Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY +Unruly Crowd+
Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY +Unruly Crowd+ A large fight broke out early this morning between a large unruly crowd at 770 Eastern Parkway at Kingston Avenue the NYPD called for a level one mobilization and requested backup units for crowd control, Hatzolah and Shomrim units were also responding on a rush.
At 8:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
they had to shut the shul...people were physically harmed and some were sent to the hospital and some were jailed. it's time for all circles to check what brings their followeres to such level of violence and chillul hashem.
At 9:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
What was this a riot of the shluchim?
At 9:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
I guess they figured that if the Boolvanis from the famous poniviz yershiva can throw home made chemical grenades into the yeshiva so can they be boolvanis at thier place.
At 9:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
here is what happened;
After kinus many shluchim went to the main shul of Lubavitch and had a farbreingen - chassidic gathering.
some 25 israeli students from tsfas felt that the shluchim have no right to be in the shul. so they tried shutting the lights and singing their theme song.
this of course did not stop the gathering which had in attendance more than 2000 people.
finally these students decided to copy what their arab brothers do in israel and decided to throw benches chairs siddurim and the like at the gathering.
once they were being attacked many bochrim starting fighting back. during which the outdated signs were taken down from the wall.
the isreali students decided to launch a rocket at them so they launched a 500lb bench at some shluchim breaking ones leg. at that point the chabad central org. stepped in and caalled in for help from the shomrim and NYPD, after some time they managed to clear the entire building and control was handed to the central org. but to balance your reporting i demand vos is neias post a story of the banquet.
At 9:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
wow, how nasty - I admit I know there are a loud handful of nuts in that shul - belovedly known as 770, and its about time cental lubavitch takes it over.
I agree VIN should post a story of the kinnus or the convention last nite in NJ - I am told it was unbelievable. You and I know those shlichim are indespensible when we're in town, and I mean when we're in a town out in the world.
Keep it up chabad and Moshiach will surely come.
At 9:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can guarantee you, that many of the reader of vos izn neias have benefited from the work of chabad, how can u not post anything about the convention? over 3500 persons attending???
At 9:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
those isreali lunatics should be sent to ponevitch where they like to fight. in lubavitch we dont fight. maybe in mesianisim they fight but lubavitch dont fight
At 9:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
haaretz had a nice article about the good of chabad how bout posting it??
At 9:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
why were the shluchim here? dont they come in mid winter? what was the purpsoe of coming. i love chabad
At 9:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 10:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
this past shabbos was the annual kinnus hashluchim
At 10:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm shocked that you would post something meant to insult the name of a Gadol B'yisroel. You might be anonymoud at this point, but in the oilom ha'emes there is no anononymity and you will be asid liten ess hadin. Do yourself a favor and remove the post insulting the Lubavitcher rebbe's name. V'yitamu Chatoim v'loi choitim.
At 10:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
these mishichistim have to be taken out of this country and sent back to libya and iran with all thier terrorist members, they do not belong here. the shluchim come once a year for 5 days of gatherings to strengthen their holy work, and after its all said and done they gettogether for one big farbrengen in the main shul of 770, every year it has turned out to be a beautiful scene, unfortunately this small group of nobodys poeple who ahve no life, nothing to do with lubavitch, or what it stands for come and and make a mockery out of everything, they have to be sent far away were they will get what they deserve.
At 10:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
the post with the time stamp of 9:46 should be removed
At 12:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was at the kinnus and it was great! I did not see one mo'she'ach'ist they period. The central yeshiva should get these yeshiva boys visa revoked and send them back to where ever they came from. They have no right to take over the rebbe's shul. The other blogger are correct to say that when one goes outside of NEW YORK they always look for the chabad rep. When they are in the "do'lid a'mos" of there community they all of the sudden have something diffrent to say. This is a big chusz'pa. It is very clear to see that some of these boys are far'fert and some need head medication. If someone would see a mongaloid child do something bad would they say something? grow up yidden and lets get ready. Do a mitzvah and bring moshiach
At 12:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
To 9:02 anonymous,
If they were to atart acting like Litvaks they would open up a gemara.
Obviously, they are acting like you, an empty moron who despite whatever it is you may be Litvak, Chasid or Sephardi are a complete embarrassment to whatever group you belong to.
At 12:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
After 4 days of the annual Kinus Hashluchim, this is the story you pick up? 4 days of pure inspiration, 4 days of planning how to make this word a more religious place, 4 days of trying to make the world a better and safer place. 4 days of love between brothers who are separated from their families, for the good of the world. People who have to send their 10 year old kids sometimes 5 or 10 thousand miles away for Yeshiva. Why don't we change this to a blog about inspirational stories of the Shluchim. How when you are in business in the Far East and there is a Shliach to help you. Please post your positive experience with a Shlaich let the world now that we are not about inner fighting we are about the apposite: true love for a fellow Jew!!!!!
At 1:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
well maybe vosizneis.blogspot should write something about the convention, show a pic. of the 3000 shluchim (who are changing the world) outside 770 and not be so negative.
'ikvese demishache'...
At 1:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
In all honesty, for the devoted Chabbad Chasidm. What did the Rebbe say to this? You all belive that he is alive and well, right?
Or perhaps, if that is so, who would dear do anything like taht in his presence.
In light of that, I think there is a positive outcome, that all Chabad are after all very rational people.
At 1:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lubavitch,if it wants to be taken seriously by the heimishe/yeshiva world, has to A)Start referring to the late Rebbe as zatsal, no more pareve and nonsensical 'Nosi Deyreynu'(a dead nosi?C'mon already, it's going on 13 years that he was niftar) B)Ban any shaliach who is meshichist (and there are plenty of them)C)Take over 770, banish the gabboim and the Israeli Taliban from there.
To those who don't realize how strong the meshichisten are:One of the dayonim of the Crown Heights bais din was a featured speaker by 'their' kinnus.
At 1:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why are there no banners with yechi on them at the Ohel of the Rebbe ?
At 2:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why dont you post about the grenade that was thrown in Ponivitcher yeshiva yesterday? Or the bomb that was found outside the Rosh Yeshivas house?
At 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
NO! Don’t post about the Kinus. Nobody comes to vosiznias to read news that is already posted in a thousand places.
At 2:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lubavitch has to told how to behave because they have totally lost it since the Rebbe was niftar
At 2:34 PM,
dave said…
der rebbe hut gezugt, er misht zich nist arain.
At 2:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
attn shloma shammos it is evident that there are a large number of lubavitchers who read this blog. i suggest that you post stories that are of interest to them (like about the kinus) if u sidline them (like in that story of the emt who got killed after assisting an acident, and u went and erased any mention of chabad as it was written in the original source) u may lose on it
At 2:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
hirshel tzig
i see from what you write that you do not know who or what chabad is
if you travel the wrold you will see lubavitch is doing just fine or in fact doing alot better then any kiruv in the world
please come out of your house stop looking at the internet and see what chabad is all about
At 2:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
In the name of the saintly Rebbeim of Lubavitch who gave their bodies and souls to the benefit of Klal Yisroel:
Lubavitcher Chasidim, We need to wake up and remove this impurity and wickedness from our midst. These vicious thugs who viciously attacked Chasidim and Shluchim at random had every intention of doing their dreadful work.
Stink bombs, fire extinguishers, eggs and tomatoes were prepared earlier in the evening to be launched at those that were to come to 770 after the banquet. HUNDREDS of Chumashim, Siddurim and other holy sefarim were stacked up and then used as weapons to be thrown. This was no flare up. These animals knew way in advance that this is what they wanted to carry out and they would do their mission at any cost. And now a young Shliach has both his legs broken.
Rabbosi, I was there. I saw the murderous fury in their eyes even before the Farbrengen started. If we have any care or sensitivity to what is right and just we must seriously come together to remove these beasts from our midst.
To the esteemed members of Anash of Crown Heights: Stop your stupidity! We know your dislike and distrust for Rabbis Krinsky and Shemtov and you may or may not be right on that issue. But you are allowing a growing tumor to eat away at the very being of our Rebbe's community! When you go against something on their agenda they will pounce on you just as wrathfully. Remember what the Gemara tells us: "Hamisrachem al Haachzor basof yachzor al hamisrachem" which means One who has mercy on a cruel person will end up being cruel to one that needs mercy.
At 2:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
CHABAD IS THE BEST THERE IS" PERIOD ! PERIOD!PERIOD! AND HASHEM KNOWS THIS . AND WILL PROTECT EVERY CHABAD CHOSID. for thos who belive that the rebbi did not show up last thursday? thats also fine i am not against anyone, making fights is not yiddish not kosher but everyone has a right to belive whatever he wants
At 2:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
TO "Just a Guy ":
Very well said
Have you posted this on the chabad sites to?
