Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY +Burich Diyan HuEmas+
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY +Burich Diyan HuEmas+ How devastating it is to report to you, after such a beautiful Yom Tov, that R' Yoel Moshe Schwartz O"H, 24-years-old, (son-in-law of Simcha Weizenfeld) suddenly passed away while walking on the street Hewes Street in Williamsburg on this 2nd day of Yom Tov.
He left behind a wife and two children.
At 9:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
anybody know when the levyah will be and were please post.
At 9:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
i think we can start from selichus again if we here a story like that meens we did no tshuva..
At 9:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
What a devastating story!
What a nice kid he was!
why does these things usually happen, "only" to the nice people???
& nebech, to his wife & 2 kids!
At 9:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
How did it happen just like that? Did he have a medical condition?
At 10:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Baruch Dayin Emes. How many times have I written this phrase in the short times since Rosh Hashana has passed?
I think 9:22 has a good point. Perhaps true teshuva on how we treat others, including the "nice" ones.
At 10:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
the levyeh will be @ 1 today in front of siget shul 152 hewes street thats were he was davaning mincha for the last time yesterday.
At 10:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
The Leveiya from HuAvrach Yoel Moshe Schwartz Z"L will be at 11:30 in front Sigeta Shul, 152 Hewes St
At 10:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Burach Dayan Emes!!
This is shreklech.
At 11:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Terrible ! what happend ?
At 12:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
i was on the call. when are grown men going to stop acting like children and drink to much that have horrible endings when will it stop
At 12:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
he died from drinking??
never heard people die from that you don't die from drinking too much once or even five times,
anon: 12:35 it does not make sense
At 12:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
12.35 u sound like the baby here how many peoply drink daily and die from it ???
and how many ppl get killed from a car crash ? not drinking ?
silly comment allthought u have a point there was another problem related to his passing away. please dont judge.
At 1:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
he was on antibiotics... youre not supposed to drink while on medication...
let's not 'barredd' this poor young man, but take this as a lesson not to play around with our health on purim an simchas torah.
may the RSO comfort his poor alamanah.
At 1:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
to anon. 12:35 we are waiting for your appolg. your comment was relley not nice, and of course not now.. sorry.. think twice before you write.
good that your name does not apear becose it would be big loshon horo...
At 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 2:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
burich dayen huemes. i know his family very well he was a reall GOLD HARTS!. people whats going on with you??? there is a time for every1 how long to be alive & NO1 can change it only our big father in heaven, why are you always need to judge & make such silly comments? he passed away because that was the rutzon habora. instead all that stupid comments we need to make a cheshben hanefesh.
At 2:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
besides for the 12:35 person, who is judging? It' a terrible tragedy. but a lesson can be learned from every tragedy.
At 3:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
You can die from Alcohol poisioning.
Another yingerman (Weltz?) is still in critical condition in the hospital from drinking.
At 3:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
did the second story (Weltz) happen this Yom Tov? and where?
At 4:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
It is absolutely right that it was bashert for him to pass away. Nebach takeh for his wife and two kids. One thing I'm trying to understand is WHY DO YOU PEOPLE THINK THAT IT'S FUN TO GIVE A SHIKER MORE TO DRINK??? ARE YOU CRAZY?? HE'S DRUNK ENOUGH AS IT IS. WHY SHTIP HIM WITH MORE DRINKS?? DO YOU GET A PLEASURE FROM WATCHING HIM BECOME MORE DRUNK??? As much fun as it was shtipping him to drink (I mean both cases shwartz and weiss) do you feel guilty now?? I hope for the rest of your lives you feel guilty. IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT. I'm just so mad right now, you wouldnt want to meet me in a dark alley right now.
At 4:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
If the spinka rebetzin was wearing a seatbelt she would be alive right now. And if this yingerman on antibiotics wasn't shtipped with so much alcohol he would also be alive. Those are facts. Shoymer pesuym hashem only gets you so far.
To the rest of you: quit smoking now.
At 4:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh yes, i would, and you know what i would do to you there, force you to...yup.. take a drink of...yup..alcohol!!
At 6:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you really were on the call and are reporting this, then some branches of Hatzoloh really need to raise their standards. If we cannot trust Hatzoloh volunteers to keep medical information secret, then either Hatzoloh needs to screen its people more carefully, or it might as well disband. There are people in the community who have conditions that they must keep secret for all sorts of reasons, and the last thing that the community needs is for medical history to appear on a blog.
