Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY +Hatzolah MVA Saturday Night+
Borough Park, Brooklyn, NY - Hatzolah ambulance B06 got involved in a serious accident Saturday night on 52nd Street and 17th Avenue, with the driver of the other vehicle pinned in the vihicle and into a pole.
NYPD of the 66th Pct and ESU Trk-6 cut the vehicle and extricated the driver from the vehicle and was taken to local hospital, Hatzolah member was also injured.
At 8:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Re. Hatzolah member was also injured.
B"H Hatzolah member is Home and OK. I spoke to him yesterday in shul after davining. B"H
At 9:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Why would hatzola be on a call on Yom Tov in a car accident? Was there a pedestrian involved in this accident?
At 9:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
anon 9:12,
Please rephrase the first question. It sounds ridiculous even after I translate it into yiddish in my head (like I do with all the language spoken on this board).
At 9:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. 9:12, You're a sick puppy.....
At 9:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
DI bist nisht kein grosse chcochom,
why would hatzolah respond on Yom Tov to a motor vehicle accident?
A very legitimate question.
At 10:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Has everyone here lost their brains???
Hatzolah was not responding to an MVA they were involved in an MVA while responding to another call.
Regardless, I believe that this is the 4th Hatzoloh of BP ambulance to be involved in an mva this year. Maybe its time the coordinators wake up and do something about it. Of course, the BP Coordinators are worthless.
At 10:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
+DI bist nisht kein grosse chcochom,+
I never claimed differently! In fact that's my name!
+why would hatzolah respond on Yom Tov to a motor vehicle accident?+
Where in this article have you seen this assertion? To me it sounds that Hatzoloh was responding to, perhaps your father, who had chest pain, & got involved in +MVA+!
+A very legitimate question.+
Objection Your Honor!
At 10:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. 9:54, You're a sick puppy as well!
At 10:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
All of you are groise chachumim indeed if you were able to understand 9:12's question. It looks like greek to me.
At 10:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
b'h to 8:01 comments. Is the ambulance a total loss? Is it covered by insurance?
At 1:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
hataloh has max insurance coverage on all there buses(=ambulances)and retire* older vechicles when not cost affective to keep
*are either donated or sold at discount to other new startup hatzolos in other cities baltimore/passaic nj etc
At 3:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
nisht kein groise chuchem,
A knubel hut mer seichel vi dein kup.
At 4:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. 3:13, & you're a sick puppy as well.....
At 6:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
this hatzolah member was on call and came to the corner at a green light without looking the other car went passed a red light that is how this accident hapened
so dont start saying that the hatzolah members are not careful
At 8:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
The Ambulance was not going very fast while he was making a turn (as per NYC PD Invstigation)
At 12:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
hatolah members, most of them drive like a bunch of idiots.
I had an ambulance almost plow right into me. I had a green light and di not hear their sirens. My radio was on and I had a green light but the idiot hatolah meber of Boro park assumed that everyone hears them all the time and instead of slowing down at the intersections regardless of the light color they floor it.
Until a hatzolah meber kills someone go forbid nothing will change.
I am blasting their driving habits and not the work they do for the klal.
At 10:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
if you dont like them next time dial 911
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