George Soros Takes Aim at Israel
Billionaire investor George Soros is leading a move to stitch together an American Jewish political lobby that is "anti-Israel.”
Soros, who spent millions attempting to defeat President Bush in 2004, is one of some American Jews who have played a role in undermining support for Israel in the Democratic Party, and they now seek "to undermine Israel’s position in the U.S. in general.”
Soros has invited another American Jewish billionaire, Peter Lewis, along with "North American Jewish plutocrats” like Charles and Edgar Bronfman, to join forces with him and Jewish American organizations – including American Friends of Peace Now, the Israel Policy Forum and Brit Tzedek v’Shalom – to construct a political lobby that will weaken the influence of the pro-Israel lobby.
At 4:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Is he a member of the Neturei Karta?
At 4:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey thanks for putting this up. It doesn't matter if you are a Demlcrat or a Republican, Isarael needs the help of America. Even of you are Satmar and don't believe in the state of Israel you still have to realize that without Americas help the Jews that live there are in serious trouble.
It is scary to think that these billionaires have nothing better to do then try to make an anti-Israel Jeish lobby. I'm sure they will enlist the help of neturei karta. George Soros is a huge supporter of the Democratic party. He has made it his business to undermind Americans national security and now he is trying to do it to Israel.
At 5:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yemach Shmo
At 5:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 5:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
He is a jew hater.
Self hating jew.
A chavrusa of Mike Wallace.
V"sheim reshoim yirkov.
At 7:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
lets hope he loses some money and gets busy with himself so he stops bothring us
At 9:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
These chayos have no God no religion and no life. Their only "Goodness" is globalization and the world community. They feed it everything even their own blood. We need Moshiach now more than ever.
At 10:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
We need an Anti-Tsoros lobby. Targeting his business customers / associates. You hit em were they aint.
At 12:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Soros is your typical guilty rich liberal who's trying to work off his guilt feelings of being a wealthy Jew (instead of a "poor, helpless, hopeless, oppressed, humiliated Palestinian") by looking to empower the enemies of his own people.
Of course, this is nothing new for Soros, who has given millions of dollars to radical leftist groups like and the Democratic Party of Howard "The Scream" Dean in an effort to undermine President Bush and the war against IslamoNazi terrorism by appeasing America's sworn enemies.
Soros is an atheistic secular "Jew" -- but he will happily join hands with the so-called "ultra-Orthodox" Neturi Karta. They, in turn, prove what traitors and rashaim, what heretics and blasphemers they really are by uniting with this
G-d-hating atheist in his effort to produce a Second Holocaust, destroy Isrsel and empower the Arab savages.
At 1:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Soros is a speculator who has only destroyed economies to profit himself or his cronies. He adds no value to anything he does - he is machnis velo motzi except when it comes to fuzzy "open society" projects that do more harm than good.
I, for one, wonder if he is not an intelligence operative of some sort, either a soldier of fortune who hires himself out to the highest bidder or an outright agent of the arabs or some other negative force.
However, US aid to Israel is not as necessary as it once was, and it does more to keep the US defence industry going (and Israel's defence industry in check) than it does to help the increasingly high tech and prosperous Israel. Get rid of the socialist bureaucracy and the Histadrut, and there would be no more need for US aid.
At 9:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
you know i got one question
why does der riboine shel oiylam give these jews money ?
when he can give it to people that support his moidois?
please answer inteligently
At 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hashem gives these people money to test them and to test us.
First off this putz Soros could be doing good things with his money, instead he uses it against Israel in many ways. Putting together this anti-Israel group is just his latest mishigas, he has been a strong supporter of many democrats who have been against Israel.
Second Hashem is testing us because we need to overcome this madman by beating him. Obviously most of us dont have the funds to go against him but we can pray that his plans don't work and we can go and vote for the Republicans in the national elections.
I am a Democrat but Im a Joe Lieberman Democrat and when it comes to National Security and support of Israel now is not the time to vote Democrat. With that being said I believe that when it comes to elections on the state level the Democrats do very well.
Sorry to put in my political point of view it just cam out.
At 11:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
hashem gives then money they have the good here & we and the moisdes are gonna get up there while i don't wanna see what they are gonna get in the next world cuase they have everything here
At 2:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
i heard that by the war he was a jewish policemen helping the gestapo
At 11:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
to mister 2:00. couldn't you have baked up a more original rumor?
i happen to think israel is doing more harm than good to the jewish people.
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