their time of hurt has stooped to a level so low, its not even passig for a UTA graduate.
At 6:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
he could have had the money home for a business deal. there was jewelry taken too. that could have been worth a few mill as well.
both mr. and mrs. sicherman were tied up and there.
At 6:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
by-the-way my suv was broken in as well and my gps + electronics are all gone i have the serial numbers of my electronics were could i give it in it should be on file if it shows up ?
At 8:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is a very sad story. We should all donate funds to Mr. Z's charities before the Yom Tov. Many people will be deprived of his generosity. The community should focus their energies on aiding the investigation, locate the ganavim, and return the money. Chevra, let's move away from the mundane and rediculous...merge tzedek with tzedakah in these days of awe.
At 8:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
For all of those who are interested: 2 million dollars fits iinto a good size attache case. 10 million will fit into a good sized luggage. Just do the math. A thousant 100 dollar bills is like a a 2 thousant page book. About 6 and 1/8 inch by 2 and 5/8 inch and you can fit 100 of these into a nice size luggage. Just try it.
At 9:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why should East Midwood be there??
At 9:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
The fact that many people criticize the shomrim is proof of itself that the members aren't doing it for kovod.
It's obvious that the community on this site are not aware of what the shomrim do.
As for preventing crime, in Boro Park this year, Jan - current, the BP Shomrim have stopped over 130 crimes in progress with almost 80 arrests that they were responsible for. So much for never catching anyone.
Most people call the shomrim after a crime occured. The shomrim cannot investigate crimes, and can't file police reports. That's why they ask you to call police. If there is a crime in progress the shomrim will respond.
Besides crime fighting there is community service that they do as well. How many people are aware that the BP shomrim responds to an average of 3 missing persons a week?? Tell the family of an alzheimers patient that is missing that the shomrim do it for kovod and are worthless. Let's see what the police will do in that case other than file a report.
As for the safes, and the comment that a safe person must be involved, who do you think is following a known heimishe safe ganif? The shomrim!! Where is our great NYPD??
When there was a rash of GPS robberies all occuring friday night when the robbers know the Shomrim are not around, where was the NYPD?? Who forced them to place extra patrols? The shomrim.
It is obvious by the comments on this site, that most of those posting are immature kids, and probably driving around with lights and sirens.
At 9:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
EMVA is fine young men from Boro Park who have their own Ambulance - they are around at nights- They are the official ambulance of Munkatch-
At 11:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
where do you take that ?
who told you that EMVA has anything to do with munkatch ?
At 4:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
NYPD griling a suspect
At 5:47 AM,
Private Eye said…
Why would somebody dare to keep anywhere near $10 mil. in his house? It doesn't sit to well with and I'm sure not with the IRS either. Good luck!
At 5:54 AM,
Private Eye said…
FYI: Shomrom's behind the scenne activities do great thing's the frum people in NYC.
So just back off.
At 6:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
NYPD will announce an arrest later today in the robbery.
At 10:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
For all the Shomrim bashers- I witnessed a break-in this summer and called the shomrim and NYPD. They were both there within 2 minutes of the call. Of course, Shomrim got there first, but NYPD WAS right behind them in an undercover car with guns on their jeans.
At 4:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
East Midwood Volunteer Ambulance
Who runs it?
Is it F32 - SZ?
Do they have a public number?
Or, do they only show up on MVA's they pick up on the Police and Hatzolah radios?
(and of-course nobody can accuse them of buffing, because they can always claim that "somebody" called them. Yeah Right!)
At 9:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Special thanks to the Boro Park Shomrim Division for their fast response. And to the alert neighbor who upon seeing the suspicious vehicle wrote down its license plate number which led police to this thug.
At 11:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
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