Sommerville, MA - Naturei Karta Rabbis Urge Yes Vote on Human Rights Questions
Sommerville, MA - Some Naturei Karta rabbis came to Somerville to announce their campaign on behalf of a public policy which will be on local ballots in November. They aim to persuade Somerville citizens to affirm solidarity with Palestinians’ right to return to their homes and homeland.
The rabbis travelled from New York City to be in Somerville for the announcement, which they hoped would be “the beginning of an awakening.”
Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss said, "People really want to do good. Unfortunately, there is tremendous propaganda" that distorts the truth and prevents Americans from understanding what is good and what is evil.
“I pray to God that we should be able to convey this truth to you,” he said.
One of the greatest distortions, he said, was that Jews were for centuries being massacred in the Muslim world, that Islam is a “terrible philosophy” that makes its followers intolerant of other religions.
Rabbi Weiss also said that his parents died in Auschwitz, “so I am not a man who does not understand Auschwitz.” “They died a physical death,” he said of his parents and other holocaust victims, but we must throw off Zionism, or “they will die twice, die a spiritual death,” as well.
At 8:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anyone know if this clown is still in MA? I am here right now and ready to take this guy on!!
At 8:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Isn't Weiss in his 40's ? How can his parents have died in Auschwitz?
At 8:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
They are nuts
At 8:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Those people in Sommerville have never seen such a person masquerading as a chosid before and can't even tell him from the real thing. I wonder what the reaction is, and if those who endorse human rights in the Middle East would welcome the Neturei Karta rabbi to settle in Sommerville.
At 8:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
In earlier interviews he claimed it was his grandparents who were killed in Aushwitz. Maybe he's confused about this too.
At least this trip to Sommerville didn't take him too far from his Monsey home. He has traveled all over the world to show that a small handful of these guys oppose Irael and support the likes of Arafat.
I wonder how he can take off so much time from his job.
At 9:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Why isn't this guy in cheyrem? It's one thing to be anti-zionist. It's another to support people who kill jews. Can't someone stop him? Where are the rabbonim?
At 10:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Weren't they put in Chayrum in the 70's ?
I didn't think that kind of thing wears off....
Another grand example of how our Grand Rabbonim are doing their jobs.
At 11:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe the rabbi is correct in saying "One of the greatest distortions, he said, was that Jews were for centuries being massacred in the Muslim world", but what about what Moslems have done since the Chevron massacre?
Although I'm certain he doesn't read newspapers, I'm certain that he has heard that his beloved Moslems have massacred fellow Yiddin in the 20th and 21st cenuries. And he supports them!
At 12:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
We need to send this to Al Jazeere. To show Arabs in the middle east how the craziest free speech is tolerated in the west.
Kol Vochoimer pro west speech should be tolerated in the middle east. Because it is in their interest.
And hopefully it will speed up democracy in the Middle East.
At 1:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Is he any worse than the Monsey butcher Finkel? Who are you going to ban from Monsey?
At 2:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
all this ridiculous rabbonim bashing is total nonsense. you know & everyone knows that there's absolutely NOTHING the rabbonim can do about this.
what have you done about this. have you gone demonstrated in front of his house? do you yell after him in the streets? if his actions bother you that much lets see you do something about it rather then bash rabonim on this blog...
At 2:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
to anon 1:13 PM
finkel can do teshvah. these bastards can't.
At 3:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
never met a litvak who says, "Rabbunim", "misheguim", "HARAV HAGUEN", "Klal Yisruel".
No need to hide, even a chosid has every right to hate any anti-Semites, no matter what G-d they pray to. Unfurl you payos and be proud of your Nusach Sefard roots!!!
At 4:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yisroel Dovid Weiss' mother is alive and well, his father died a couple of years back in Boro Park. He is a liar and a Rodeph. May hashem take nekamah against him in our days.
At 10:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just ignore these freaks. They are seeking attention. That is all it is about.
At 4:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
let's get it straight.
y dovid weiss is a chosid-by-choice.
he attended yeshivah chaim berlin as a child. his father was a litvak with a bend-down hat.
there's now problem with being a chosid-by-choice, a baal-tsuuva, or a jew-by-choice. the problem is when sombody joins a group and then tells the people that grew up there that they need to listen to them. it's foolish. no mainstream chasidic group would allow this, so y d weiss found his place amongst people that are on the edge.
At 11:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
WEISS lives on QUACKENBUSH LANE in MONSEY his fater in law in WILLY ..his father had a bit $. lived in boro park...i think his father passed away recently..
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