At 3:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have had it . I am done with these meshugaim from now on if any of these moshicisten ever come close to me with their non sense im punching him in his face...there is a time for everything and now is this time
At 3:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why are these zefat idiots still here? we should pay for their return tickets and get rid of this scurge
At 3:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
These meshygoim they all look stoned ,look in their faces they are STONED they belong in a meshgoim house not in 770. genug is genug is genug no more meshichisten with me anymore the rebbi is zetsal he was NIFTAR yes he was NIFTAR its zetsal
At 4:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 5:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
to hershel tzig,
just would like to explain to you that Lubavitch is not looking and never has looked for the rest of the frum worlds approval, when we were going out doing what is now generally known as kiruv, you all laughed, just took you a little longer to catch on, whatever the rebbe said and did, the rest of the world laughed although eventually joined the bandwagon, same with alot of other stuff we did and do! so sorry if you dont accept sure eventually youll get it!!!
At 5:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
guess they figured that if the Boolvanis from the famous poniviz yershiva can throw home made chemical grenades into the yeshiva so can they be boolvanis at thier place.
Happens to be such things were done before so no they didn't learn from anyone.
At 5:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
To the last anonymous if you don't know what you are talking about don't talk. Get your information straight first
At 5:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anyone remember why the Rebbe said we shouldn't eat Satmer hechsher?
because when there were fights beetween Lubavtch and Satmer their Rabanim stood on the side and were indiferent.
If the Rabanim of crown heights don't do anything, then from what the Rebbe said either we soudn't eat our own hechsher any more, or we should start eating Satmer Hechsher. After all how are we differen't then them.
At 5:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why are these people here???
they should be deported. All they do is scream Yechi, cause trouble, and now, cause physical harm.
what's next? MURDER???
I ask them all...does the Rebbe agree with what you're doing? Or does the end (destruction of 770, Shluchim, & of course, AGUCH) justify the means?
Get rid of them all, and give me my 770 back!!
At 5:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
"If the Rabanim of crown heights don't do anything, then from what the Rebbe said either we soudn't eat our own hechsher any more"
That assumes that you still do now. Personally, I stopped trusting the CHK when it became clear that nobody is really in control there. Why does a certain fish store still have a CHK logo on its products when the CHK website says explicitly that they removed it years ago? There is no mirsas on the CHK and, therefore, no ne'emanus. OTOH, the OK would have hauled the proprietor before a court for TM infringement the very day after pulling their cert.
At 6:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Today i said seven times the rebbi zetsal the rebbi was nifter . I feel much better this way..meshichisten your a bunch of idiots..the rebbi died he is not alive..yes his neshoma lives in gan eden but his body aint here from now on iTS THE REBBI ZETSALZETSAL Olev Haslom LIKE A NORMAL PERSON SAYS IT..The rebbi Zetsal
At 6:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
nochum ber you are a sick person whatever your name is
i agree there was a gimmel tamuz and the rebbe was niftar but the way you say it
we dont talk like that not on a regular person for sure not on a tzadik
you are just trying to make fun of a tzadik
nothing to do if he is alive or not
your comment should be deleted
im throwing up
At 6:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Crown Heights Mother said...
Why are these people here???
they should be deported. All they do is scream Yechi, cause trouble, and now, cause physical harm.
what's next? MURDER???
I ask them all...does the Rebbe agree with what you're doing? Or does the end (destruction of 770, Shluchim, & of course, AGUCH) justify the means?
Get rid of them all, and give me my 770 back!!
5:52 PM
The Rebbe zichrono livrochah does not agree or disagree with anything. He is dead, r"l.
At 6:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
ad mosai till when this goles must end
At 7:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Give me back my 770!! I want back my beloved 770 clean without all these shrotsem veramosim drunkyards ..did you ever think? they stink from vodka? its mamash rochelanu veloalano how deep we any other chasidus these lowlife empty heads would be disenfranchiseed along time ago.. why do we keep them? they are besmearching the chabad name? i am so disgusted i want my kids to be normal as a mother I dont want my kids to grow up among these lowlifes in crown heights
At 7:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just FYI, at the shluchim convention -- which represents the real Lubavitch -- the materials all referred to "the Rebbe ZY"A" (zechusoi yogein aleinu).
At 7:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Crown Heights mother said:
"what's next? MURDER???"
The answer is - murder happend already. Ever heard of Rabbi Leibel Bistrisky of Tzfat? Well, he passed away of a heart attack not long after he was purposley struck by his assilant as he was crossing the road.
His assailant was infuriated with the Rabbi for being denounced and rebuked for putting up billboards equating the Rebbe Zy'a with the Al-Mighty.
So yes, murder happend already and the perpetrator was in 770 some 6 months ago and was given much honour by the Gabboim and others.
At 7:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shoshana my heart is with you ..I am a mother also of two boys and every day I get chills when i hear whats happening in 770. I warned my kids not to ever go close to this macriva riv balei machlokes . but its taking already to long its high time that the clear heads in the kehila should take over and real leaders should take charge
At 7:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
stop talking like a sick animal
and grow up
you wouldnt talk like that on your father or sone watch your mouth
At 9:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
att: Bored (7:27 PM)
you must be referring to R' Levi Bistritsky, his father R' Leibel is still alive and should have arichus yomim.
At 9:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Bored said...
Crown Heights mother said:
"what's next? MURDER???"
The answer is - murder happend already. Ever heard of Rabbi Leibel Bistrisky of Tzfat?..."
" 6 months ago and was given much honour by the Gabboim and others."
7:27 PM
You are out of your mind - this guy was NEVER given honor, he is thrown out on his ears and run out of town by ALL if/when he shows up
Why is all this garbage showing up on VIN, some of the chabad sites, wont publish your junk?
I am ashamed of VIN, I know of other comments that were edited out, why are these being published?
At 9:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
TO: Blog Administrator re Anonymous 12:25 pm - - - Would you EVER allow the "n-word" to be used on this blog to describe an African-American? How, then, can you let stand the use of the "m-word" to describe a person with Down Syndrome in the above post? Shame!!!
Simcha in Toronto
At 9:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
While I am ashamed and outraged by what happened in my community, I am equally enraged by some of the comments on this blog. First of all, since when does the "Yeshivishe" world care about what goes on in Lubavitch? Do you really care if someone gets hurt in Crown Heights? If so, what are you doing about it? Posting comments about how the Rebbe isn't Moshiach and others which I cannot repeat, isn't going to help anything. If you really feel the need to curse out Lubavitch, do it with your chavrusa somewhere else. The "bittul Torah" which you're so worried about is nothing in comparison to the "sinas chinam" you're displaying on this site.
As for the ones who like to curse out Chabad for the heck of it: I went to a non-Lubavitch school when I was younger and I constantly got harassed that my father was a shliach and that I was a "Lubby." Today, I look at these young men sitting in college, where their ONLY connection with anything Jewish is... WOW!! Their local CHABAD SHLIACH!!! Who would have thought? It's easy to curse them out until you need them.
For now, if you must comment on what happened, please try to be respectful of Tzaddikim and honorable Jews who sacrifice their Jewish lives to help others.
At 9:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
The police cleared 770 completely. The Chilul Hashem is unbelievable. Hundreds of Shluchim doing nothing but try to farbreng in beis chayeinu thrown out into the street because of total animals.They werent happy with shutting the lights and putting on loud yechi music. The shluchim still sat and farbrenged in the dark and ignored the attackers. So they moved on to physical violence...
At 9:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
shlucmim gathered in 770 to farbrange together after the gala banquet. knowing that this mite happen the zfatem, wanting to disturb the shuchimes farbrangen gatherd near the stage sat in a farbragen stile and sang yichi as loud as they can wile banging on the table and benches to make as much noise as possible this went on fore about 2 hours. Trying to ignore the disturbance as much as possible the shuchim continued trying not to give them to much attention. It was then quiet fore around a hour. Until avremol shemtov came to the farbragen they then started getting loud again after around 20 minutes it all broke lose and this is how it started one of the zfatem felt the urge to scream that avrohom shemtov is a moser he then tried to push his way into the krouwd of the shluchim wile yeling as soon as someone tried taking him out sidurim, chumushim and who know what else started flying from the farbragen stage and then benches until a rather large fight broke out
At 9:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
it seems that youre very troubled by the situation -well where were you all these years when the symptoms of fighting in 770 took place and we didnt hear from youit seems that now you dress a "zeidene zupitze" for ahavas Yisroelwe know from the yaom Yom Sivan 23 what classification you have
At 9:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
I dont get it. I read here about the tzfatim vandalizm but I see that the Yechi sign is down and the poroches with Yechi is also not there. Did the meshichistn did that?
