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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Lakewood, NJ +Meir, Miller Win+

Lakewood, NJ - Results are in for the Lakewood Township Committee race and the winners are Meir Lichtenstein (D) and Menashe Miller (R).

The vote tallies are: Meir Lichtenstein 8,767; Menashe Miller 9,288; Michael Sernotti (D) 5053; Hannah Havens (R) 4,741, and Dovid Egert unaffiliated 875.


  • At 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    maybe after another few years of paying exorbitant ever rising taxes, dealing with the police bias, and a mayor who could care less as long as the goyim like him, maybe although i am not optimistic the lakewood residents will realise that they need someone who will work for them and not show callous disregard for the issues which affect the "yochid".

  • At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Which rabbis does the vaad consult with? the dayan in lakewood and rabbi neuman both said that u cannot vote for menendez due to his position on moral issues. unfortunately it seems that the majority of the kehila just follows what they say without knowing any better!

  • At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hard to believe that the number of votes for meir is accurate. i spoke to many people who they and their friends did not vote for him. i have nothing against him but if he feels to pressured to help his fellow people than we would be better off with someone else

  • At 12:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    stop talking about lakewood lakewood is a very nice town

  • At 1:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I voted for Hannah Havens. I can make up my own mind.

  • At 7:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    at the end of the day I think our mission is hopeless. The VAAD won by a landslide. This is depressing.

  • At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have some news for you folks. You might not like to hear what I have to say , but the truth hurts. The people making the noise on this blog are the same few individuals over and over again. The overwhelming majority of people in Lakewood (as is evident from the results) support the Vaad, support Meir Lichtenstein, support Menashe Miller and support the yeshiva. Period. You can not argue with facts. You can make noise and all the comments you want. The facts on the ground speak for themselves. The rabim has spoken. Period. End of discussion.

  • At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If a 19 year old Dovid Eggert can get 900 votes in a yeshiva controlled town, the vaad knows full well that one major move that will upset the tzibbur can tip the scales next time.

    you need two independents to really see how many people are voting "anti vaad".

    the winner (Lichtenstein) only got 8,932 votes ~

    AK, your house of cards is falling - better milk the developers etc. while you still have control.

  • At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Why isnt Menashe Miller mayor - I know he wouldnt want it but he beat lichtenstien.
    FYI the yeshiva pushed for Menendez because they got big money from him they contributed big time to his campaign

  • At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    anon 12:28

    Who is "The Dayan"? Forchimer, Felder, Katz, Finkel? There are many dayonim which one?

    The vaad did not want to endorse M. Miller, Lichtenstein is the go to guy for the Vaad. Miller unfortunately sticks up for the small guy.

  • At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i am proud to say that i voted for DOVID EGERT & all those that did not vote for him should be ashamed

  • At 9:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    According to http://www.elec.state.nj.us/publicinformation.htm, the following contributions were made to Lichtenstein & Sernotti in 2006:

    Somerset Development $1,500
    Pine Projects (i.e. Shain&Weinstein) $2,600
    HC Development (who's that? their address listed is a box at Beepers Plus!) $2,600
    Monmouth Management $1,000

    In addition, the following 2006 contributions were made to Lakewood Unity (a PAC that gave 5,000 to Lichtenstein-Sernotti and another 5,000 to Coles&Cunliffe):

    Somerset Development $1,250
    Lightstone Group $1,200
    Meir Hertz $350
    PG Waxman $350

    Some of them wanted to have hands in all cookie jars; the following contributions were made to Miller (the baal hagbah):
    Somerset Development $750
    Dov Gluck of Monmouth Management $1,000

  • At 3:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Anonymous said...
    i am proud to say that i voted for

    9:49 PM


    How can you anonymously declare that you are proud of anything???


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