More likely, assuming you were on the call and not fantasizing altogether, you are a sicko buff who cares little for Hatzoloh or anyone else in our community.
1:02 - how do you know he was on antibiotics? If you do know that, then your place to speak up is not here - it is in the office of whichever bikur cholim can issue health warnings that the community takes seriously.
It probably is a good idea for such organizations to issue a list of medications that can cause trouble with alcohol (this, by the way includes acetaminophen as in Tylenol, Panadol, Acamol and many other OTC pain relievers) - not just for ST and Purim but also for Pesach when some people can run into serious trouble from the 4 Kossos and should be using grape juice.
At 6:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yiddishe mamme, see anon 1:02. Of course that doesn't make it true, but that is the source for the antibiotics information.
At 6:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
Facts don't kill. Lack of it can. Thank you for disclosing the background information. It's very important other people should learn from these mistakes. As long as you say it with respect to the nifter, which everybody here did, maybe not 12:35 (indirectly and probably unintentional).
At 6:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
I know of shikerin on Purim but is there a mitzvah or minhag that I don't know of on simchas torah???
At 6:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
stupid babys:::
it's nobodys foult, not his friends and for sure not his.
nobody was suposd to know this will happen.
it's not a problam to be basimcha and have a lachaim if he made ppl in his shull basimcha i'm sure he goes right into gan eidan.
At 7:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think this can be a very helpful post if we could have a fully-informed adult discussion. At the same time it could be very hurtful if we allude to the niftar and make him the focus of the conversation. Why don't we just keep it general? for example: drinking could be bad and people should be careful, instead of, so-and-so wasn't careful.
At 7:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
lets stop all this right now
everyone knows that if you speek bad or say something that is not true a bout someone that lost his life you have to go to his grave and ask him to forgive you and you have to go alot of times and hope that he forgives you bec. he is not going to answer you
so let us all say burich dayen huemes and have and may hashem help his wife his two kids and his parents and brothers and sisters to only simchas
At 8:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
BTW a person can die if he drinks all kinds of alcohol they just don't work together and if he drank lots of them then its dangerous!!!
At 10:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
The niftar z"l was not drunk!
it's a LIE!
he was yom tov by the afternoon seudah at his shver
he was by mincha in shul on time
he looked and sounded normal in shul
he was speaking to his friends moments before he died
he was acting normal just like anybody else
what a shameful lie that people are posting here
there are tens of witnesses who were with him before it happened.
would you like it? or how about your wife or kids...
At 11:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Unless you are referring to chas vesholom drinking rubbing alcohol or wood/denatured/industrial alcohol along with wine and mashkeh, the only thing that happens when you mix wine, hard, and/or different types of hard (especially sugary stuff like Cointreau if it is still kosher, Benedictine, Drambuie, slivovitz, arak etc) is that you brech faster, which if anything helps you get the stuff out of your system.
However, if you are at that stage, make sure someone is with you to see to it that you stay awake so that you do not brech while asleep. That is deadly.
At 9:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you WITNESS for clearing up the crap. It didn't make sense to me. If alcohol was the cause of death, then he should've died soon after drinking not so many hours later.
At 1:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am the 1:02 antibiotics poster. I apologize for spreading misinformation. This is just what I heard so I wanted to make people aware to be more careful when drinking. My apologies.
At 2:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
to 1.02 a/k/a 1.11
While it may have been misinformation in this case, you touched on an important point - many haimishe yidden are not familiar with RX and even OTC drug interactions that can happen with both alcohol and certain foods.
Hatzoloh or a chevras bikur cholim should put out a booklet in English, Yiddish and Hebrew listing possible interactions and warning anyone who is taking medication, whether regularly or temporarily, to consult a doctor or pharmacist regarding alcohol use on Purim, Simchas Torah, Pesach and even Shabbos.
At 8:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
As a "seasond" drinker I can tell you from experiance that although I drank myself silly close to 1 thousand times in the last 20 years or so, nothing has ever happened to me, UNTIL.......
1 month ago, I drank with some friends on a motzay Shabbos & I got alchohol poisening, which bassicly means that my body deyhagrated to a point where whatever I water I put into my system (even a sip) would come right back out & there was no way to stop the vommiting & in turn I just continued to dehydgrate more more. At the hospital they gave me an IV and restored things. It is very important to remember (wethere it is Purim Simchas Torah or any other time) that you must continue to eat & esspecially drink fluids, preferably water while you drink mashke. If you see a friend drinking, make sure that he drinks lots of water as well.
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