Monsey, NY +Fatal Pedestrian Struck+
Monsey, NY - A middle-aged woman was struck and killed by a car late Friday night as she attempted to cross Route 59 near Requa Lane.
Ramapo police late last night could not identify the woman, who was pronounced dead shortly after the accident at the scene by paramedics from Rockland Paramedic Services.
Police closed off Route 59 in both directions from Robert Pitt Drive to Route 306 until about midnight as the Police Department's accident investigation team was working the scene. Monsey Fire Chief Andrew Schlissel said two firetrucks responded to provide police with lights as they examined the scene.
No charges had been filed against the 83-year-old male driver, who was eastbound in his 1997 Toyota Camry.
The death was the second on the heavily traveled road in as many months. The notoriously congested corridor of Route 59 from Kennedy Drive in Spring Valley to Route 306 in Monsey is known for its heavy pedestrian traffic. A lack of sidewalks forces many onto the roadway.
At 11:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
This was A Mrs. Moshe Reifer of Bobov
At 11:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Baruch dayan emes, I heard Motzei Shabbos that Mrs. Riefer of Monsey (Principal Of Shevach High School in Queens) was struck by a car on Friday. May the family know of no more sorrow
At 11:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Baruch Dayan HaEmes. Any details for the LeVaya?
At 11:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mrs. Rochel Reifer, Principal of Shevach and formerly of Bais Yaakov Ramapo in Monsey. Wonderful, upbeat, intelligent and ehrliche lady. Had a good heart, and a great listening ear. May the family know of no more tzoros. May she be a melitza yoisher for all of klall yisroel.
At 11:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Boruch Dayan Emes - Levaya at 12 noon at 80 brewer rd
At 3:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Is Hashem sending the frumme oilem an inordinate amount of tragedies, or have we become a bigger oilem?
Is this a message to us, or are we not allowed to ask questions?
At 3:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 7:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Are you sure she is the mother in law of Gabi? I think you might be making a mistake.
At 7:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
She unfortunately did not have the opportunity to become a mother in law - yet - her first child is a kallah - so don't shoot from the hip if you don't know the facts.
At 9:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
MONSEY - Ramapo police today were still waiting to confirm the identity of a middle-aged woman who was struck and killed by a car last night while crossing Route 59.
"We believe we know who she is, but we have to confirm her ID before anything is released," Sgt. Marty Reilly said. "We're waiting for a positive family identification."
The woman was struck near Requa Lane and was pronounced dead at the scene shortly after 8 p.m.
No charges hade been filed against the 83-year-old male driver, who was heading east in his 1997 Toyota Camry. He was cooperating with the investigation, police said.
At 9:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ribono shel olam!!!
How much longer?????
Enough is enough!!!!!!!!
Mrs. Reifer was the chipperest person around!!!!!!!!!!
My hands are shaking as i write this. As a former monsey resident and former bais rochel student i just can't believe this!!!
Heilige bashefer!!!
Mrs. Reifer? Mrs. Reifer?!!!?!!!!!
Please bashefer no more!!!! WE CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!
At 9:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
she was my brothers future mother in-law, a very special lady.
At 10:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
3:29 - of course Hshem is definitely sending us numerous messages.
Everything that happens in this world is b'reishis = bshvil reishis - because of us, am yisroel. We all must look into ourselves and see how we can improve.
Every person knows himself and what he/she needs to do.
may we hear of no more tzaar and may we hear the shofar shel moshiach speedily.
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mult busses leaving shevach high school to the funeral of the prinipal.
At 10:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
could someone please explain to me WHY DOES AN ALTEH KACKER OF 83 HAVE TO DRIVE?? You're not young anymore, leave the driving to the young experienced of us who can SEE HOW TO DRIVE AT NIGHT!
At 10:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
was she wearing a reflector?
At 10:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
when will peaple learn to wear reflectors? rabbis must make it a law.
At 10:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
if at 83 he had a right to drive he is allowed to drive. he was the MALUCH HAMOVESS dressed up
At 11:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
she was a very big ZADAKESS..passed away friday nite and lavaya ROSH CODESH no HESPADIM allowed.., let her be a gitter better for all of us.. WE CAN REALLY SAY MAMA ROCHEL DIED ON THE WAY ...
At 11:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe the Bobover Kehilla (and other Kehillas with Machloikes) can take upon themselves not to ridicule anyone on the other side and this can help save lives.
