London - Screams Ignored As Girl, 12, Is Attacked
London - A 12-year-old Jewish girl who was beaten unconscious and robbed by anti-Semitic yobs on a bus and no-one came to her aid.
The girl and a friend were sitting at the back of the a 303 Metroline bus in Mill Hill, north London, when a group of around four girls got on at the Concourse, Grahame Park estate, and asked them if they were English or Jewish. They both replied they were "fully English". One girl in the group asked the victim for money, but she said she did not have any.
She and her friend tried to leave the bus but were blocked by the gang who searched their pockets and stole a bracelet.
One girl hit the victim around the face with her phone, slapped her several times, grabbed her hair and pulled her to the floor, where she was kicked and stamped on. She was left with a fractured eye socket, bruising and swelling to her face and chest.
"All I remember is her stamping on my face," she said. "Me and my friend were screaming. Then I blacked out. There were four people on the bus who didn't do anything."
After regaining consciousness, the girl and her friend tried to pull the bus doors open to escape.
She said: "The driver heard the attack and didn't open the doors. A boy opened the doors for us and I ran off."
She was helped by a motorist and taken to Barnet Hospital, where she was treated for her injuries and kept overnight.
Police are treating the attack on the girl, who is Jewish, as a racially aggravated robbery.
A spokeswoman for Metroline Bus Co. said: "It was a nasty incident. Our policy on handling assault is that drivers are instructed to stop the bus and wait for assistance."
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Will the driver get in trouble for not doing anything to help the girls?
At 10:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
As far as I know the UK, the answer is NO!!!
At 12:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
why is their no public outcry in london about this from the jewish community ??
the bus company should be bycotted by the jewish commmunity and a large high profile law suit should be made.
why no demonstration ?
are they waiting until something drastic happens??
where was the bus driver during the whole episode ???the bus company is fully responsible. in broad day light such a thing???? whats going on why are the english so timid and complacent what r they waiting for ???another genocide??
At 12:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Actually, the reason nobody did anything is because it was TEA TIME!!!
At 12:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
now let's all consider what would happen if these were muslim girls.
At 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am shocked by foolishness of all the above comments. All of these attempts at humor are corny at best and completely inappropriate.
The girl was beatten to a pulp. Besides a tremendous psychological trauma, it's also a lot of physical pain. I wonder if you were just as quick to joke about the driver and the Brits if you were close to that family.
Europe has always been anti-semitic. This is just another example. Remember a french guy who was tortured to death just recently? Jews are attacked in Russia and other post-Soviet countries. Nothing new. In the States, people are just too well fed, too lazy and too preocupied with personal pleasure activities. No time to mess with Jews. Yet, anyway.
And finally: how do you know that the driver wasn't peeing in his pants being scared, and, as a result, completely loosing any ability to think? Not that I am insisting on his/her being a nice person, actually. Just a thought?
And the other 4 people could've been a clumzy student, old lady, pregnant woman and another teenager. You think they could intervene? Put yourself into that situation and think.
Having said that... may G-d quickly disperse His Justice on all parties to this horrible attack, may the girl quickly recover psichologically and physically and may all of you wise up soon.
At 5:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
if the attack took place on top the bus (a doule decker)there are there are cameras so they should know who did it, unless they were muslim with their masks on
At 4:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
i am a frum londoner and this Friday was the first time all of us in the golders green frum kehilla (which is 5 minutes away from mill hill)have heard about this.
No-one knows anything about this so who knows what actually happened. Not too many frum girls travel there by bus which would explain why our kehilla has not done anything!
At 11:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
to anonymous 4.51 pm
you english idiot whats a different if she was frum or not she was jewsih a jidishe neshama what are you beter then the busdriver
At 11:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
It could happen on a NY subway too. Sometimes people are afraid to stick their necks out and help someone else. People prefer not to get involved. Would you help a goyishe child on a bus if 4 goyishe teens started up with him and beat him up?
At 1:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
New Yorkers are usually more proactive when it comes to helping a fellow human being
At 2:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
I was mugged on a number 4 train a few years ago at Grand central Station and a couple of other people in the same car. I would estimate that there about 45 people in my car and not one person even tried to do anything. There were some people reading the news paper and did not even flinch. Nobody stopped the train even at the next station. I got up and pulled the emergancy break after the thief got off at the station. The train was held by police for about an hour
(police showed up after 10 minutes )
This is NEW YORK and nobody cared. Only members of Shomrim would give a damn.
At 8:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
11.22 whoever or whatever we are doesn't least we don't show our ignorance in our writing....ever heard of spell checker. You keep us amused every day with your spelling and grammar blunders. Second thoughts dont bother with the spell checker. We prefer the laugh.
At 8:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
in answer to 11.22pm
You dont live and have no idea of life hear.
Unless i knew a jewish person was being attacked i too would not help. in london these attackers(from age 11 up) carry knives. So no i would not stop to help and neither would most of us.
At 10:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
In the paper yesterdy (shabbos)there was a story about a 14 yr. old was stabbed 4 times in the back.It happened on 71st. & N.U. ave.
At 10:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
I probably would be afraid to help, but, I would call 911 on my cell phone.
At 12:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
To 8:02 - you left the apostrophe out of "dont"!
At 1:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
to 12.45
So did you!
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