Bondi, Sydney, Australia - Kashrus Authority Taking Action Against Unreliable Kusher Butcher
Bondi, Sydney, Australia - A kosher butcher that exports meat to Sydney claims the Kashrus Authority of Western Australia (KAWA) and the Kashrus Authority (KA) are driving him out of business.
However, KAWA accuses the butcher of cutting corners by not hiring a mashgiach to oversee packaging of the meat it sends to its Sydney subsidiary, Healthy and Kosher, on Bondi Road.
KAWA and the KA have placed three advertisements in the media stating that meat purchased at Healthy and Kosher is not supervised by them.
The shop’s owner, Oren Cohen, claims it has caused a massive slump in sales and cost him tens of thousands of dollars, forcing him to take a second job. “I am disgusted and embarrassed by the way the kosher authorities have acted,” Cohen said. “I urge every rabbi and consumer to inquire for themselves about our hechsher and not be misled by these accusations.”
Until July, the meat being sold in Healthy and Kosher was produced in WA Kosher Butcher under KAWA’s supervision. It was considered kosher for consumers, however KAWA said that if WA Kosher Butcher wanted to send meat to Sydney, it needed to hire a mashgiach to oversee the packaging process and pay KAWA 40 cents per item.
The owner of WA Kosher Butcher, Mordechai Cohen – Oren’s father – refused to pay a mashgiach to oversee packaging because the cost was prohibitively expensive, he said, as KAWA was demanding “full-time” supervision. He continued sending meat to his son’s shop in Sydney.
In response, KAWA placed a second advertisement in the AJN telling consumers that Healthy and Kosher’s meat was not fully supervised, causing a further slump in business.
Since then, WA Kosher Butcher has taken the unprecedented step of obtaining a new hechsher from an Israeli kashrus authority. The cheaper rates have enabled Cohen to pay for a mashgiach to supervise the packaging process as well as the meat’s preparation.
But the KA argues that an Australian butcher cannot be given a hechsher from an Israeli kashrut authority, and it still maintains that the meat being sold in Healthy and Kosher is not properly supervised.
At 1:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
They should get a hechsher from the "Inzerer" Rabbonim in Monsey.
Even yoday they still do not require a masgiach tmidi in their establishments.
Are they waiting for another incident chas vesholom?
They are just not willing to admit that THEIR system is no good.
It is the butcher's fault, it is the consumer public who wants too much meat.
But the Rabbonim hamachshirim (hamachshilim?) who refuse to give a proper hechsher will not admit that they did anything wrong.
So call Monsey and find some Rav with a big shtreimel or big shul, or a prominent poosaik, and he will permit you to have a hechsher with no full time mashgiach.
At 3:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
i trust the KA if they say its no good that means its not kosher
At 4:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Do you think a big shtreimel wearing Rav will give a heksher for kangaroo fleish? Ver ville greener gelt?
At 5:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
To anonymous #3.
Who is giving a hechsher to kangaroo fleish? The Monsey Raaabonim give a hechsher to the owners not to the meat.
At 11:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
3:31 PM
i trust the KA if they say its no good that means its not kosher
And my cousins in Sydney say that often, even if KA say that is IS kosher - an erlicher yid wouldn't touch it!
At 2:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is about politics.
The NSW Kosher Auth is stopping other states from sending Meat to NSW. The price of Kosher Meat in NSW Australia is riduclous and so therefore NSW restaurants looked elsewhere. This caused the NSW Kasrut authority to warn them from doing so. How can kosher meat from W.A. suddenly become treif in NSW
If it suits other NSW Kosher Butchers thats how!
Theres more than meets the eye here, we are talking about men with good reputations not like the recent Monsey event.
Reasonable prices for reasonable supervision would have had this matter settled quickly.
What the story doesn't say is the Kosher Butcher is Very well respected and is sending the meat to his Son!
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