No one knows who is next. Maybe it's worth it.
At 11:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
why is it that people wake up 2 wear reflectors after someone gets killed....lets wake up now and we should always no matter what is going on even on shabbos were reflectors when its dark outside....
a hatzolah member
At 11:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
when will peaple learn to wear reflectors? rabbis must make it a law.
Don"t make it a law , make it a MINHAG and maybe then they will listen.
At 11:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
To 10:43-
1-Do you think Hashem made a mistake by allowing this driver to hit her or was it Hashem's will? Was it Bashert? "Az Gut vil sheest a bazem".
2- Obviously this driver passed his vision test.
3- Young drivers cause plenty fatalities too.
At 11:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
a few years ago in lakewood a very big talmid chucham got hit by a car at night and was killed......the next day the rabbonim put out letters that everyone must wear reflecters EVEN ON SHABBOS ..... we should make sure r young children wear them .
At 11:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
OH NO, Gimmi a break 10:54 & 10:57, Can you stop these nonsense once & for all?
How can people be so vicious, every time there's a tragedy, people (I'm not sure they're qualified to be called people, "animals" is more appropriate, I think) will jump to accuse the victim?????
Why did he drink on Simches Torah, why didn't he wear a helmet, etc.
As if they died cuz G-D was disgusted with them, for not following the rules of the law, so he took them back, Millions of Millions (if not Billions) of people aren't following the rules each & everyday, & they are here to stay until G-D will decide to take 'em back, so don't be so stupid & vicious, to conclude who's to blame, not even mentioning that the driver was an 83/y/o, reflectors wasn't probably to much of a help either......
At 11:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
IT WAS BASHERD can we try to see that tragety like this does not happen again
At 11:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
To "Nisht Kein Groise Chuchem said...
OH NO, Gimmi a break 10:54 & 10:57, Can you stop these nonsense once & for all? "
What does some good advice about use of reflectors hurt?
At 11:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
nobody is saying bad about the niftarest we are just trying to help us to prevent accedent in the future
At 11:25 AM,
Private Eye said…
Do you know for a FACT that she was NOT wearing a reflector???
At 12:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Do you know for a FACT that she was NOT wearing a reflector???
The answer is no. And that proves that no one here is trying in any way to disparage the nifteres. People are trying to talk on a general level. There is such a thing as hishtadlus. There is such a thing as 'v'nishmartem meod lenafshosaychem. There is such a thing as verahpo ye'rapeh - from here we learn that the doctor has permission to heal. And now we are learning/teaching a new FACT. Reflectors worn on the dark roads by people who walk on the side of the road are likely to alert drivers to the presence of a pedestrian and will cause them to slow down and veer to the opposite side of the road thereby increasing the risk of the pedestrian arriving home safely. What is wrong with that message?
At 12:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
his name was yoel strulowitz a"h
At 12:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
can someone let me know where to buy reflectors in bulk to give out not to sell to yiddishe kinder walking at night .
At 12:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe, Bais Rochel could distribute reflectors to the community leiluy nishmas the special rebbetzin. That would be a lifelong lesson that she could teach her students and the entire oylam from the olom haelyon. Think of the zchusim.
Maybe they could give out reflectors instead of bentchers at the chasuna.
At 12:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. -Nisht Kein Groise Chuchem- the FAA has made flying the safest method of transportation by LEARNING from mistakes.
Yes we should do it while respecting the nifter. So we need to walk the fine line in between.
Also don't make a cholent of G-ds cheshboines with your logic. You don't KNOW G-ds cheshboines. You can only guess. And your guess is as good as anybody’s.
Also we don't know yet if she had a reflector. Private Eye you are hired, can you deliver us the facts?
At 12:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Rockland county gives out reflectors for free- just have to call them and they will give you enough for your whole shul.
At 1:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Also we don't know yet if she had a reflector. Private Eye you are hired, can you deliver us the facts?
I think the facts are irrelevant. If she was wearing a reflector it will only encourage people to not wear one b/c they can claim it doesn't help. And if she wasn't wearing one people will shame the nifteret and her family.
I think it's best to just stick to a general discussion, that appeals to sechel, which no one can argue with.
At 1:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Levaya 12 oclock today.
