Saint Louis, MO +Serious MVA with Rabbi's Family After Chol Hamoed Trip+
Saint Louis, MO - A serious motor vehicle accident when a oncoming truck hit the vehicle of a prominent rabbi and his family on there way back from a Chol Hamoed trip to a farm north of the city, the vehicle rolled over numerous times.
The accident involved the family of the Rabbi of Shaari Chessed synagogue in St. Louis where he he has been the Director of Aish HaTorah in St. Louis for over 20 years.
Some of the aided were children, three of them have been medevacd to a hospital in critical condition, the others are in serious but stable condition.
At 8:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
What horrific news. Please update as soon as you can. May the One Above grant them all a speedy and complete recovery.
At 8:32 PM,
Tina said…
same here - please post all names so we can pray - and please update - this is horrific indeed
At 11:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
U/D: please pray for:
Duvid Ben Brucha,
Elisha Ben Brucha,
Tehilla Bas Brucha.
At 11:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Chaim ben Brocha should also be in your tefilos, not critical but in surgery
At 4:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Here are some updates. Thank you for your tfillos. Keep davening.
Tehilla bas Bracha - being weaned of sedatives and is BH responding
Elisha ben Bracha - now breathing on his own however he needs surgery to repair his jaw.
Aviva Rochel bas Bracha
Eliyahu Chaim ben Bracha
R' Elazar Yitzchok ben Zlata Faiga - released from hospital with bruises which will IYH heal over time.
Dovid ben Brocha is still under heavy sedation with lots of swelling.
At 4:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry but I didnot get updates on
Aviva Rochel bas Bracha
Eliyahu Chaim ben Bracha
At 12:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
name rafael was added to dovid so now its rafael dovid ben brocha l'refuah sh'laima
At 8:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
I found this post on another site and I figured I should post here.
We thank everyone for your tefillos, learning, concern, & mitzvos directed towards a refuah shelaima for my kids. As an extra measure of hishtadlus, my son Dovid has now an added name, Refael David ben Brocha. His status is very critical but "stable". It's a day by day, minute by minute issue. B"H today has been very stable. He needs lots of continued tefillos and learning in his zechus. Tehilla also need much rachmei shamayim. She is still heavily sedated due to her head injuries and jaw fracture. Her operation for her jaw is scheduled for tomorrow at noon STL time. We daven that her head trauma, jaw, & leg fracture will be 100% healed with no deficits. Elisha is doing well and will be"H come home tomorrow. Eliyahu Chaim came home on erev Shabbos/YT and is doing well riding the wheel chair. Thank you again for all your tefillos, please keep it up strongly for Refael Dovid and Tehilla. Rabbi Elazar Grunberger
At 11:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
From Melbourne Australia, (we are Dorothy and Simcha's family) we send you koyech. May your whole mishpocha have a complete and speedy refuah shelaymo.May all our tefillos be heard.
At 6:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
seems like t'hila is not responding like they drs were hoping. der Aybishter zul helfin.
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