At 9:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
I personaly had been looking forward for this Farbrengen since one year ago. I heard about the Farbrengen of all the Shluchim...and was hoping to see the same again. I came right after the Banquet to 770. There was a group of Tzefaties banging on the tables and screaming as loud as they copuld possibly scream. Despite that the Farbrengen started and the crowd started to grow. Soon the Tzefaties realized that the Farbrengen was going on ... so they turned on the music...but it was soon turned off. the Farbrengen went on until 3:30 or something... (all that time with out any speaker system) finaly someone found an avilable outlet... and the mic was just making its way to the place ...when some 1 Meshugener got to the highest place possible....and started screaming then followed by bottles of soda at the large crowd, and then Sefarim...followed by a Bench with the help of the other nuts....and they pride themselves to have been "ZOICHE" to disturb a Farbrengen of hundreds of Shluchim... there was more that went on....but it is crazy ...I would compare this to many Meshugayim does it take to destroy something good...Ad Kan
At 9:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
It was dramatic last night in 770. Following the banquet of the Shluchim Conference in N.J. hundreds of shluchim sat down in the shul downstairs 770 to farbreng but were interrupted by a group of violent youth. They threw "Likutei Sichos" and bottles of "mashke" at the shluchim endangering their lives and engaged in a series of other hostile actions.
It was only after the intervention by the police that the situation subsided. The police closed 770 and opened it later after it was cleaned and placed in order.
One of those sitting at the farbrengen was Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov, Chairman of Agudas Chasidei Chabad International and head shaliach of Philadelphia. In his short interview with this morning he sounded very shaken up.
"What happened last night in 770 is just unbelievable," he said. "A group of people acted like outright animals. They broke all restrictions and rules, not only rules pertaining to a holy place like the Rebbes house, but they acted inuman, like plain animals.
"They threw bottles, turned over tables and didnt care about anything. They ignored the fact that they were in a holy place, that chassidim were sitting and farbrengen and didnt care about the lives of those sitting and farbrengen. They turned the place into the most dangerous place that exists. But this is not new.
There is a saying "A smart person what does he - say? i.e. what he is, he says. If you want to know what these people are all about just look how they behave, their actions and screaming, rachmono litzlan.
What does Agudas Chasidei Chabad plant to do about it?
Were going to convene very soon today and discuss all possibilites before us and take necessary action. Dont foget were still in middle of a court battle over the ownership of 770 and we hope that with the help of G-d we will triumph in the merit of the owner of this place, to return to it the proper form befitting a place where the Rebbe lived, learned and spread Judaism with "mesiras nefesh."
What can you tell the thousands of people around the world who are interested in what goes on in 770?
I hope that Anash will translate their interest into helping restore 770 to the way it was.
What are the possibilities at your disposal?
I dont want to talk publicly about the possibilities at our disposal but with G-ds help, in the zechus of the owner of 770, the Rebbe, we will rectify the situation
At 9:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 10:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
to all L
Stop thinking that the world are centered around you. You actually do great work. But you think that all work is done by you only.
You wantr everyone to thank you for having where to stay in Thailand. But you don't and will never acknolwedge the good done by other people and other groups and never talk about it. Not Bikkur Cholim not Limud Torah not chessed by any other group.
In addition: you do not show respect to any person who is respected by others if that person did not have a relationship with your Rebbe.
Look in all blogs that your members relish in disparaging any other person who is not of your club.
Your people are presently writing about all others inside problems. And you are astonished that others speak about your shortcomings?
Listen: the meshichisten were not created in a vacuum; YOU and your leaders have created them!
The real intrspection that you have to make is about eradicating the bad middos that you have. Remove the hubris and disparaging attitude towards other jews then you will others give you the same respect.
At 11:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 11:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Evey single one of you will ebnfit from cahabad when your on vaction maybe in China or Brazil or Alaska or Hawaii.
so do not put down chabad.
At 11:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
ANNON 10:41
At 11:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
when you say "love ya either way" you don't mean it. If the person does not sing your song you hate them. Look at yuor and your friends comments.
And to add, many who host people in their chabad houses ...intend to publicize them in fox news...and many bikur cholim ladies do it for the love of every jew including you!
At 11:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm a litvishe guy who learns in Lakewood. At the end of the day, if you go to practically any city in the WORLD, there is an emisaary of Chabad who will take the time out to help you, notwithstanding the fact that he knows your not a fan of Chabad. Their love and concern for their fellow jew is nothing less then amazing.
I feel very bad, that on a weekend where they all get together to be mechazek themselves, these nuts (mostly foreigners), harras them. If Krisnky has legal title to 770, wht doesnt he bounce them (the meshicist) out using the legal system?
At 12:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
These hoodlums from Tzfas who were throwing sforim and Benches @ the shluchim can be stopped by Leaglly taking away thier American Visas and have the the American Embassy in Israel put them on a list of never being able to get an American Student or Tourist Visa.
They can also be deported once thier Visa is Revoked legaly.
There is Rumor that the Shalich of Vietnam was hurt on his Legs its only a rumor.
At 1:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
in addition that they need to learn not to think that they invented judaism and all good deeds are theirs; they have to understand that people will not accept overt or covert false messianism. so calling on the good deeds to coverup for the false outlook will not do them any good. let them clean their house start educating their youth that not all bobehmaysse they taught their children is judaism...
At 1:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
its not a rumor i spoke to him
At 2:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Full description of the chaotic events which happened last night.
Beginning from the early hours of the evening, the Israeli bochurim discussed peaceful solutions to avoid the entry of Shemtov-Krinsky into 770, just as what happened last year.
(In this article
Antis= Extreme left minded bochurim who are known for their “HATE” and despise for every “meshichist”
Israeli= The more heated “right-minded” bochurim who are usually involved in “defense” or sometimes the “offense”
Meshichist= Everyone who believes in the sichos and teachings of the Rebbe )
(The reasons for this 1) They don’t recognize the rabbinic authorities; in fact, they were given the halachic status of “ ‘Mesurav’(resisting to) comply with the Beis Din” since then they weren’t given permission to participate in public farbrengans of 770, and from then on “Beis Rivkah farbrengans began and the that’s when the real division started
2) These corrupted people are trying to gain control of the central Chabad institution. Including 770, they are trying to assume power by displaying ownership and freedom. People can’t do anything to stop them and because they defend themselves with loads of money and power))
When the Gabboim were called for permission to put on a video and turn off the lights, the requests were rejected because they decided that it would be better off (for the court case) to leave 770 as if nothing happened.
2. Later a member of the Vaad Hamesader decided to set up the tables in preparation for the big farbrengan in honor of Rosh Chodesh Kislev. It was understood that it would be unfair to change the order of the tables from the new, in order to avoid a large farbrengan, which its results would be the entry of K. and S., from forming.
3. Immediately after the “banquet” in New Jersey, Shluchim together with “extreme left minded (antis)” bochurim began to trickle into 770. In response tables were arranged in for an Inyanei Geulah U’Moshiach shiur was formed in hope that an increase of light will push aside the darkness. More time passes and 770 continues to fill up. The bochurim and shluchim sit down to farbreng at the tables which were already set up for the Rosh Chodesh farbrengan. Meanwhile a “shliach” from Chicago gets up on the table of the “meshichist” farbrengan waving a bottle of Mashke and encouraging the “anti” bochurim to sit down, while mocking and disrupting the farbrengan.
4. Tension is rising between the two sides; each one is claiming that the other side disturbing them. From the size of the crowd of “antis” it is clear that if Krinsky-Shemtov will enter tonight.
5. A half hour later the central shluchim farbrengan grows further, pyramids of bochurim and shluchim are erected around the tables. A test of tactic is performed- a powerful speaker playing the tune of the song “Yechi Adoneinu” is turned on- in order to determine that if the two K. and S. will enter, will a farbrengan be avoided.
In anticipation of action, immediately the Shomrim gang (the Right hand of K.) jumped to fight. They atrociously beat the bochurim who protected the sound system. After a short fight of several minutes they gave up and left the area when the speaker was turned off by the bochurim’s own choice. The speaker was not damaged, and it was planned to use it again later if needed.
6. A short time later a small brawl took place when a few “anti” bochurim attempted to dismantle the “meshichist” farbrengan, (the crime was that they were singing yechi in a loud manner)
Shortly following this, I.K. (a bochur of regular size, not exceptionally strong) was injured when he was beaten inside 770 by the “antis” and shomrim, he was then taken outside and they continued to “lynch” him. An eyewitness, (not a “meshichist”) said that I.K. screamed “let go of me I’ll leave myself” but his cry was unheard and he was beaten until he fell unconscious and bleeding. Hatzahalah came and evacuated him on a stretcher while being helped by a respirator. Meanwhile the “anti” bochurim were mocking at him and seemingly rejoiced about his condition. The scene was absolutely gut-wrenching.
5. A half hour later Avremal Shemtov discreetly entered 770 and sat down at the central shluchim and bochurim farbrengan. Meanwhile a fight erupted between the shomrim and the Israeli bochurim near the farbrengan bimah, the fight was instigated by the shomrim when they began to voice their power (we’ll beat you up etc.) and screamed at the bochurim, a heated Israeli bochur got and up and screamed at them “who are you…what are you doing here….you want to fight with me….” Then the shomrim attacked. More bochurim joined and vicious fighting ensued. Several minutes later the Shomrim left.