At 2:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
i dont live in rockland county or even ny so would they giveout to someone outside the area?
who sells them in bulk so i can give them out ?
At 2:16 PM,
Private Eye said…
No I don't know if she was wearing a reflector, but I think that's irrelevant at the moment. She was a very conscientious woman and according to one source, would very likely be one of the driving forces behind wearing reflectors even on Shabbos. Let's try to leave out any possibly negative things about people who are not alive, especially Mrs. Reifer who happened to have been a most vibrant, energetic and special person (family friend of mine).
At 4:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ramapo cops i.d. pedestrian killed by car
(Original publication: October 22, 2006)
MONSEY - Ramapo Town police today disclosed the identity of the female pedestrian who was struck and killed by a car as she crossed the street Friday.
The woman is 49-year-old Rachel Reifer of Monsey, said Sgt. Marty Reilly.
Reifer was crossing Route 59 in the southbound direction, near Requa Lane, when she was hit by 1997 Toyota Camry being driven by an 83-year-old man.
Paramedics pronounced her dead at the scene shortly after 8 p.m.
No charges have been filed against the driver. The investigation in ongoing.
At 4:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
yuh ah groisa chuchem is right when anonymous at 10:57 am wrote "when will people learn to wear reflectors?" he/she made a "hanucha" (made it sound) that Mrs. Reifer A"H was not wearing a reflector and thereby was in a way responsible for the tragedy.
which even if it is true it is wrong & unsensitive to point fingers in such a sad moment. The writer could've wrote "now it is a time for people to reflect on how safe they walk on the street. etc".
But when the writer doesn't know it is very wrong to write like that if you want to be mezaka the rabim you should talk in general terms and with sensitivity not to make it sound that the victim is at fault
At 5:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
What a special woman, to know her was to love her. The world of Chinuch Habanos will miss this unusual, energetic woman.
She left many good friends, because she had a knack of making friends with everyone she met.
Mrs Reifer, we will miss you.
At 6:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
what a great idea to give reflectors for free.. rockland gives them .. bais rochel should...give nunber where to buy or get ..please...
At 6:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
where is the family in ERETS YISROEL sitting shiva?
At 6:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
TO MONSEY RABBI ...FINK made us eat trief....the bal machsher made money...we have to do thushva?.. the time came for a holy neshuma to go..
At 6:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Its strange how the topic on the message board has turned into a discussion about reflectors.
It would be more appropriate and befitting the memory of this obviously righteous Yid to discuss her life, impact on others, etc. and not to insinuate or speculate as to whether or not she was wearing a reflector. Perhaps a separate thread can be set up where people can discuss safety issues or find solutions or exchange ideas.
I want to hear more about this woman and be inspired by her, and less machlokes between people posting here. It's kind of against the whole point right now.
At 6:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
why always when their is such bad news most ppl. start talking about what happened they talk about for example reflectors if want to talk about the Free reflectors then should try to make another post about FREE REFLECTORS lets stayto this post which is about MRS. REIFER and her 2 children that are left at home one a girl engaged and the other a boy
At 7:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mrs. Reifer leaves behind 3 children: an engaged girl, a boy and another girl.
The sound of her voice sparked cheer in everyone she met.
May Hashem remove all pain and sorrow from Am Yisrael.
At 7:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mrs. Reifer, a"h, was an exemplary woman and role model for our daughters. Her uplifting personality, her ahavas hachaim, her concern, her care, her dedication, her excitement, he zrizus, and more, made her a tremendous asset to our school, Shevach, and to our daughters' growth. She touched the lives of us all, and we each feel she had a special connection with us. She was strong, yet she was sensitive to others' needs. May her family be strengthened with what she left them, and just listening to her son today at the levaya, one can see what an exemplary mother she was. Hamokom yenachem eschem besoch shaar avlei tzion v'yerushalyim.
At 7:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
6:24 - the malach hamoves at the time of creation did not want the job he was given. He complained that people will always look at him as the bad one whenever tragedy strikes. The Ribono shel olam told him not to worry. People will not blame the malach hamoves. They will blame the car, the stroke, the heart attack, unhealth lifestyle...
So that's your answer as to why this has turned into a discussion on reflectors.
I'm still in complete shock over what happened. My heart is bleeding over this tragedy. Mrs. Reifer o"h was the kind of lady that when you thought of her, you just pictured a smile on her face.
She was full of energy and always doing something good.
