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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Jerusalem, Israel - First Haredim Job Placement Center Opens

Jerusalem, Israel - In an effort to encourage more haredi adults to join the workforce the first of six ultra-orthodox oriented job placement centers was dedicated in Jerusalem.

Jerusalem center director Naftali Flintstein said that expectations are running high. "The phones are ringing off the hooks."

But this project however is far from complete as more than a few Rabbis voice there concern over the change. "It's hard to say that all the Rabbis are encouraging employment," said Flintstein who acknowledges that there are still setbacks to overcome, "but certainly is a man reaches a situation where he has difficulty supporting (his family) then he must go to work. He is told to do this and not remain in his current situation."


  • At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's about time.

  • At 11:32 AM, Blogger thekvetcher said…

    when will it open in lakewood??????????

  • At 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey! Kvetcher, Are you soooo jealous of Lkwd that you must try to degrade it at every opportunity? Maybe you need to rethink your commitment to being frum, do feel bad that you are not frum enough?
    By the way there has been job training and placement services in Lkwd for many years (15+).

  • At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    o gevald you are so not right. the attitude you talk about may be the few that you met.

    I know many, many israelis. the one thing you are right about though is that there are no job opportunities. got that? opportunities.

    I personally know people who would do anything rather than go "shnorring". did it ever occur to you how degraded these people feel?

    one of my brothers in law is having such a hard time finding a way to support his family. he recently took a job in a group home for mental patients where he has to sleep overnight every night of the week!!! and this guy is a real chassidish, frum, frum erliche guy. The type of person who YOU would say wouldn't "want" to work. He's held down other jobs before like packaging candies, working at a printer...there are just no opportunities is israel.

    don't be so quick to condemn your brothers and sisters.

    this job placement thing will be great if it does work out.

  • At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    well were in the usa we close the stores from 1pm -4pm well only in israel so you think when thay work like use 8-10 hours

  • At 1:37 PM, Blogger and so it shall be... said…

    "Hey! Kvetcher, Are you soooo jealous of Lkwd that you must try to degrade it at every opportunity?"

    Who wouldn't be...? No work, all schmooze, all day! And with Daddy or the Shver paying the bills. Now that's living!

    "By the way there has been job training and placement services in Lkwd for many years (15+)."

    Must be the loneliest place in Lakewood.

  • At 1:40 PM, Blogger and so it shall be... said…

    "I know many, many israelis. the one thing you are right about though is that there are no job opportunities. got that? opportunities."

    You got that ll wrong....there are no OPPORTUNITIES for chareidi people because they have education, marketable skills, and no army service.

    Their leaders have crippled them. That's why they have no opportunities.

  • At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    fyi p.c.s. in lakewood places approx 100 people per month in jobs

  • At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I really can't believe what I'm reading here, They lifted the ban on employment??? (for those who are not informed, when R' Y. Ch. Zonenfield zatz'l passed away, they enacted a 'Bitul M'luche' for the 'L'veiah', & it was never lifted since).

    However, this may finally ease the load of .... while a daven everyday....! (just Kidden', nothing personal....)

  • At 7:28 PM, Blogger Shtender Bender said…

    No way!!!


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