In middle of the fight, Y.M. (not a strong, but skinney and tall bochur) jumped into the center of their farbrengan and began screaming at Shemtov, “Mesurav (unwilling to comply to Beis Din) Moser (Informer) etc.” as he was screaming the “antis” began to hit him. They also stood up and began to throw salads and bottles of soda at the “Mishchist” farbrengan, which by Boez Kali was farbrenging with the bochurim. As the salads and bottle were flying and Y.M. began to be beaten more seriously, other Israeli bochurim jumped in to help him. Then a major brawl ensued, shluchim with white beards and ties beat bochurim who came to help and were engaged in the incident.
The gang of Shemtov hooligans waited for this moment, now they tore the “Yechi Adoneinu” banner”, which was originally hung from 5753 ( and was in front of the holy eyes of the Rebbe MH”M shlita), at the words “Melech HaMoshiach. Bochurim who jumped in to save it were greeted with a vicious beating. Seeing this, bochurim decided to dismantle the farbrengan tables which Shemtov and S. Zarchi sat around, causing both of them to get up in leave. However this is not before Zarchi managed to hit several bochurim, and made several remarks and statements “inappropriate” to the sacredness of the shul.
The “Moser” Sholom Willhelm (the personal aid of K.) immediately left and called the police (it is known that the police sergeant cooperates with K.) Five minutes later, police responded by the herds, most parked in or on the service lane and even some parked on Eastern Pkwy. They entered inside with the help of Y. Deren and Willhelm and began to point out bochurim who should be removed. Meanwhile the two also pointed out an Israeli bochurim S.H. and police arrested him.
Personally the two approached me telling me that they members of “Merkaz” and informed me that I have to leave 770. Immediately three police officers grabbed me and escorted me outside of 770… A sight which reminded me of the evictions from the shuls of Gush Katif.
6. About 20 minutes later, when 770 was empty of all “Meshichistim”, the villains grabbed the paroches of the Aron Kodesh and forcefully pulled off the “Crown” of the paroches with “Yechi”. In the morning the shamash of 770 brought a old “Crown” of the paroches, replacing the stolen one.
Following this Yisroel Shemtov brought police to the ATAH offices, which broke down the door and Y.S. ordered them to arrest the bochurim inside.
In addition to the damage to the Yechi signs and the paroches 770live was broken into and the computer and other equipment was stolen and put into a black car of the Shomrim.
Our heart cries out AD MASAI!? AD MOSAI!?
Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu VRabbeinu Melech HaMoshiach L’olam Vaed!
At 6:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
you can't even say you'r biggoted story straight,do all of chabad a favor remove your self completly from the nighberhood and go somewhere far where you can actually get the help you need.
At 7:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
i agree with At 6:17 AM, Anonymous said…
u write a story that is on true any does not make any sense ive my whole life gone to 770 and the talibans have made chabad look so bad i have freinds who are no chabad and they ask me whats going on ther they hear things they see things on the news they read things on website
chabad used to be a group pepole looked up to and respected now not at all we are looked down on
At 7:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
to lakewood guy
the reson why krinsky cant bounce them is they tried and tried but those talibans keep on coming back agian and agian
At 7:37 AM,
Sholom said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 8:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Shloime I'm not a lubavitcher but please for your own sake remove the comment of 7:37 because of the language.
At 9:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
to all sane Lubavitchers,
True that the talibans have wrought havoc to your group as never before. And they cannot be dealt with in rtional terms as they cannot see past their myopic vision (as we see how describe the events that took place upside down as usual).
But: ask yourselves with honesty. Where did they come from? Who educated them? What values have been inserted in their minds to turn out such wild animals? These questions are painful but must addressed.
Do you think that your grou is immune? Do you think that the values inserted int heir minds have originated from your mashpiim? Do you think that you will fool others by making believe that these peiople came "yesh meayin"? These people ahve drunk the misguided messages of your mashpiim for decades. It is the radical views and positions of your heads that have given the fuel for their lifestyle. It is the disregard for anything that is not to your taste in your avoda in derech hashem to the point of kanous that anyone who dares think differently from what you have been taught is a nobody a mored bemlachus, a fershtunkene snag and other epithets that you guys grow up with.
To the supporters of the good deeds of Chabad: Continue to support them for their wonderful job that involve sgreat levels of mesirut nefesh, but take a time to pause and see how you can really help to stem the tide of this movement to turn for the worse even in the areas where the mosrey nefesh live:
make sure that you tell these dear people, that they respect yiddishkeyt values and do not turn yiddishkeyt into a man worship movement. Make sure that they do not become intoxicated with the hype for publicicity adn propaganda. They do the job for the bopb's sake and not to agrandize the idolatry idoeology of man worsihpping. Remember: what is happening now in 770 MIRRORS in a small form what happens in every community and place. If they stick to the job to unite all jews and to keep pure yiddishkeyt they are the best. If they utilize yiddishkeyt to make the idolatrous cult grow as a"kardom lachtoch boh" you supporters bear responsibility for not stopping this when it could still possbily be stopped.
At 9:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
2:26 mechist rant and side of the story:
ANyone with half a brain can read thru your dribble and garbage. I'm amazed Shamos let you post that but in all fairness....I'm glad he did, thanks VIN for showing the olem who these meshugoyim really are.
As for the shilichim you guys totally rock - I've counted on you more then a few times in Puerto Rico, Tuscon AZ and Milan.
At 10:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
I totally agree with what the Lakewodd guy said. All those shiluchim doing their aviodas hakodesh, never hesitate to help a fellow yid in need who happens to show up in their town. Even a litvishe guy like me, who they know are not to taken in with the Lubavitche movement, has been helped more than once by a shiliach. Their Ahavas Yisroel is somthing to emulate and the fact is, that all these yidden in those far flung places, at least have a sheichus to yiddishkeit because of the mesiras nefesh of these guys.
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
for all viewers,
meshichistin ar "rotzachtoh vegaom yorashtoh"' they create meshichism and destroy anyone who dares not talk like them in beleiving the rebbe is moshiach and otoh they confuse outsiders with words like "moser" "loy tzayssoh' to the rabbis; when all they wanted was: to make sure from day 4 tammuz (or better from 27 adar) that Shemtov and Krinsky do notspoil their game of telling the world the rebbe is moshiach...they are the most dishonest not call rabbonim and messirah and torah: you clearly disregard any of these when it comes in the way to say the rebbe is moshiach. You even began your crusade against R. Osdoba when he dared write against you: to forbid the idolatous custom of saying "Yechi..." together with "Hashem Hu Elokim" you are a bunch of ovdey avoda zara and use "Rabbonim" when itsuits this goal; if it does not: you railroad them to no end!
At 10:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Chabad rocks.
At 10:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
I became a ball teshuva because of chabad.
At 10:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
The mushchasim have wrestled control of the Lubavitch institutions. Let's stop pretending that they are only a few. Most of the major Chabad institutions are run by mushchasim. It is sad to see but it is the reality.
At 11:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Fellow Lubavitchers,
As the ugly noose of radicalism tightens around our collective necks once again many of us ask, what can we do to help the state of affairs?
The episode that took place in 770 Sunday night was not an isolated one. It is the latest in a long list of fierce attacks perpetrated by a group of violent ruffians against those they deem deserving, over the last few years. Time and time again we see the same faces and hear the same names of people who terrorize. Many of these are bochrim from Israel brought here to learn by the administration of the Central Lubavitch 770 Yeshiva. These bochrim are given accommodations and food and are considered 100 percent part and parcel of Tomchei Temimim.
After each assault that took place we waited to hear something drastic would be done by the administration to ensure that this would be prevented in the future, and time and time again absolutely nothing is done at all. Even calls of condemnation are yet to be heard.
The situation is now unbearable. 770 is now fully controlled by the wild mob. Attempts to do anything they find objectionable and you can be sure to be met with violent behavior and intimidation. If we want to have any hope of reversing this calamity the time to act is now.
Bellow you will find a list of the phone numbers of the administration of the Central Lubavitch Yeshiva of 770. We ask you to please take a few minutes TODAY and call them up and express your disappointment. Make it clear that the situation is out of hand and that anyone who acts in a way to physically harm another Jew should be dealt with in the harshest of terms. Make it clear that there is no place for vicious bullies in Lubavitch. Make it clear that you DEMAND something to be done! How they choose to deal with it is their own prerogative but no longer do they have the luxury to close their eyes to this dire situation.
The responsibility of what happens lies squarely on the shoulders of the Hanholoh of the Yeshiva. We demand change!
Rabbi Shloima Zarchi- 718-778-1070
Rabbi Yitzchok Springer-718-774-3407
Rabbi Yekutiel Rapp- 718 467-1055
Rabbi Yekutiel Feldman- 718 604-2708
Rabbi Sholom Ber Brod- 718 756-8797
Rabbi Zalman Labkovsky's number is unavailable but he can be approached in person.
Remember that you CAN make a difference! May Hashem Yisborach bless each and every one of us with true unity and happiness and obliterate all evil with the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu.
At 11:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is crazy stop it all of you saying these terrible things about moshiachstan. No, I don't think that they are right about the moshiach business but we do not have to talk like that.
