Israel - Tour Guide to Cemetery to Find Your Spouse
Israel - Izhar Hess, runs the Derech Halev Company, and he organizes tours of the resting place of Rabbi Yonosson Ben Uziel, which has tours to the tomb with singles.
Tradition has it that unmarried persons visiting Rabbi Yonosson Ben Uziel's resting place would be guaranteed marriage within a year, the tomb located in Amuka nestled in the hills near Tzafes has become a preferred pilgrimage site for singles.
Hess blends the activities such as card and awareness games, in which each of the participants discloses another character trait. This is a good way to learn about the participants' backgrounds.
The tour also includes group meditation, coffee and tea around a bonfire while Hess unfolds stories relating to traditional and historic relations. Later Hess holds prayer sessions where each participant can have a heart to heart talk with Rabbi Yonosson Ben Uziel and himself. Hess explained that this gives participants an opportunity to think about what they really want from life.
As a bonus, the special relationship that is created between the participants serves as a good basis for a future intimate relationship.
You may very well end up having to tell your grandchildren that you met your spouse at a cemetery.
At 8:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Huh? They talk to rabbi Yoneson Ben Uzeil? What is this, do that use one of those boards that they bring the dead up with and then they hear him talking, is it a regular old seance? (whidh is obviously against halacha)
At 9:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Don't you vory, they don't know my stuff, they are just a little superstitious.
Can't you see for yourself, they take the bus not the broom.
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