New York, NY - Neturei Karta Welcomes President Ahmadinejad from Iran
New York, NY - Neturei Karta an organization that opposes Zionism has officially extended her hand, to the Iranian President Ahmadinejad, upon his visit to the United States.
The display of friendship brings peace, harmony, respect and trust they said in a press release. "Despite media and Zionist hysteria to the contrary, the Iranian President has always been a dear friend of the Jewish people and has profound respect for the Jewish religion," "the Iranian President has actually helped lessen anti-Jewish sentiments throughout the Islamic world," they said. "His view is not only logically compelling, but it also coincides with the universal view of Torah teachers of the previous generation."
They say, Neturei Karta, will be staging a protest outside the United Nations, in order to refute the cruel lies being offered in place of facts, by some misguided organizations, in the Jewish community. Likewise, it will help to reaffirm the respect of the Jewish people for President Ahmadinejad and the mutual good feelings which they share.
At 9:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
you see, he really is a good guy, he really wont blow us up, nice fella......
At 9:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
the neturey karta animals will rot in hell. we should ban them from our shuls and move them to Iran.
At 9:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
our "dear" freind , that promised to wipe out israel....
i was wondering why haman ahmadinejad was coming to america who they call the "evil satan"
but now i see that he truly has some dear freinds here in the usa,
i hope he will visit them in their shuls and institutions......
At 9:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
I believe that the us government should profile these thugs as a terrorist cell and lock them up guantanamo bay prison cell
At 10:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
I wonder if haman also had in his days some dear friends who told the world how much love & respect he had for the Yidden in Shushan Habirah.
At 10:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
If "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" - what does that say about the Neturei Karta and Am Yisroel?
At 10:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
If they love him so much why don't they move to Iran....Why are they here
At 10:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
RE: i hope he will visit them in their shuls and institutions......
They are a total of 3½ people.
They have no shul, no minyan.
They exist only to make a Gevaldiga chillul Hashem.
If you want to get attention, but don't have too much sechel or money, then do something extremely crazy, then you'll make the headlines!!
At 11:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Neturei Karta'niks, these bums should be wiped off the face of this earth. If they love this anti semitic jew hater, then let them move from America to Iran, and be best friends with him there.
It doesn't cease to amaze me how these animals just keep getting away with it. If only I was a man...........I'd get a machetti and gun'em all down.
Their Rov or Rebbe or whatever the H you want to call him, is the real one to blame. And he looks old enough to have gone through the war. A M A Z I N G!!
Welcome to America, Hitler No. 2. I can't believe this country is allowing this Hitler in! Just shows you how much everyone "really loves" the Jews. Right. And these thugs are going to reinforce that for us. May they burn in gehenom.
At 12:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
To who it may consern (not to zionim or noitim le-zionus).
1) This is a way of Golus - see parshas Vayishlach and elswhere.
2) It's a tremendous Kiddush ha-Shem - to show that not every jew is ziony and not everybody tanzt zu zeier negine.
3) For complete explanation - See Kuntres "Derech Hatzoloh" by r, Moshe Dov Beck.
Ksivo vachasimo toivo a gut gemencht yor!
At 12:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Would someone let me know if all 6 of the New York Neturei Karta members show up today.
At 12:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's dismaying but not surprising. The neturey karta are notorious for engaging in particularly demented maneuvers. Just another example of a sect or group of individuals who cannot or will not follow logical, rational, and dare I say SANE?? thinking processes.
Really, what can one expect from people with mashed up garbage for brains?
CFU- Brooklyn
At 1:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
not all six because i have one in my office and he's still here defending his corrupt views.......
At 1:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
to the one stating above "If only I was a man...........I'd get a machetti and gun'em all down" this belongs on not here......
At 1:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
why don't you hate express you hatred to the zionist regime that lead so many jewish orphans after he holocaust ,astray , into a world of kefira?
what about sephardic jewry?
the whole tshuva movement in israel is only trying to make up the loss.
were is your outrage?
all the nk are saying that what zionists are does not represent torah .
do you disagree?
forget for the moment that they are walking with people that want to annihilate us . just the premise.
do zionists represent torah .?
the last war, was a war sanctioned by torah? or gaivah?
we do have an torah obligation to be compassionate even at war.
what about all the jewish blood spilled?/go explain to a young orphan why his father died.
for pride?
what about the jew that said a cow in israel is worth more that European jewry?
what about him/?
the gemara speaks highly of haman.
it says he accomplished to bring the jews to repentance .
maybe you /we should repent for the little zionism in my / our heart.
the source of such an opposite of kvod hashem.
ktiva vachatima tova
At 1:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
tzar balei chaim!!!
At 1:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
yimach shemom iezichrom to all of them may you rest in gehinim with the president of iran
At 1:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
to:1:29 PM
we would like to see a copy of your "mas hachnasa".
you big faker .
At 1:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
this is what is being protested...........
Herzl's children buried alongside their father in Jerusalem
By The Associated Press
Israel on Wednesday buried the remains of two children of
Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism, fulfilling a wish their father made more than a century ago.
All three of Herzl's children died tragically. Pauline suffered from mental illness and died in 1930, apparently of a drug overdose. Hans, who converted to Christianity, committed suicide when he learned of her death.
Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar had issued a religious ruling allowing for the reburial of the remains. Some rabbis had objected to the reburial, since Hans converted to Christianity and committed suicide. Jewish law prohibits certain burial privileges for people who commit suicide.
Olmert thanked Amar for finding a basis in Jewish law that permitted the ceremony.
Herzl was heavily influenced by the 1895 case of Alfred Dreyfus - a high-ranking Jewish officer in the French army who was wrongfully convicted of treason and jailed on Devil's Island. He was later cleared of any wrongdoing.
The following year, Herzl published his seminal work, "The Jewish State," turning the young journalist into the leading proponent for the establishment of an independent homeland for the Jewish people. He later founded the World Zionist Organization.
At 2:23 PM,
FrumWithQuestions said…
I just got back from the rally and unfortunately there was a large crowd of Neturei Karta. I would guess that there was at least 100 of them. I followed them after the rally and it looks like they were bussed in from somewhere. I stopped one of them to ask them which Rebeim they follow and he told me he was a talmid of the Satmer Rebbe and considered himself a "Satmar Chassid". I don't know what to take from this but I think the head of Satmar Chassidim whether they are for Aron or Zalman come out and make a public statement against these group of people to make sure they know that Satmar is against what they are doing.
At 3:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Which Satmar Rebbe did the bussed in Satmars hold by? Was it a Williamsburg bus or a Kiryas Yoel bus?
At 3:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 4:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
just likew nevuchadnetzer of todau iranian president haman samech mem satan yemach shmoe has denied our families going to aushwitz belzec treblinka bergen belzen so maybe one of the nk leaders mr. yishmael david weiss wil deny he caused his fathers untimely sickness and petira of his father a"h
At 5:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
It is time for SATMER to come out forceably against NETURAY KARTA
At 5:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
While I DO NOT agree with the Netura Karte.They are to ones that got the Iranian Jews accused of spying out of jail.Not the American Jewish Organizations who want Jonathan Pollard to rot in jail.
At 5:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
they gain credibility because of their premise that the STATE of Israel is not based on Torah.
Then they grow many lies into this truth
All frum communities should publicly distance themselves from the NK, especially Satmar/chasidishe, because they are percieved to be similar
Today we must support Israel because there is a major Jewish population there, just like NY or LA (lhavdil?) We must protect all yiden wherever they live
At 5:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Satmar doesn't have to come out against them, even if they say that they are Satmarer (because they share some beliefs)! The same as other jews doesn't have to come out against them, even if they say that they are Jews (because they share some beliefs)!
At 5:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
We are talking about a bunch of losers who dont have jobs they have a lot of time on their hands, they have this zionism fobia and they love conspiracy whatever they hear or read they always see zionism you tell them apples and they hear zionism (i know a few personally)
At 7:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
To the confused CHUSID
I hope you understand that today as always we must support Jews wherever they live. But we have to be very cautious not to engage in rhetoric against any nation (shelo yimrody beimos) especially against a mighty nation like Iran, which is headed by a dangerous leader, and can be a danger to the 60,000 Jews living there, and many more in the neighboring countries.
It’s very simple to understand like ABC.
Now, I guess you meant to say that Today we must support the innocent Jews, but condemn the actions of the irresponsible state of Israel, because there are a lot of Jews living there, say like NYC(No lehavdil necessary their cloture is nothing behind the US in timeh rch”l and they’re r calling Jerusalem a sister city of NYC for a legitimate reason)
Hope you have a good year
At 10:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
My great-grandfather was from the original "Neturei Karta" and I'm sure he's flipping in his Keiver by these Airev Rav of today who call themselves Neturei Karta.
At 12:49 AM,
Der Shygetz said…
These wannabes should be called:
Nutter Kartel or Ku Klux Karta.
Reb Amram Bloy ZYA is also flipping in his kever over the misuse of the NK name by these menivilach.
At 9:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
I wish this country would cut off section 8, food stamps and other funding to these jew haters.
They should starve in the streets of Yerushalayim, New York, Montreal, and Teheran.
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dont Blame Satmar . the new rebbe shlit"a is changing satmar for the better . he is working to make peace with BELZ. changing the name of rabeinu YOEL zetz"l from VAYOEL NOSHE (the book against zeionizm)to DIVREI YOEL and so on , it gona take a while for the change to complete but it gona happen soon . you gona see a new satmar soon with more respect for evrybody
At 12:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
To ann 10:21
KOL HAKOVOD to Satmer for making this bold and couragous change
At 5:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
wish it happen A.S.A.P. so satmar will stop harrase the people who are practicing mitzvas EIRUV IN WIILAMSBURG
At 8:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
the klozinberger fool
your rebbe held that there is NO eruv when there are people that do not wan't an eruv.
also he writes that it is a BIG kullah to make an eruv in boro park etc.
SAMER is not making peace with belzie and for sure not with klozinberg.
is klozinberg going to blow shofer on shabos rosh hashana?
rav moshe feinstein writes who ever carries in boro park is a MICHALLEL SHABOS
it's time to do tsuvah.
At 12:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Moshiach's tzeiten will be upon us when these jew haters are wiped off the face of the earth.
A most shocking video from this evening's Channel 2 6pm news.
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