Jerusalem, Israel - Protesters Against Parade Not Released for Shabbas
Jerusalem, Israel - The Jerusalem Magistrates Court late on Friday decided to delay by three days the release of four Ultra-Orthodox Jews suspected or protesting and attacking policemen at a protest on Thursday against a parade.
At 9:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
jerusalem chief of police Franco met with the Gavad Badatz late fride assuring him they are going to the courts first thing Sunday to stop the parade. There were Ramkols tonight in the Gavads name to go back home and not protest.
At 9:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Does "Ultra-Orthodox" mean they are shomer torah u'mitzvos? I HATE LABELS!
At 9:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
yimach shemom v'zichrom
At 10:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Does "Ultra-Orthodox" mean...
no, it means they would have less time to compkain aobut everytihng if they would just go out and get a job.
At 10:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Were they in jail with their sacks on them or did they let them put on their Yerushalmi Bekeshes?anyway, previous comment has a point , if these Chareidishe Leidegeiers would go out and get a job and work for a living then they would not have time to go protest about something that is none of their business and then they would not have to come here to the States to Shnorrer..
At 10:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
to anonnymoys10.47pm you right you dont see people protesting who have jobs these are leidigeires they dont even know what gay means i am sure the rabbis in jerusalem they dont agree with the protest
At 11:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
the eidah charedis has put out a call for 1 million people to protest the gay parade..... and even if people did have jobs i would hope they took time off to come and protest this TOAVAH in the streets of Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh..... the City of Hakodosh Boruch Hu!!
At 11:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
you guys should get the facts straight the eidaeh chhareidis called out to all klal yisroel to go out and protest so they were doing it on the eides advice.
At 12:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said... 11:42 PM
I agree 100%
Just some self hating Jews always complaining and critersising what ever our brothers say or do.
At 2:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can't believe people are criticizing the protesters, people in every faith 'n culture are protesting these "un-straight" freaks, & we the G-D fearing people shouldn't be allowed to?
Come'n, wake up! G-D(K'vuchel) becomes very angry when people are being 'M'shane Maseh B'reishis', even gentiles, & G-D forbid, if it's Jews in the HOLY LAND, shouldn't we be protesting???
The great R' Avigder Miller once said by a T'kias Shofer D'rusha, that all he was doing on Erev R"H, writing letters to local politicians, denouncing the movement of legalizing 'Un-Straight' marriages! Now you do the Math......
At 4:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
11:42 thumbs up
protseting is needed when neccesary this time the goverment is crossing all boundaries everyone was ordered for a full protest and yes by the rabunei huir.
At 7:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
To all those out there who hate people who learn torah and have been doing so in jerusalem for hundreds of years.
Harav Elyashiv,Rav Ovadya Yosef, Rav Shmuel Oerbach, Rav Tuvia Weiss, Rav Moshe shternbuch and many many more have come out publicly and signed a proclamation to demonstrate agianst this parade if anyone has not heard Harav shternbuch's rally to war or his terrified voice over the fate of the future of jerusalem you have no right to be spewing hatred on these pages.
At 7:16 AM,
and so it shall be... said…
"I can't believe people are criticizing the protesters, people in every faith 'n culture are protesting these "un-straight" freaks, & we the G-D fearing people shouldn't be allowed to? "
People ctiticize the protesters because they have no credibility. They throw rocks at passing cars on shabbos fire bomb bus shelters, throw bleach on unsuspecting girls, and set fire to clothing stores that offend their arbitrary sensibilities, and launch a barrage of violence at the arrest of a child abuser.
Now they're protesting a gay march, but in doing so advocate murder and violent protest. They sound like arabs, act like arabs, and are now talking like arabs.
So, a bunch of thugs got arrested. Too bad. Perhaps they heard of the boy who cried wolf? Well now there's a new stroy about the Chareidi who cried Assur!
At 10:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am writing this from Jerusalem, and I personally same Rav Shternbuch and many other gedolim marching against the parade. These brave young men are doing the right thing. Trust our gedolim, if not them, then who?
At 11:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
TO: Still Wonderin' (716)
It's clearly obvious, from the way you write that you aren't 'Chareidi' at all! Have you no sense in your head to know right from wrong? At times force IS needed, and standing back idly is r"l an admission. ANY DECENT HUMAN should protest, Hashem's chosen nation all the more so! We, who represent Hashem here, have an image to protect - that of HASHEM. I'm wondering why they're so quiet about this here in America. This C"V will be a chillul HaShem of the greatest magnitude. (having a murderers pride march in Yerushalaim sounds better).
By the way the march coincides with the portion of the week dealing with SODOM...
At 10:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
to yidishe mama ....i think there is xomething we are all forgetting ...t hsi is not new york city or ramapo or anywhere else as 10:42 p0ointed out this is yerushalayim ir Hakoidesh... and it is those poeple who insist on having this parade who are not having rspect for the REAL law of our land!!! look at israels history israel is not run by laws of nature it is run bu a Higher power and that is what laws we have to listen to!!!
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