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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Lakewood, NJ - Title I Funds Misuse Alleged

Lakewood, NJ - School officials have termed as "baseless" and "impossible" an allegation that some private schools in Lakewood, NJ are misusing the federal aid intended to provide supplemental educational programs for underprivileged students. 

"A serious allegation has been lodged . . . that nonpublic schools are somehow utilizing Title I funds not in accordance with federal and state guidelines," public schools Superintendent Edward Luick, wrote in a Sept. 11 letter to the leaders of Lakewood's nearly 50 private schools.
Luick's letter was prompted by a report that Rabbi Meir Hertz, dean of the Tashbar of Lakewood primary school, told the district's Title I service provider that some private schools were spending their aid vouchers on playground equipment. The private schools do not directly receive the funds, which are administered locally by the public schools' Board of Education.  In his letter, Luick wrote: "While the board attorney has assured both the board and myself that this allegation is baseless, I need to bring this to attention in order to protect the integrity of the Title I program."

The service provider, Catapult Learning, informed school officials that Hertz had recently called its office. "He stated that he wanted to "tip us off' that some schools were using their Title I funding to purchase playground equipment."


  • At 1:07 PM, Blogger yeshivaguy said…

    I have a better question. Are they ganovim, both from the state and from those who are eligible for special ed services?

  • At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    if in fact it is true, he is a moser

  • At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    now what??

  • At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The school taxes being paid by the frum community for public schools are enormous!
    When they finally give a tiny drop back to the private schools, they don't fargin that either - you see;
    I'm not sure if the money was used lawfully or not; but the definitely did NOT use the money for corruption like the public school head staff/superintendents do; the private school used it for the private school, for the benefit of the students...

  • At 4:30 PM, Blogger yeshivaguy said…

    If they used it for playground equipment instead of for special ed., they were cheating the students who were entitled to special ed.

  • At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    """if in fact it is true, he is a moser"""

    this shpuld say - if in fact it is true, he is a GANOV


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