Think how the goyim think about us when they read this blog (and some do). they do not care if we are chassidish or litvish chabad or a non-shomer torah umitzvas. Watch what you say or write.
At 11:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
As long as people are being influenced by ideas and actions that are not from a Daas Torah perspective they should be shunned. The jewish terrorists, are influenced by the Velt and should be shunned, these people are living in every community we can’t deny it. In most cases they are a smaller minority. In Lubavitch it may be, since there is a high(er) percentage of people without a frum upbringing who are bringing ideas into Lubavitch from their secular upbringing (such as a miracle man Moshiach similar to 'J') and many do not understand that they are so influenced.
I daven not for a miracle redeemer but for a Geula and Sheyibaneh Beis Hamikdash, a time when we can be Oved Hashem without outside influence. This will happen with the help of Moshiach but he is not the goal, he is the MVP of the event.
At 11:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
i was personnally at the kinus hashluchim there were around 4000 people and just to picfture yourself there were around 600 waiters to serve dinner the kinus was spectecular an experience to remember ( i am not chabad i just travel around the world alot so i got a pass from my shluach i know
At 1:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
These meshygoim they all look stoned ,look in their faces they are STONED they belong in a meshgoim house not in 770.
Yes, I have seen them at various times and they are stoned. Either drunk, using drugs, or mentally ill (or all three). They represent no one and nothing and they need to be removed from our midst. They are our shababnikim; many are from bad backgrounds and were taken in by some Chabad moisad out of pity, and not one has any idea of who Hashem is, what the Rebbe is all about, or what Moshiach is. Between them they might know one word each from chumash, tehillim and tanya.
At 1:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Between them they might know one word each from chumash, tehillim and tanya.
Who is their leader. Somebody must of given them these ideas.
At 1:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree These meshygoim they all look stoned ,look in their faces they are STONED they belong in a meshgoim house not in 770.
At 1:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am sure that the rebbi is not alive. with all these meshichisten meshigoim in 770 its not possible that the rebbi see"s all this and he is alive
At 2:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
The story that happened was as follows. The shluchim coming back from an inspirational kinnus (at approximately 12 in the morning), thought it to be appropriate to go to 770 and farbreng. At first the the tzfatim tried to stop the shluchim from pushing together the tables to farbreng. When that didnt work (the shluchim struggled with them, until they had the tables together), the tzfatim then took out the next weapon in their arsenal (their hands didn’t work this time against the high volume of shluchim). They brought out their fart spray and started spraying all the cans to make the shluchim leave. The bad odor did not intimidate or deter the shluchim and they actually just ignored it and farbrenged further. So they tried to sing yechi extremely loud but the shluchim just ignored them and farbenged further.
The shluchim sang “hiney ma tov uma noim sheves achim gam yachad” for about fifteen minutes in unity (there were shluchim of all stripes and opinions farbrenging together). It was unbelievable. The inspiration it brought was so thick and tangible. You couldn’t even hear the ten tzfatim which were screaming yechi. The Tzfatim gave up on their shouting yechi after about two hours of making themselves hoarse). The shluchim finally got to farbreng without menius veikuvim (hecklers). At approximately 3 AM rabbi Avremel Shemtov walked in. As soon as he walked in, the tzfatim brought back their arsenal of fart spray. It was ignored. The shluchim farbrenged further, beautifully, despite the unpleasant odors the tzfatim so graciously extended to the shluchim.
Twenty minutes later (after the tzfatim apparently informed their friends to immediately wake up, come to 770 and prepare for war against the shluchim) the tsfatim started whipping seforim into the direction of the farbrengen. The seforim instantly turned into live fire, which was literally dangerous. The shluchim and anash scattered for safety to be out of fire from the tzfatim’s seforim arsenal. Rabbi Avremel Shemtov was immediately ushered out by about ten shomrim to safety.
The tzfatim were unhinged (the police which had eventually arrived, were not equipped to confront these tzfatim, thought they successfully arrested several of them. It became increasingly dangerous to be within a mile from these tzfatim. It was ugly.
After the violence from the tzfatim was wrought upon the shluchim, the idea was proposed (in a shout out loud) to tear the yechi banner down in revenge.
Rabbi Moscowitz (head shliach to Illinois) walked out (in anger) bleeding from his face from an apparent tzfati gash in the face. Rabbi Yisroel shem tov was brought out onto a hatzala with a big gash by his eye. Rabbi Hartman (shliach to Vietnam) was brought by ambulance to the hospital after a bench which was thrown by the tzfatim crushed his leg. I didn’t notice any injuries amongst the tzfatim, though I can’t attest that there weren’t any.
The violence the Tzfatim brought onto the Rebbe’s Chassidim and shluchim, that sad and painful evening, was indescribable. At that point fearing for my personal safety I went home. I therefore cannot inform you on anything which occurred after the first half an hour of the initial (physical phase of the) tzfati attack.
Note: I copied and pasted this post and posted it on the tzfati – web site. I have no faith that it will be posted by them for they carefully filter out posts which counter their agenda.
Please don’t copy and paste my post, on any non Chabad site, thereby bringing out our dirty laundry into the public eye.
At 2:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
So very true
At 2:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
i also say YECH HAMELECH
At 2:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
me too yechi hamelech
At 2:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yechi adonano moraino verabanu Hamelech Hamoshiac laolem voed
At 3:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 3:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
okay oi vey we have now the moshichisten here already
At 5:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
tonight at 10 pm we all will scream yechi adonanu in 770
At 5:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
What do Lakewood, Chaim Berlin, Torah Temimah, Amshinov, Alecsander, Belzer, Bobover, Bostoner, Boyaner, Breslov, Ger, Stolin, Kloisenberg, Modzitzer, Muncatz, Pupa, Radziner, Rachmanstrivke, Satmar, Skverer, Slonimer, Tauscher, Vizhnitzer, etc., etc. have in common?
Answer: They've done absolutely nothing for Klal Yisroel.
Chabad* annoys me sometimes, but they got the right idea!
*My apologies to Chabad for even comparing....
At 5:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
The police cleared 770 completely. The Chilul Hashem is unbelievable. Hundreds of Shluchim doing nothing but try to farbreng in beis chayeinu ..................
9:48 PM
That is strange. My siddur mentions bais chayainu but in reference to a spot a few thousand miles east of crown heights.
At 5:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
What do Lakewood, Chaim Berlin, Torah Temimah, Amshinov, Alecsander, Belzer, Bobover, Bostoner, Boyaner, Breslov, Ger, Stolin, Kloisenberg, Modzitzer, Muncatz, Pupa, Radziner, Rachmanstrivke, Satmar, Skverer, Slonimer, Tauscher, Vizhnitzer, etc., etc. have in common?
Answer: They've done absolutely nothing for Klal Yisroel.
Chabad* annoys me sometimes, but they got the right idea!
*My apologies to Chabad for even comparing....
5:20 PM
You may have just set a new record for the number of issurim anyone has ever been ovair in one shot. Take all the lavim you violated and multiply that number by the sum of all members of and talmidim of the groups and yeshivas about which you just spoke lashon harah, rechilus, etc. and you should be very proud of yourself. Not.
(For the record, I am not affiliated with any of the groups you mentioned.)
At 6:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
The fact is the man has got a point. Chabad does more in concrete terms for klal yisroel then any other sect or organization. I say concrete terms because I dont deny that the torah learned in all those yeshival is a "maigen" for us all.
At 7:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
I recently read a nice article in the Jewish Press about the outreach work that Belz is doing in Eretz Yisroel, including religious, educational and healthcare.
The Gerrer certainly provide social and religious services, I believe they are currently building a hospital in Ashdod because after 6 years of talking the government still hasn't built one.
You may have heard of the hospital that Kloisenberg opperates a hospital in Natanya. one of the oldest and largest. They provide other services as well.
Everybody likes to joke about all the prisoners that have joined Breslov. But they became Breslov because of the strong prison chaplancy program that breslov has.
I don't know so much about any of these groups but they all provide some service to somebody. Why else would they exist.
They are all imperfect, just like Luvavitch. But there is no reason to dengrate them.
At 7:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 8:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you really care about Chabad, help out with the security in Crown Heights.
I am not Lubavitcher but I once came to Crown Heights for shabbos & on my way home from shul I was assaulted by 3 black youths.
At 8:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
I went on a business trip to China & while I was walking on the street I saw the Shlich there & he invited me in to his home, I davend mincha & mariv with a minyon.
Chabad is truly amazing.
At 8:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Chabad saved my brother's life, he fryed out & chabad brought him back.
Thank you so much.
At 8:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
This website in full of lashon horah.
At 8:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was once not religious & chabad help me, I owe my heart & soul to them.
At 8:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
You guys are doing great.
At 8:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good work Chabad.
At 8:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Because of the Lubavitcher Rebbe over one million Jews became frum & I am proud to say that I am one of them.
At 9:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Kinus Hashluchim was beautiful.