Though I did not know her personally, I lived in Monsey and was a student at Bais Rochel. She was my sister's teacher and my sister and her classmates loved her. I remember seeing her in the hallways - always a smile on her face. The bubbliest, happiest, simchas hachaim'dig woman.
What a terrible, terrible tragedy.
At 8:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
About Reflectors,
Perhaps Monsey can learn from Lakewood they seem to have done a very good job at
A- distributing reflectors at a very affordable price and
B- creating the public awareness for people to wear them.
(im not from Monsey and Im not familiar with the situation there but from some of the comments it sounds like reflectors are not that commonly worn in Monsey)
At 8:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
to monsey rabbi
why do you look to the kehilla for this tzara
maybe look at the fact that the rabbonim are incompetent
1 rabbi gives a hechser to treife meat
1 rabbi who is paskining for people what to do stole 4 million from the reichmans
1 rabbi lies in public about support from thepeople around a home where he claims he has support when he does not to build a yeshiva or shul and destroy a neighberhood
1 rabbi has a problem with his son so he sends him to monsey where he is arrested molesting boys
look no further what we have are rabbis who do more to destroy then to build
the fact that these rabbis are rabbis makes me puke and i live here and ma looking to move from this disgrace
At 8:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
It came the time that the rabonim should relize that the RT 59 is a rishus harabim and to take it out of the ERUV as IT WAS TILL ABOUT THE TIME FINKEL STARTED TO SELL TREIF
At 8:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 8:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
did some of you guys relis that its again with a SHAVOCH story? funny no?
At 9:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
monsey has had alot- treif- sifrei torah falling- people being niftar-
whats up?
At 9:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Daas Yachid
Sorry I disagree. The facts are relevant to make this a safer world.
If she DIDN’Tt wear a reflector doesn't make her a bad person. Nobody is perfect. Her zechusim outweigh this like a drop in an ocean. On the other hand people will learn to use it. Which will add to her zechusim.
If she DID wear a reflector, then we must try to find what went wrong and what can be done to prevent this in the future. This is how the FAA operates. And this is the conclusion at the pilpel in my mikva.
At 9:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon: 8:05 Sorry for your hard life. Yes it is a good idea for you to move. Regardless please don't come to my mikva. My chlorine can handle a lot, but not your extreme bitterness. Maybe listen to Dr. Anti- NO,NO,NO "if you can't fight em join em". People in my mikva say that it helps get happiness in life.
At 9:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
For reflectors in bulk try Ramapo Police.
You can also try Srulowitz. He gave them out when his son got killed.
Or just buy a single reflector and look who makes them, and call them.
At 10:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
true- second time having to do with "shevach" but it's really a nebach story so the situation should not be made fun of.
At 10:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
don't make this a "Monsey" issue- you have the same problems in Flatbush, B.P., Lakewood,and anywhere else that there is a large community of jews. The people in brooklyn never ate "treif"? I can bring up a half dozen examples of where these problems came in- to the time that you had to know who the mashgiach was in the restaurant because you could NOT trust the hasgacho itself. As far as the accidents, read on this blog everything that goes on in other communities as well. It is not that this is a monsey issue, and it is nothing more than always happened- it is just that communication is better nowadays and we hear of these things that happen right away. Yes, the accident was a tragedy, as any other accident is, but it does happen for a reason- look at yourself first and decide how it affects you first and what you will do for yourself before you give musar to everyone else. As far as the reflectors, yes, this has become part of this topic because it is your responsibilty to make sure that you and your family are safe- there has been too many people killed at night whether by old or young people, and you need to make sure you are protected. A young life has been taken here, don't walk away without learning something from it.
At 10:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
sachris 8am mincha 3pm mariv 7.30..58 brewer rd ...monsey
At 11:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
vayishalech chanoch es Ha'Elokim v'einenu, ki lokach oso Elokim.
At 11:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous at 7.03
i am sorry i was told tht she only had i girl and one boy thank you for telling me
for those who still did not get the message let us stop talking about REFLECTORS
At 11:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
In addition to her superb manner with people, does anyone know if she was secularly educated, being that she was hired as a principal in Queens, but from a Chassidish background?
