Monsey, NY - Meat Market Fined for Sanitary Violations
Monsey, NY - The Rockland Board of Health took action against a local meat market that violated the county's sanitary code.
They fined Main Street Take Out Inc. operator, Meal Mart, 41C Main St., with $2,000 for 19 health code violations, including dirty kitchen conditions, food kept at unsafe temperatures and employees handling food without gloves.
The amount was based on the severity of the violations and the number of previous violations, among other factors.
At 10:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
taey shold be closed down for this
At 10:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
First the chickens, them a supermarket fire, now this. How are the people in Monsey going to eat? Without Meal Mart will the women in Monsey have to cook? Who's going to eat at the Chossen Torah - Chossen Berashis kiddushim in Monsey this Shabbos???
At 10:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
You should check out the other restaurants here in Monsey and you'll see meal mart is one of the better places around, if you've seen other places you would never return, there are only few selected I would go to and meal mart is one of them.
At 11:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dirty kitchens, no gloves= $2000 in fines.
Non-Kosher meat = $1000 in fines.
Hopefully you lemelach in Monsey sue Mrs. Shevach and investors to make back the real losses.
At 12:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oy vey. No more cabbage with noodles. I'm crying...a tear.
At 1:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
if theyd check every house (kitchen) theyd shut youre house down too,they are a bunch of money hungry animals! speaking from experience.
At 1:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
It is interesting that I once ate at a restaurant in Boro Park. The kitchen was absolutely spotless. This is how they did it. They had two completely separate kitchens on opposite ends of the store! One was to bring all the dirty dishes and pots, etc. and wash them, The clean dishes and pots were then carried by the workers to the other kitchen where the food preparation was done. The kitchen where the food was cooked had windows where people were able to look and see their food being prepared.
At 1:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Which restaurant is that?
At 1:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Glatt ala Carte
At 4:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
They should be fined for a messy kitchen, when you are in your own home only your family can catch whatever germs are on the cooks hands. When cooking in bulk you had better wear gloves. I know of a case where the cook had hepatitis half the people in the hall that night contracted it. It's not a groise chochma to be unsanitary when you cook. please.
At 4:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
People should really buy raw foods and cook them themselves if they don't want to get into any kashrus, health or money problems. It's even good for shulem bayis. (unless of course the wife burns all her food, but that would be good for the rabbonim, they would sit in at alot more divorces.
At 6:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
violations can be anything from food on floor meaning a dropped peice of rice under the stove and no gloves according to state law is only for food that wioll not be cooked before being served and the BOH inspectors do not know that, I personally showed inspectors how they were making mistakes and once it almost cost me my job but we got a clean bill of health.
Most inspectors are jerks looking to fine a place no matter how clean, there are over 40 pages of regulations that it is almost impossible to be 100% or even 75%.
At 7:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Glatta la carte does not have the best of hashgachos so they can afford to run two kitchens with the money they are saving
At 9:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
True it is their job to find reasons to fine an establishment and there is no way to be 100% clean. But there is good reason to have such inspectors. If we did not have outside nspectors to check our stores could you imagine what ehy would look like
At 1:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Glatt A La Carte is THE BEST kosher resturant I've ever seen or tatsted, and I eat out a lot.
Thir Hashgacah is Babad-Tartikuv -- a very fine Hechsher to me. And the fact that every customer can see the kitchen and what's cookin' there (and how clean it is), also helps for the Kashrus concern. Halavai all kosher meat shops should give that open access to their inside kishkes.
Who can ever forget that Coffee Steak. Harav Neiman, keep it up.
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