At 9:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Look at chabad, they are giving over their life to be shluchim, they are great.
At 9:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you are wondering why Moshiach is not here, look how much lashon horah in being said.
At 9:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yechi Hamelech.
CH rocks.
At 9:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Could I ask this site a Question ??????????
Why do you allow bad comments on.
At 9:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
tonight shortly at 10 pm not only ch will trock but the entire world will rock . the whole world will hear the screams of YECHI HAMELECH HAMOSHIACH LAOLAM VOAD CHAI VEKAYOM >>THE REBBI IS ALIVE
At 9:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am comming with 7 buddies incase shem tov wants a fight
At 9:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
One of the main YECHI guys is a guy his name is shnitzler or snitser he is from williamsburg ,his father is a famous guy there his great grand father was a melamed is the satmar yeshivha .this snitsler is a totall waco i mean a real yechi waco he goes around screaming Yechi when ever he fills there is an audiance. Why such idiots land in ch is beyond me?
At 9:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
it must be the Lubavitchers really really loved their rebbi. cause if they could claim 13 years after he died that he is still alive its only because they loved him so much.its gevaldig mamash gevalding
At 9:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
some one posted in the name on Rabbi Shemtov that these poeple "They broke all restrictions and rules, not only rules pertaining to a holy place like the Rebbes house" just wondering why we keep forgetting this is not the Rebbe's house its a shul - its Hashm Yisborach's house
At 9:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
What do Lakewood, Chaim Berlin, Torah Temimah, Amshinov, Alecsander, Belzer, Bobover, Bostoner, Boyaner, Breslov, Ger, Stolin, Kloisenberg, Modzitzer, Muncatz, Pupa, Radziner, Rachmanstrivke, Satmar, Skverer, Slonimer, Tauscher, Vizhnitzer, etc., etc. have in common?
They have educated countless erlicher Yidden to serve Hashem in the way proscriibed by the Torah.
Chabad is a failed and dying movement. Spreading Apikorsus is not exactly doing anything for world Jewry. Chabad has damaged the very essence of Klal Yisroel in a grave manner despite the fact that they might make you feel good.
At 10:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's 10pm. Do you know where your Rebbe is?
At 10:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
What do Lakewood, Chaim Berlin, Torah Temimah, Amshinov, Alecsander, Belzer, Bobover, Bostoner, Boyaner, Breslov, Ger, Stolin, Kloisenberg, Modzitzer, Muncatz, Pupa, Radziner, Rachmanstrivke, Satmar, Skverer, Slonimer, Tauscher, Vizhnitzer, etc., etc. have in common?
Answer: They've done absolutely nothing for Klal Yisroel.
Chabad* annoys me sometimes, but they got the right idea!
*My apologies to Chabad for even comparing....
5:20 PM
thank you for posting like a true lubavitcher after your Rebbe passed on. YOu denigrate all observant jews; you do not appreciate and begn to understand, that observance by all the groups you mentioned actually keeps Judaism preserved and is practised as it was for thousands of years. It is precisely those groups who perpetuate torah learning...keep other groups from swerving out of the way to innovate new ways that are out of the boundaries of judaism; they keep each other from innovating and changing from the way jews beleived for thousands of years.
for all the good work L has done, they have not changed big time and made a dent in the intermarriage plague...
And with all the money of the world they haven't made the thousands of baaley teshuva that changes dramtically the trend of intermarriage...
It is the naharoh naharoh upashteh of all the groups that you denigrate that keep the core of judaism to be left intact. so they have done for klal yisroel what you guys have not in the past decade.
At 12:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Because of the Lubavitcher Rebbe over one million Jews became frum & I am proud to say that I am one of them.
8:59 PM
Who was it that said if you repeat a big enough lie often enough it will become the truth?
Lubavitch alone made 1,000,000 ba'alai teshuvah???!!!
What are you smoking and where can I get some???
No wonder you guys can't deal with the reality of your leader's passwing on. You can't even count straight.
How many Orthodox Jews do you think there are in the world?
Deduct all the FFB's (you know, the ones who didn't need Chabad to be frum - like all those poor lost souls in Lakewood, Chaim Berlin, Torah Temimah, Amshinov, Alecsander, Belzer, Bobover, Bostoner, Boyaner, Breslov, Ger, Stolin, Kloisenberg, Modzitzer, Muncatz, Pupa, Radziner, Rachmanstrivke, Satmar, Skverer, Slonimer, Tauscher, Vizhnitzer, etc., etc) - and you don't have a million frum people left, forget about a million who became frum thru Chabad.
Earth to "bais chayainu" - Anyone home up there?
This reminds me of the quote I saw years ago that the rebbe a"h had helped millions of people one at a time. Do the math - if he started when he was three, never slept, ate, davened or learned and kept meeting with people for ten years after his death - which you guys all seem to believe without a problem - 2,000,000 ("millions indicates AT LEAST 2,000,000) he would have had to give advise to 54.79 people in every twenty fours or . Unless of course he didn't start giving advice until he was twenty and stopped after his stroke the number goes up to 78.27 every twenty four hours.
Don't pay any attention to the man behind the curtain, Dorothy.......
At 2:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
sunday dollars within 6 hours over 1000 every farbreingen was thousends by the rebbe each one was a separete person
At 8:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
sunday dollars within 6 hours over 1000 every farbreingen was thousends by the rebbe each one was a separete person
2:30 AM
At 8:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
to anon 12:09 AM
here are some facts
there are over 2 million Jews affiliated with chabad yes that's 2 million around the world that attend chabad schools programs their shuls
chabad employs 40,000 workers full time yes they pay 40,000 workers a full time salary every Friday
40 percent of Jewish children go to chabad schools or Hebrew schools on Sunday
this is just some of the facts
I did not make this up this is from the Jewish federation and the reform you can do your research
im sorry if you cant handle these numbers but this is very little chabad needs to do more
At 8:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
i can feel the hate in this
i like the way you write FAILED AND DYING im not sure what world you live in but maybe its about time you open your eyes and take a trip around the world
Chabad is a failed and dying movement. Spreading Apikorsus is not exactly doing anything for world Jewry. Chabad has damaged the very essence of Klal Yisroel in a grave manner despite the fact that they might make you feel good.
9:53 PM
At 10:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
I beg Chabadniks to use this situation as the catalyst for taking control of Lubavitch as a Chassidic movement. I became a frum yid largely due to the relationship I developed with certain Chabad shluchim and the Torah of the Rebbe. However, I have stopped short of becoming a full-fledged Chabadnik because I don't want to raise my children in a kehilla that is so dysfunctional. Even many of the non-messianist chabadniks I know rationalize and defend the messianists as being within the pale of appropriate "belief". While it is an interesting intellectual debate as to whether legitimate Torah sources allow for a person to die and still be the ACTUAL Moshiach, any rational human being can see the RESULT and MANIFESTATION of the belief of THE REBBE as Moshiach in today's Chabad kehillah and the Jewish community at large. In other words, EVEN IF the messianists had a point, they are destroying Chabad and the legacy of the Rebbe and his predecessors in making their point. If by promoting that belief you destroy chabad and drive yiddin away from yiddishkeit (which has happened to many young Lubavitchers and which often happens when a non-frum yid hears about the craziness -- except someone in spiritual/emotional distress, in which case you are arguably exploiting that person) shouldn't you be obligated to stop? Isn't this akin to a pakuach nefesh situation? (As an aside, whomever the Moshiach is, aren't we harming our ability to bring him if we are driving people AWAY from Torah)? Since when did keeping yiddin in the fold and getting more yiddin to come to torah and mitzvos take a back seat to "believing" a deceased Tzaddik is moshiach?
This obviously applies with MORE force to those who intellectualize that sources PERMIT the belief espoused by most messianists. Even if that is true, and there is objectively a good argument on that point, if the result in the belief is the destruction of Chabad and many yiddishe neshamas (not to mention broken legs), isn't the correct conclusion that it is impermissible to hold the belief? If I am allowed to eat a certain food as permissible, if by eating that food in even moderate amounts I make myself terribly sick, aren't I obligated to stop?
Please G-d, let there be a groundswell of support in Chabad for a rational approach to this problem, and please bring us Moshiach Now!
At 10:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
Has Chabad lost one child due to living in these foreign places? Has the kedusha of one person been compromised? Are they living Lichatchila in places where we are not sure when Shabbos is? Sure it's nice to be able to USE THEM when on a trip, but if they weren't there, would you still go? Would you stay for a shorter time?
At 12:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
here are some facts said...
to anon 12:09 AM
here are some facts
there are over 2 million Jews affiliated with chabad yes that's 2 million around the world that attend chabad schools programs their shuls
chabad employs 40,000 workers full time yes they pay 40,000 workers a full time salary every Friday
40 percent of Jewish children go to chabad schools or Hebrew schools on Sunday
this is just some of the facts
I did not make this up this is from the Jewish federation and the reform you can do your research
im sorry if you cant handle these numbers but this is very little chabad needs to do more
8:30 AM
Please do not let reality get in your way.