At 9:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
As someone has already said, Rockland County distributes these reflectors for free. Bais Rochel, and other schools, as well, have stacks of them in their offices. They are there for the taking. Even with a reflector, it's quite dangerous walking at night. Many of those roads are poorly lit, winding and with no sidewalks. A driver, coming with some speed, may not have enough time to react by the time they realize that someone is walking in front of him. The danger is increased, of course, if the driver is distracted, under the influence of legal or illegal medications or alcohol and/or has vision problems. Obviously, there are many factors at play when an accident occurs. We can only do our utmost to take all reasonable precautions. The rest is in Hashem's hands. Unfortunately, many fine and wonderful people have died an early death, due to accidents that were not their faults. We can only try to live al pi derech haTorah, as ehliche as we can possibly be(easier said than done); perhaps, then, these untimely deaths will finally stop!
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm grieving even though I didn't know Mrs. Reifer. It helps to read all the comments, even though I don't agree with alot of what's said. The important thing is that people were touched by her and they want to express their sorrow. How it comes out matters not as much as the fact that we all need a hug. I'm sure this wonderful person we lost would be the first to console us, if only she could.
At 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Perhaps the reason the Monsey situations get so much attention is because Monsey yidden are so erlich and fine, that its exceptionally schocking and upsetting when these sories happen. I think us blog posters need to be a little more careful not to let our desire to be the first one to post some interesting fact on the blog, take over our need to post interesting facts that are actually TRUE on the blog, namely the comment above about the nifteres being the mother in law of a certian Monsey person that was niftar a few years ago was particularly tasteless and not helpful for anyone.
At 11:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
'Monsey Yidden are so fine and ehrlich........' This being said after the whole fiasco with the meat,???????? gosh, I must say, you got a greattt sense of humour!!!!
At 11:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 11:13
Reb yid! You are too bitter, put some sugar in your coffee.
At 11:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
To 11:13 am
It is evident that you don't know the people in Monsey.
At 12:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow! its great to view comments from such an intelligent person who is so quick to write off an entire community because of the deeds of one. Where may I ask, my 11:13 AM friend, are you from, that you are comfortable living with yourself walking around with that warped hashkafah, your parents & rebbeim must be really, really proud. :)
At 12:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
To 11:13 AM -
You can't put the whole bunch of apples in the same category as one rotten one.
At 12:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
while the family mourns and sits shivah you are so callous and insensitive. It is unbelievable! Go mouth off where your ilk congregate. Nobody here agrees with you, nor do they want to talk about such trivialities while they grieve.
At 1:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
you all should have been at the levia'--- it was so sad to watch young children mourning....................... .............................................................. she left us & we miss her. u should be ashamed of yourselves talking about dumb reflecters...... whatever is bashert will happen anyway!
At 1:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Finally, some sensical comments on here!!!
At 2:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
There was a song in the 60's that became a public service TV commercial for tolerance. It said "Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now". Without that, there can be no meaning to this. Any person who reads these messages and comments is doing it because they care about their fellow Jew. Please let's keep that in mind when speaking to each other.
At 2:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
12:15 i must say your reply to my comment is the only one which leaves my tongue hanging!!!
The rest of you.....'lighten up'.
Btw, does the name TENDLER ring a bell????????
At 2:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
12:04.....they are certainly proud that this horendous scandal didnt emerge in OUR town! and I dont see any of the other commentators 'blowing a fuse' the way you did! You must have consumed a lot of that meat because it really affected your soul! I'm sorry for you
At 3:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
to monsey rabbi
why do you look to the kehilla for this tzara
maybe look at the fact that the rabbonim are incompetent
1 rabbi gives a hechser to treife meat
1 rabbi who is paskining for people what to do stole 4 million from the reichmans
1 rabbi lies in public about support from thepeople around a home where he claims he has support when he does not to build a yeshiva or shul and destroy a neighberhood
1 rabbi has a problem with his son so he sends him to monsey where he is arrested molesting boys
look no further what we have are rabbis who do more to destroy then to build
the fact that these rabbis are rabbis makes me puke and i live here and ma looking to move from this disgrace
8:05 PM
It is well known that every kehilla gets the rov they deserve and every rov gets the kehilla he deserves.
IF (BIG IF) there is a problem with the rabbonim (or some rabbonim) in the monsey area it is not the fault of the rabbonim of monsey that monsey does not deserve better rabbonim.
The best place to look for the source of one's problems is in the mirror.
