Washington, DC - Appeals Court Upholds Terrorist Label for a Jewish Group
Washington, DC - A militant Jewish group and two of its affiliates were designated as terrorist organizations by the State Department, a federal appeals court ruled.
The group, Kahane Chai, is a spinoff of the radical Kach movement of Rabbi Meir Kahane, an Israeli politician who was assassinated in New York in 1990. Kahane Chai, advocates the expulsion of Arabs from Israel. The United States State Department declared Kahane Chai a terrorist organization in 1997.
In a 2003 letter to the State Department, a lawyer for Kahane Chai, Samuel Abady, said it and its affiliates were “legitimate Jewish activist organizations,” none of which “practices, supports or advocates terrorism.” The group’s current lawyer, Kenneth Klein, did not respond to messages seeking comment.
The unanimous decision upholding the terrorist designation, from a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, ruled that the State Department's decision had “substantial support in the administrative record.” That standard, from a 1996 antiterrorism law, is a relaxed one, said Chief Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg, who wrote the opinion.
A 1996 law authorizes the secretary of state to designate groups as foreign terrorist organizations if they, among other things, use conventional or unconventional weapons with the intent to endanger people or harm property or to engage in, among other activities, assassinations.
The law provides that the assets of groups designated as terrorist organizations can be frozen or seized; the groups’ representatives may be barred from the United States; and providing money or other support to the groups can be a crime.
The group, Kahane Chai, is a spinoff of the radical Kach movement of Rabbi Meir Kahane, an Israeli politician who was assassinated in New York in 1990. Kahane Chai, advocates the expulsion of Arabs from Israel. The United States State Department declared Kahane Chai a terrorist organization in 1997.
In a 2003 letter to the State Department, a lawyer for Kahane Chai, Samuel Abady, said it and its affiliates were “legitimate Jewish activist organizations,” none of which “practices, supports or advocates terrorism.” The group’s current lawyer, Kenneth Klein, did not respond to messages seeking comment.
The unanimous decision upholding the terrorist designation, from a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, ruled that the State Department's decision had “substantial support in the administrative record.” That standard, from a 1996 antiterrorism law, is a relaxed one, said Chief Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg, who wrote the opinion.
A 1996 law authorizes the secretary of state to designate groups as foreign terrorist organizations if they, among other things, use conventional or unconventional weapons with the intent to endanger people or harm property or to engage in, among other activities, assassinations.
The law provides that the assets of groups designated as terrorist organizations can be frozen or seized; the groups’ representatives may be barred from the United States; and providing money or other support to the groups can be a crime.
At 10:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 12:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
please remove the bad language in comment 1
At 12:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
whats next, put judaism as a terrorist group because we want to destroy amalek. the torah tells us to get rid of people in israel in devarim. whats wrong with you people.
wake up jews, america will eventually expel us.
build a strong israel we now, we need your help.
At 1:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
A strong israel is a terrorist group. They went to war to supposedly free the hostages, weeks of killing men, women, and children; albiet arabs, and they ceased fire without freeing those hostages. It was as good an excuse as any for a terrorist group.
At 1:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion- this is the definition of terrorism as defined by the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary. In what way is detroying arabs and removing them by means of coercion, not terrorism.i'm not discussing if you are right or wrong but just because you believe that what you are doing is right, you can't expect others to agree and say this is not terrorism. The arabs believe that what they do is right as well.
At 1:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
i agree with 1233
its crazy to see this in our own country soon israel will be a terrorist state as well
look how our friend is still in jail after all these years when the arabs who spy dont even get a day in prison
At 3:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
How can you be so ignorant?
Do you support militias who answer to the kingpin, in a democracy?
That is what they are trying to eliminate in Iraq, you support bringing it to Israel?
Do you realize what you are supporting?
Now you know how Hitler got elected.
At 8:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Your friend is in jail because there was a cover up for a higher ranking CIA agent who was a double agent. He was the one to massered Pollard, and in the end was found to be a traitor. But at that time he fixed Pollard for alot of the stuff he himself did. And he did this intentionally because who is going to believe that the innocent one who is now in jail is telling the truth. The spies who spied for enemy nations did not get as much time as he.
At 10:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kahane Chai no longer exists. This was a clever move to appease the Muslims so that law enforcement can claim fairhandedness and avoid nonsense in court when they bust the people who send money to Hamas, alQaeda and other real terrorist groups.
At 11:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
a terrorist is someone with a bomb but without an air force.
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