Who needs Emes when we have such nice fantasies of grandiosity
Chabad Uber Allis!
Yechi Shmuel Buttman!
At 1:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 2:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
A word to the wise: Don't drink the vodka at the farbraigen when it starts to taste like Kool-Aid.
At 3:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Stop the Lashon horah already.
At 3:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
If any of you go to the JCM (Jewish children museum) stop off by 770 it's right next to it, & you will see for your self that Lubavitcher are great.
At 6:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
just a reminder to all.
the lubavitcher rebbe said about this whole proclaiming him as moshiach:
"ess is merachek yiddin foon yidishkeit" (it distances jews from jewishness) = It disturbs chabad goals in making yidden frum.
so to all those mishichisten out there; you are going against the rebbe!
(i think they found a letter in the hokos pokous igros that says the rebbe changed his mind... but the igros fantasy is for another time)
one thing that does excite me is that time slowly the world is seeing that there is lubavitch and then there are meshichisten, to separate groups. (anyone who goes against the rebbe is obviously not a lubavitcher)
At 6:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
although I do agree that violence should never be used, and some of the Israeli guys tend to be hotheaded. The fact remains that the leaders of this farbreingen happen to be the same people who have done everything in their power including going to non Jewish courts instead of Rabonim to oust these bochurim and anyone else who does not agree with their way of thinking and their crooked style from 770. these very same organizers of this farbreingen are the same ones who have stepped on the Rebbe's toes, so to speak 15 and 20 years ago and therefore have no personal connection to the REbbe. They are quite happy to go on with life as the leaders of Lubavitch (heaven help us). One of them was labeled as nothing more than the Rebbe's driver, and has been caught red handed stealing checks that were sent to others. (the only reason he did not end up in jail was because the victim is a true chasid and went to a rav rather than the police as the culprit does.the other one is the son of a man who bragged about the fact that he was never bothered by the fact that the Rebbe was upset with certain behaviours of his. and just for the record the signs that were removed from the shul are most definitely NOT AT ALL outdated! anyone who says they are should remove the title lubavitcher chasid from his persona. It is precisly these wonderful organizers that are hindering the geulah.
As for the Kinus, it was beautifully organized but not as a Kinus of the Rebbe's soldiers. I was at the very last Kinus before the Rebbe's stroke when the Rebbe said clearly THE ONLY MIVTZAH LEFT NOW IS THE MIVTZAH OF MOSHIACH to create an awareness and desire for moshiach and Geulah. and that was a taboo subject not mentioned at all. And when these people who walk around ridiculing others because they are not of the same mindset preach about "achdus" and "ahavas chinam" it's enough to make your stomach turn. In my dictionary "ahavas chinam" and "achdus" means that if I have "crazy neighbor who uses "outdated phrases" and sings "outdated songs" I will tolerate him and let him be, let him do his thing WITHOUT RIDICULING HIM AND CALLING HIM NAMES AND LABELING HIM!!!!!!!
At 7:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
that is the problem when one labels another as a mashichist, he is in effect saying I don't believe in Moshiach.
the fact is there was a time when the Rebbe said it was not the time but later the Rebbe acknowledged it completely.
there are more and more people each day who come to the realization that the Rebbe is in fact with us and answers us through the igros. when millions of people get direct answers via the igros there has got to be something there. May Hashem have rachmonos on us all!
At 7:14 PM,
Milhouse said…
To Anon 9:15AM (which day?):
Do you think that you will fool others by making believe that these peiople came "yesh meayin"? These people ahve drunk the misguided messages of your mashpiim for decades.
Yes, as a matter of fact, most if not all of the Taliban did come more or less yesh meayin. A few years ago they had no connection to yiddishkeit, they never saw the rebbe; to them he's a concept, not a person. They have not heard mashpiim for decades, they've heard one mashpia, Wilshanski, for maybe a year or two in his training camp, and then he sent them to 770 to terrorise people. Yodenu lo shofchu es hadom hazeh; none of us, neither meshichistn nor antis, had anything to do with raising them, except one man, Wilshanski. They are crazies who have never had a connection to chabad, until they came to Tzfas.
At 8:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
yechi hamelech hamoshiach..and have a happy turkey
At 9:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
As a proud Lubavitcher Chossid I am outraged at the comments that none of the other Chassidisheh krizen does anything good for Klal Yisroel. This juvenile attitude hardly reflects that of our Rebbe who encouraged and admired other ADMURim and their Chassidim.
To the revered Chareidisheh oylom, please pay no heed to these stupid remarks. I and the majority of NORMAL Lubavitchers respect the good work that you do. Whether it’s with Bikkur Cholim, Torah programs, learning etc. This applies to the Chassidisheh and Litvisheh velt at large.
At 10:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yoshke Pundrik's last name wasn't Schneerson. So wake up everybody, the Rebbe of blessed memory ain't coming out from under that heavy Matzyvah. If you beleive he is alive, I advise you to contact the FBI for a missing persons report.
At 10:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am a Satmar Chusid headed for Vietnam for Buisness I look forward to Davning Shabes @ the Local Chabad House.
At 11:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 12:09
stop dreaming...after all aggrandizement most jews who l touches do NOT become frum; do not even stop their attempts to intermarry. In fact other groups may perhpas attained more lasting effects on the people they "touched" than L.
Milhouse, they cannot come yesh meayin...they must find a fertile ground to be able to prospeer and flurish.
what happened was that the mashpiim of old utilized the opportunity to spout their radical opinions about other people and about the Rebbe in a manner that when after the rebbe's passing they found a home and the taliban was created.
At 11:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Gross said...
What do Lakewood, Chaim Berlin, Torah Temimah, Amshinov, Alecsander, Belzer, Bobover, Bostoner, Boyaner, Breslov, Ger, Stolin, Kloisenberg, Modzitzer, Muncatz, Pupa, Radziner, Rachmanstrivke, Satmar, Skverer, Slonimer, Tauscher, Vizhnitzer, etc., etc. have in common?
They have educated countless erlicher Yidden to serve Hashem in the way proscriibed by the Torah.
Chabad is a failed and dying movement. Spreading Apikorsus is not exactly doing anything for world Jewry. Chabad has damaged the very essence of Klal Yisroel in a grave manner despite the fact that they might make you feel good.
At 12:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
someone above wrote about the Rebbe's driver and all, as if what the heck he was only a driver..excuse me moron this driver was the closest to the rebbe. privy to many many and constant in touch with him thruout. yes there were other maskirim but in the end of the day the ones that counted were the ones like the driver (krinsky) and Klein .. to some extent even groner if that's his name I think.
I truly believe many are simply jealous of krinsky.
At 12:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
two things...
first, those animals (for the lack of another word to describe them, since any sane, functioning jewish human being doesn't intentionally destroy a beis medrash and create total havoc injuring innocent civilians) don't deserve to be called 'meshichisten'. who the ... decided to give them that name? i mean what connection do they have to moshiach or traditional/mainstream judaism anyways? that they smell and where yellow smiley faces on their lapels? gimme a break! its just as pathetic as the media getting away with describing terrorist suicide-bombers who kill innocent shoppers and kids on the way to school as 'militants', 'freedom fighters', 'insurgents', 'gunmen'. hello?! when someone YOU know gets gunned down by a 'militant' on the way home from a wedding- lets see what your gonna have to say. same here. if moshe rabeinu were to see one of these smelly guys throwing eggs while singing something with the word moshiach in it, do you think he'd be at all impressed? (although he was an "anav mikol adam asher al pnei haadama" and one of the peirushim are that when he saw what the jews in the generation before moshiach would have to go through, he was pretty humbled by the fact that there were still those that were shomer torah and mitzvos, but still, these air heads don't have torah and mitzvos like we do, folks.)
so i suggest we start calling them mo-shiites or taliban or something like that, that will disconnect them completely from anything jewish all together.
second, i once saw a copy of a handwritten note that the lubavitcher rebbe wrote in 1991 "anoy nogea klal uklal mihu hamoshiach" ("it's absolutely irrelevant who moshiach is") (the rest i forget the exact wording so i'll write it in english) "and surely something which leads to machlokes (dispute) which is the exact reason we were sent into golus "
so did the lubavitcher rebbe even want these guys around? he himself couldn't care less who moshiach would be. all he cared about was that the jewish world should study more torah and increase in the observance of mitzvot and acts of goodness and kindness and bring geulah to this world, at least in my opinion and from what i understand, many other sane ordinary frum individuals. these peoples ideologies and actions dont have room in the lubavitcher rebbes eyes.
btw, i am the son of a chabad shliach of the 1970's, i witnessed the disgusting acts of those talibans; my brother once got beaten up by some arabs (while on a trip to europe to help jews make a pesach seder), and got attacked by their middle-eastern cousins a few nights ago in a synagogue on eastern parkway in brooklyn.
At 1:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
whats this with the igros? ive seen fliers and a whole igros tent in meiron whats up with it? did the rebe approve of it? it seems strange in my eyes!