It is much easier to yell about yenem needing to do teshuvah than to do teshuvah. I suggest we each resolve to learn five minutes more of musar every day than we already learn and read this thread again a month from now. We may all be very surprised at what we think of what we ourselves wrote.
tizku limitzvot.
At 3:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
With all these tzoros enveloping klal yisroel, k'mat every other day another unspeakable tragedy, does anyone have a heads up on what the Augudah convention theme this year is about?
As you can tell from my contents, the Agudists need to get real. There are real issues out there that must be discussed.
The way I see it, the issues are so serious and real thath the Agudath isreale of AMerica should abide by its name for once and for all and convene a convention MITOCH ACHDUS, bringing in other major Orthodox groups and discuss the issues warranting communal discussion.
Anyone Agree?????????????????????
At 3:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, that's right we are sorry for him and for all those who have consumed any amount of that meat large or small.
At 3:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
A little 'play on words' to break the tension if I may.
Mik Yid...there MIGHT be a lack of sugar in 11:13's coffee. But there was Definitly a lack of salt in your chicken these past 8 years! AND THAT MY FRIEND WAS A BIGGER PROBLEM
At 5:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
how many kids does she leave behind married and unmarried??
At 6:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
How many kids does she leave behind? Does that change anything? There are 3 innocent orphans...
At 7:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
To the writer of these lines:
maybe look at the fact that the rabbonim are incompetent
1 rabbi gives a hechser to treife meat
a. the Rabbi did NOT give hechser to trefe meat - you imbecile. He gave hasgocha on the nemonus of the purveyor, who swindled him and klal yisroel from kashruth.
1 rabbi who is paskining for people what to do stole 4 million from the reichmans
a. I know the Reichman very very well, and I spoke to them about this. I spoke to Albert, Paul, and Ralph,(Barry, Moshe, and Isaac) they all deny this in total.
1 rabbi lies in public about support from thepeople around a home where he claims he has support when he does not to build a yeshiva or shul and destroy a neighberhood
a. the above lines take the cake. the Rabbi in question did indeed have the immediate neighbors suppport, and still has more people for then against this noble project. To state that this will destroy a "neighborhood" is beyond the pale of truth. If anything it will enhance the neighborhood, and indeed, it will enhance all of Monsey.
1 rabbi has a problem with his son so he sends him to monsey where he is arrested molesting boys
a. This is a rabbi?, who gave him semicha? And if he is just a parent, who is trying to do all he can to help his son, and his son continues to do wrong, can you hold it against him. by the way, is the writer not related to Avraham and Yitzchok Avinu. They also wrecked the neighborhood with there sons ishmual, and eysov. I think you should join the church. good thing he didn't have any kids of his own.
shame on you
At 11:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
To 7:50 PM :
Gut Gezugt. May you live to 120 gezunterheit to be able to clarify things.
At 8:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
ANon 512pm,
You need very very serious help.
Professional help.
I am not kidding.
Go get help!
At 9:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
8:45, just curious. I realize it was insensitive but why does 512 need serious help????
At 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
You people just dont get it!!!!!! there is a family mourning & all youre doing is discussing shtisim- if only we shut this discusion & everyone just take upon yourselves something for her neshama! & pray that the family should have koach to go on......................... may Hashem bless them that they should not know of any more tzar & we should be zocha to greet moshiach shortly.
At 10:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
To answer SPECIFICALLY how many children she had. 3 of her own and thousands of others. She was the true 'MAMA ROCHEL'
At 10:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Shame on ALL of you!
Such a tragedy happens and all the stupid comments!
Some of you make it sound like only people in Monsey get killed r'l! And when that happens you get all excited to replay all of Monseys tzores and aveiros! (cauze you got NO aveiros and No tzoros BORUCH HASHEM!)
You all have what to be JEALOUS about! Monsey is the BEST!!!! (and I'm sure glad you don't live here)
Just look and see what special people live here; .. and now, with all the FRUM HATE, we just lost such a special person!
At 12:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
To 8:45, just curious. I realize it was insensitive but why does 512 need serious help????
I think 8:45 needs serious help for that accusatory comment. Heilige people don't put down others for nonsense.
Alot of us need more healthy, easily affordable, permissible, enjoyable outlets in our community. Not everyone can learn, learn, learn, shteig, shteig, shteig, or do chesed all day 24/7. Those that are on a high "Madreiga" will realize and admit to that. That's the reason we have so many blogging, which is not so bad, and nebach inappropriately playing with their own bodies, as discussed on "Monsey man accused...." and other inappropriate boredom induced activity.
