New York, NY - New Restrictions on Teenage Smoking Are Opposed by the Mayor and by Council Member Simcha Felder
New York, NY - Mayor Bloomberg, who won a reputation as an anti-tobacco activist, is now vowing to veto two anti-teen-smoking proposals that are before the City Council.
City Council members expressed surprise at the mayor's position. "I'm speechless. I am speechless," said Council Member James Gennaro, a Queens Democrat who is the sponsor of a bill to increase the minimum legal age to buy cigarettes in the city to 19 from 18. Mr. Gennaro pronounced himself "flabbergasted."
A second proposal, sponsored by the Democratic leader, Joel Rivera, would go further, banning the sale of cigarettes to anyone younger than 21.
Mr. Bloomberg and his health advisers say similar restrictions on cigarette sales to teenagers in places like Nassau and Suffolk counties haven't proved effective.
An assistant health commissioner for tobacco control, Sarah Perl, said increasing the minimum age would increase cigarettes' "forbidden fruit" appeal, which she said tobacco-industry documents suggest could make smoking more alluring to young people. "Sending the message that ‘smoking is an adult choice' may paradoxically play into the hands of the tobacco industry and attract more children to tobacco," Ms. Perl said.
The only council member during the bulk of the hearing who also questioned the wisdom of the bans was Simcha Felder of Brooklyn. "It's not popular to say anything against a bill that would be prohibiting smoking," Mr. Felder said, adding, "Take a census, certainly from the 18-, 19-, 20-, 21-year olds, and they'll say to you, ‘if we can go out to war and potentially be killed we should have the right to buy a pack of cigarettes.'"
At 12:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Once again Simcha has made a valid point and not just pandered to the voters as other elected officials do. He is a frum intellegent man first,not a publicity hound nor a real politition. He has respresented the frum community well with dignity, not once being involved in anything that reflects badly on Yiddin.
The problem of yeshiva kids smoking should be addressed by parents and the roshei yeshivos not the NYC Council.
When he has to leave Council due to term limits, I very much doubt that whoever takes his place will measure up to the high standard that Simcha has set in representing us.
At 1:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 1205 could not be further from the truth.
He is not taking proper steps to preserve and conserve the health of yeshiva bochurim.
Very very bad politician. Tell Felder to find another daytime job.
At 2:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
if the gedolei rosh yeshiva prohibit smoking, and if the Torah prohibits smoking, then why exactly do we need goyim police officers to prevent yeshiva bochurim from smoking?
At 3:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
why then does simcha felder not consult roshei yeshiva before decididng that banning smoking is wrong.
He is a skunk of a politican
anything to get on BLoomberg's good side. He must be looking for another free air trip to Israel on Bloomy's private jet.
At 5:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
If something trivial like this will score him big points with Bloomberg, the Mayor of NY and potential Presidential Candidate, then isn't it a smart move? Go Felder!!!
At 11:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
getting rid of alternate side on purim was not about tickets... it was about not having to worry about moving your car in the morning when you are busy listening to the megilla.
At 11:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
I can vote at 18 so why can't I smoke at 18?
At 7:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
enuff of phooey felder
At 1:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
oy if they only start at 18 it would be a halba tzora, the problem is the 18 year olds give cigarettes to the 14 and 15 year olds and then they are hooked.
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