At 1:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
All this hatred stems from jelousy: your jelous of the fact that our lives have meaning: devening shamona esry for 20 minutes not doing it for you any more: no one noticing?
At 8:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
just a guy,
thank you for writing this. The only problem is that your voice (menaing the content of your message) is almost not heard (ie. non existent) in L. How good would it be when all would recognize the maaalos that each other has, and even mroe so to find ways to work together in certain issues of torah and mitzvos and avodas Hashem. Moshiach would hav ebeen here already.
At 9:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
These so called mishichistian meshygoim they all look stoned ,look in their faces they are STONED they belong in a meshgoim house not in 770. genug is genug is genug no more meshichisten with me anymore the rebbi is zetsal he was NIFTAR yes he was NIFTAR its zetsal
At 10:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
to all L apologists,
Look you all say "it's the meshichitim" the meshugoyim, and after such an incident one might have thought that the "Normal" ones amongst you would distance themselves from these crazy apikorssim. But lo and behold, none other than R. Gershon M Garelick a respected mashpia and Rabbi of Lubavitch in Milano, spends his "Farbregen" of Rosh Chodesh Kislev where? In the Yeshiva of Tzfat! the hotbed and breeding place of these taliban terrrists!
If this Rabbi (well revered by all L who drinks a lot of kool aid etc.) endorses them (and there is no other interpretation for that farby in Safed than a open endorsement) then what do you apologists hack a tchaynick about the terrorists? It's the "Good" mahpiim like RGMG that created them!
FOr the veraicty of this information one can go to Chabad INfo and see for himself the pictrures how RGMG farbrengs in that Yeshiva
At 12:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
I know a drunk named Mushke.
Her real name is Chaya Mushke.
So young but totally drunken, incoherent spewing songs about the Rebbe is Monshich or something, admitting to drinking alcohol.
And her parents are regular frum CH people.
At 12:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Do you Lubavitchers have nothing else to do, or no place else to go to spew your self hatred? I guess this blog obviously posts your junk, since they are more than happy to help Lubavitch look as bad and as sick as possible.
They are just giving you enough rope....
At 12:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
i doubt garelik went to tsfas, but if he did it was only to give them some insight into lubavitch, maybe he wants to make them into lubavitchers, who knows?
At 12:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
yechi hamelech hamoshiach. the rebbi never died
At 12:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
How dare you say the rebbi Zetzal? How could you say the rebbi died?
At 12:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Maybee you mean his spirit is alive ..thats something i can understand
At 4:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 4:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
MR. LAKEWOOD, you don't know what you are talking about. Krinsky doesn't know what it means to do things the Jewish way. More than once the non Jewish courts have had to put him in his proper place. though that is not entirely true either. He has been caught red handed stealing money that belongs to other organizations but was never brought to the american "legal" system as the victim went to Rabonim rather than create a chilul hashem, something Krinsky and his ilk never worry about.It is unfortunate that so much good stuff is overshadowed by these petty situations which I would venture to guess are incited by the krinnky gang intentionally, knowing that certain actions of theirs will evoke anger etc.
At 9:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Everyone can see how helpless these fellows are; after the pogrom of sunday and the dismay of normal sane people, a few days have passed and legitimacy for what these animals did becomes the norm. And the from the most "chassidishe" people goes to farbreng in the residence of the one who is mostly responsible for all these terrors (the head of the yeshiva in safed) and in the institituion that educates and trains to become the soldiers of what has trranspired the past sunday...
These events mirror what has transpired over the past decade. These people do some of the most vile actions...their friends legitimize them...deligitimse their enemies...and after hte first schock everything comes back to normal and the people who are supposed to say to the heads of these groups: stop or will sever our relationship go out of their way to stretch their hand to them...and nothing is going to be done...
At 10:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
because guys and thieves like krinsky the moshichistian movement strives
At 10:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
during thanksgiving we thank hashem that the rebbi is moshiach
At 10:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
what was the fight again tonight in 770?
At 12:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am spellbound by the apkorses that moshichisten are spewing. Can somone explain to me How vodka drinkers could decide and pick a moshiach? these so called chasidim are mamash mines and apikorses from the higest level no better words for me to say
At 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
actually its not apikorses its sheer stupitnes ignorence and shliemel...of course the rebbi was loved but that doesnt answer the question of why these guys are insisting that the rebbi never died..did anyone say that moshe rabanue is alive? and moshe rabanue was more holyer then the rebbi I mean common guys get to your senses
At 8:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
I used to go to a lubavitch yeshiva.
I am sickend by the thought of what this stupidity will do to chabads publicity.
At 7:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
To 8:57 pm
Lubavitcher Yishiva is the best school in the world.
At 9:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
what happened in 770 happened for several reasons. mainly two. one is the Israeli bochurim don't seem to have any guidance. they should be told in very clear terms that their mission here is to learn and to give a "chayos" to the shul, but they have no right and it is not their place to get involved in ANY POLITICS whatsoever. In a situation as what happened here and with all of them so out of hand, someone, who is supposed to be in charge of them ought to take the biggest troublemaker and ship him back to Israel making it known to all the rest that this is what will happen to anyone of them who does anything but what they are meant to be doing here. The other problem is the Krinsky gang (and his leader is avremke shemrah)who go to all lengths to incite these guys, knowing full well that it doesn't take too much. and then he makes a point of washing his filthy laundry in public. I do feel bad for him when he will have to answer for his actions.
last but not least, any first grade yeshivah kid who learns chumash and rashi can tell you that it says that Yaakov avinu had a funeral with a coffin and a burial etc. and yet turns around and says very clearly YAAKOV LO MEIS! in my dictionary the Rebbe is at least on a par and for all the snags who don't know anything about chasidus or what it means to be a chasid or have mesiras nefesh for a yid and yiddishkiet they'd be better of doing some real learning instead of knocking. Lubavitcher's don't "shteig" in learning (basically for honor) they just learn lishmoh in between helping a fellow Jew including the guys who ridicule Lubavitch.
At 9:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ruchel sounds like she barely knows how to read hebrew, so she couldn't possibly understand such a "deep" concept that the torah speaks of the fact that a tzadik never dies.
On another note, I know of countless people, shluchim and otherwise who have been deprived of funds specifically set up for their assistance (and had their names removed from the tzach list) simply because they believe in following the Rebbe's wish by speaking of Moshiach to their people. Instead, he uses that communal money for his own personal use.
At 2:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
THANKS BUT NO THANK This is ruchel and i do know how to read hebrew ..Are you really sticking up for stoned guys? as i said just look into the faces of these so called yechi guys they are mostly stoned..and not normal...if they would be normal that would not act like they do
At 6:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree with ruchel
At 8:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
you psychbabble and think that no onelearned a possuk chumash with rashi. The only tzadik is your Rebbe, everyone else is a "snag". You are all a bunch of sickos and empty baaley gaavoh. On tzadikim like Moshe Rabbeynu (have you heard of him or all you know is your Rebbe) upon whom it also says "loy mes", he too will undergo techiyas hamessim (only by ELiyahu and some it says that their guf went completely to shomayim). Whatever "yaakov loy mess" means; it does mean he is "hiding" and walking around chevron. No one in history made A RELIGION out of this and whenever a religion was made of these concepts it bordered with avodah zarah.
YOur making a new religion is also connected with the schefichos domim connected with the chet hoegel as the pogrom of last week tells us. And you have no shame and turn around and defend these lowlifes and go on a rampage against R. Krinsky after their whole life is engaged in making up lies against r Krinsky etc. These are false peple and wicked people through and through and making themselves holly.
It's time to separate from thse wicked individuals.
At 8:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
ruchal your a fearless women living in crown heights dont be scared to speak out against the yech guys
At 1:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
yechi hamelech,oig ben peleg. its poshut whishta meshigoyim, es chapt a pachad avu tiff men hut zich derkilert
At 3:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 4:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 9:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Im saying if Meshuga has a twin then its called the Yechi guy
At 9:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
To all yech bashers im asking this question Where is ahavas yisroel? the yech guy has all the right to belive and have amuna that the rebbi is moshiach he has all the right to belive that the rebbi is a walking dead. he has the same rights as you have ..if you dont agree then just dont respond to him as simple as that..thanks and have a good night
At 9:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey i would rather sit next to a guy that screams Yechi then sit next to a drug addict...have a derech erets for a yech guy
At 9:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have new YECHI HAMELECH Tea in ch every sunday in front of 770
At 9:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
have a good night.......yechi hamelech hamoshiach laolem voed
At 9:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why do people have to snook into others life style? if I want to be a yechi guy thats my business
At 9:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
its mamash gevaldig here
At 12:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 12:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
At 8:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
you yeci uys dn't have ahavat yisroel for people who argue with you and claim rigtfully that you have no source in torah for your fantasies...ou begin with "Ahavat yisroel" calls an end up throwing benches unto others...
At 2:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
L'Chaim!!! G-D Bless the US&A!!
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