Let's face it. Any ideas?
At 7:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
o 704 pm
i would get your factgs straight
1 the rabbi was forced to leave toronto and did steal the money
and if you spoke to the reichmans you would know the din torah that came with it
so the rabbi is a thief plain and simple
2 a rabbi who heard that there was trouble in the past and questins on the individual has a responsibility to visit the kitchen unannounced at least once in eight years no matter who he trusts
so his hechscher is worthless and he should leave the industry of kashrus
re the rabbi rottenberg synagouge /yeshiva project
it is well known that outside of mr weiss who bought the property for the rabbi all the houses on the circle that the town uses to determine closeness are all against it thats 14 to 1 of the group against it
shouldnt the rabbi respect that if his own shul wants these boys out of their shul that the people in tyhe community dont have to have them destroy their lovely community
and re the rabbi whoise son molested kids who cam from toronto
are you aware that he was told in toronto about these problems so he just shipped the kid of to monsey no help or therapy
dont you see these rabbis and tendle have betrayed the trust of the community
they should all be tarred and feathered and sent packing with the exception of the treif hechser rov who should just resign from the kashrus biz
At 8:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
To 7:32 PM :
We need honest leadership, if for no other reason, as role models for our children.
So to whom shall we turn? How do we come up with honest and Ehrlich Rabbonim?
At 8:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
to all you people out there, both the ones worried about reflectors and especially the ones worried about rabbis,
did you all forget the mitzva of nichum aveilim?????
this column is read by the family of the deceased, do you think the context here does justice to the above mentioned mitzva?
it would do you all good for after 120 if you built up your zechusim by having a little consideration, a little sensitivity, for the family of the deceased and to rather post items that will be an aliyah for her neshama and a comfort for her family
At 9:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
To 8:50
The Nifteres had a kind word for everybody and inspired everyone around to do good by her manner.
May you be inspired to see only the good in people in her Z'chus.
Discussing good role models for our children would be something that would not upset the Nifteres A"H, or her family.
In the future, can you take upon yourself too look for the good in everybody, unless they are blatantly evil?
At 10:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Here, here....9:55! I thought the comment above yours was EXTREMELY overbearing.I knew Ruchy well and am a very good friend of her sister. Thats EXACTLY what she would have wanted...a good word for everyone.
At 1:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am so confused. Who was this lady - Mrs. Moshe Reifer or Mrs. Rochel Reifer?
At 2:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
does anyone here have a 'good word' for 1;43????
At 12:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
1:43 - The gall of you to make a foolish mockery of another's death. The chutzpah of you to voice your (Imbecile) comments publicly.
Have you no scruples at all?
Gets me thinking about who posts/reads this blog.
Maybe it's time for an upgrade...
At 1:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
To:12:14 PM
" The gall of you to make a foolish mockery of another's death. The chutzpah of you to voice your (Imbecile) comments publicly".
Your namecalling and style of Mussar is exactly what the Nifteres would have looked down upon.Often people set an example of what NOT to follow.
At 10:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
here is hoping this is the final word on a tragedy most of you cannot fathom--
rt. 59 where the accident happened is a very well lit major road---VERY WELL LIT--so put that stupidity of blaming mrs. reifer for wearing or not wearing a reflector where it belongs--in the garbage.
for those of us who have lost someone we loved--we do not waste our time on anything other than trying to comfort the ones who are left behind to suffer the rest of their lives--bec. no matter how much time passes--this kind of horror leaves a bleeding hole in the middle of the heart.
those of you who have nothing else to do with your time except make jokes at the expense of a 49 year old woman who did nothing but try and live her life the way we all should is sordid, nasty and sewer level low.
and whatever else you might poke fun at--PLEASE DO NOT ever mention rottenberg in the same place as this poor woman--he is pure scum and it is shameful to even mention such a disgrace to mankind on this blog--
please take note that i tried to separate these totally opposite people with my ***
i ask rochel's forgiveness for doing just that in the hope that this will be the final word about a horror most of us never have gone through. please be careful how you speak of those who are gone. remember UP THERE everything is heard, even leitzanus. i too like a joke--but this is sordid. and cheap.i have always said "consider the source and rise above it"
for those who have time on their hands--why don't you find out if this family needs help in some way--that is more important than was she wearing a reflector. she was a wonderful person and all of us who knew her were lucky indeed.
ps--reflectors can be gotten for free at the town hall on rt. 59--and nagels on 306 might still be selling them.
and let this be the last word.
