Monsey, NY - School for Developmentally Disabled Faces Eviction
Monsey, NY - A preschool for nearly 160 developmentally disabled children could soon be evicted from a former synagogue on Route 306.
An acting state Supreme Court justice ruled that the owners of the Monsey Jewish Center can evict the Hebrew Academy for Special Children. Academy lawyer Mary Marzolla said she has petitioned the Appellate Division to freeze the eviction until the academy's appeal of Justice William Nelson's decision can be heard.
The Monsey Jewish Center moved to evict the academy because it intends to sell the building and needs the money to build a synagogue in Montebello, said Joel Scheinert, the lawyer for the Monsey Jewish Center.
The academy contended that the synagogue breached an agreement to provide three months' notice prior to eviction on June 30, 2006, or later, Marzolla said. The academy claims it was never told that the lease would end on Aug. 31. Nelson dismissed the academy's lawsuit, saying the synagogue acted within the lease.
Supreme Court Justice Howard Miller stayed the eviction until the Appellate Division could consider the issue.
Scheinert, the lawyer for the Monsey Jewish Center, said the academy had a one-year lease and it wasn't going to be renewed because the building was being sold.
Congregation Birchos Yosef plans to buy the property to construct housing. Monsey Jewish Center. "As part of the deal, we have to get the place empty," Scheinert said. "The lawsuit has delayed the sale. The Monsey Jewish Center needs the money for a new building."
At 10:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
In other words, Birchos Yosef is going to allow eviction of a Mosad because they want to use this building to build more housing to make money. Shame on you Birchos Yosef.
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
burnw: email Shloma Shamos
At 10:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
who is birchas yosef? and which Rebbe or Rov has influence over them?
At 10:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
burnw: i know he was looking for your email address
At 11:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Birchos Yosef is the Nikelsburger
At 11:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Didn't the article say that part of the deal with Birchos Yosef is that Monsey Jewish Center is supposed to evict this school? why do you say that it is false that they are part of this?
At 11:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
anon 1103
As with all these cases, who knows what the real story is?????????
Where does the truth lie in any of these cases?????????
At 11:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
where was nikelsburg?
where is the rebbe now? BP? Willi?
At 11:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
He lives on Decatur Avenue in Spring Valley, NY
At 12:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
One has to wonder why MJC is in such a hurry to build their new building that they can't give the Acaemy three months to find a new home?
At 12:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
All the Mosad is saying is that they want three months notice. Why cannot that be accomodated? What is the big deal?
At 4:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why can't HASC purchase the buildings they use? Doesn't the gov't pay for this?
At 4:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
hmm if the Kahns were more busy making sure that their school was being a service to the community and not as a gemach for themselves they would not be in this mess, and why can't Lipa Shmeltzer donate some Gelt and help thewm build their own building? oh I forgot Square hates metally disabled people
At 4:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
160 x $35,000 = 5.6 million dollars per year - expenses.
In addition to the Concert expense.
Maybe they can't afford to pay rent
Please be dan l'caf zchus
At 8:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
4:51 - You're confusing gross income with expenses.
At 9:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
$35,000 a child covers only a fraction of the cost. ask anyone in special education
At 12:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
birchos yosef baught the building for a yeshivah, NOT to make money and by the way h.a.s.c. needs no mercy because they knew that mjc was selling their building and that who ever buys it is going to want them out not because of no heart just because it's hard to do just about anything with disabled chidren in your building
At 6:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
JUST TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT:hasc was unwise in that it did not require written agreement from mjc to provide adequate notice of sale.HOWEVER, hasc has property bought( but has not yet broken ground). hasc bought this property because upon finding out that the mjc wanted to sell, it was unable to find adequate space in the community to accomodate the children and meet state regulations for wheel chair accessibility.having said all this, the buyer would be doing a big averah not to allow hasc to finish the school year as it is extremely disruptive both emotionally and educationally to abruptly move disabled children from a familiar environment and routine. if the buyer does make such an averah, we can only hope the the judge in this case allows hasc at least 3 months to make its move (to what would be cramped and most likely divied up temporary spaces scattered about town with no room for physical therapies) shame also on the monsey jewish center for thinking only of themselves with no regard to the needs of it tenant. the mjc is well aware of the time and money hasc had to invest into its space there and that picking up and moving can not happen at a moments notice. the mjc verbally lead hasc to believe that the new buyer wanted a tenant and that it was planning on staying a while even after the closing as part of the contract. hasc figured wrongly that it had time to build a new building.
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