At 9:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well 10:09...
You expect your rotten words is going to be the last words. Mrs. Reifer deserved better. It doesn't belong in this post or in this blog in general. These cheap shots never end, do you expect it to end because you asked for it to end?
So please don't pretend you care about her or her family , or use her or her family for your rotten ends.
At 10:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
9:51, are you Rottenberg's lawyer by any chance???
At 8:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
she was beyond an amazing person nothing to describe her as other than a pure tzadekas, she was my principle and my teacher i loved her and she was such an inspiration , i cant believe this is true how can this happen-why?- i dont know but obviously she left us with a message -to be a better person , we have to find it!--
At 9:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
are all u people crazy????? im embarassed that u r even talking about reflectors and rabbis and forgeting that someone was niftar!! a very special woman's life was taken and it has nothing to do with reflectors and rabbis. its all biyidai shamayim. this blog should be about mrs.reifer and not about reflectors and rabbis. would u talk about that stuff at her livayah?? have cavod for the nifteres and talk about reflectors and rabbis another time.
what to say about mrs.reifer would probably take a year and a day. she was a very special woman. beloved in her community and in Shevach high school. she was always there for her students when they needed her and she always made herself available to them. she taught alot in school and everyone benfitted from what she taught them. she will be missed alot bye everyone who knew her. may hashem have rachmanos on her family and may they only see simchos in the future
At 12:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
im astounded by all of you!!! is this what mrs. reifer would have wanted from her fellow jews? to badmouth eachother and to argue over stupid issues!?!?!!? especialy on a page that is dedicated to her memory!! we're sopposed to be arguing over halachic issues not reflectors. this kind of arguing is assur and against torah law. this is not what mrs.reifer stood for this is not what she believed in AT ALL and for you to just post up inappropriate comments that hurt other people is wrong even if you dont know the person. the second bais hamikdosh was destroyed because of this perfect example of sinas chinum. you should all be ashamed of yourselves. i daven for all of you and for all of klal yisroel that your hatred be removed and replaced with the love that every jew should have for another person. the reason avraham avinu did not want to destroy sidom was because even though they were rishaim, the people of sidom were people and they were human beings, creations of hashem. we are required to love every person jew or non jew. if avraham avinu did not want RISHAIM to be killed how much more so we should be nice to eachother because words can kill. this is what mrs.reifer stood for and i hope every person who knew her realized that mrs.reifer would not aprove of this sinas chinum. i daven that everyone recieves the right medication for this sickness
----- a student of mrs.reifer
At 1:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
TO 9:27 PM
At 10:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well said....9:27.
12:53, just spare us your 'cheesy' criticism and follow in Mrs. Reifer's path by restraining yourself from insulting others!
At 11:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
oh my yes amen to that. its disrespectful.
mrs reifer, i miss you.
~a former student
At 4:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
As I am reading the many "blogs" posted, I am appalled that a discussion that began as describing the ma'ailos of our dear Mrs. Reifer morphed into a discussion of reflectors, treife meat, possibly incompetent rabbonim (EXTREME lack of derech eretz by the way) and other various narishkaiten. I will say this loud and clear so everyone can understand. WE LOST AN EM B'YISRAEL! A beautiful neshama, with beautiful middos and a stellar personality. I was extremely close with Mrs. Reifer A"H, and my friends and I have suffered tremendously due to this terrible loss. The callous comments mentioned here are like salt on our open wounds. To anonymous at 8:41 p.m. I hope you are still checking this blog, because you must realize that your idea of "funny" is seriously skewed. No, it is not "FUNNY" that Hashem allowed the owner of Shevach Meats to sin, and allowed Shevach High School to lose a beloved principal. While nothing in this world is coincidence, it is arrogant and conceited of you to draw your OWN conclusion as to connect these two events.
To bracha, i admire your strong opinion in denouncing the other bloggers. As Rabbi Sokoloff told us on Monday morning, she would've wanted us to go on. I hope you still read this blog and you'll get this message -- a senior in Shevach
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