Manhattan, NY - Jewish Museum Free on Saturdays
Manhattan, NY - Like many other cultural institutions in town, the Jewish Museum has raised its admission price, but at least it will be free one day a week.
The Jewish Museum is now free every Saturday, in honor of Shabbas. While most of the exhibits will be open, the cafe, shops, interactive electronics and children's exhibition will be closed also in honor of Shabbas.
At 9:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is absolutely awesome, sadly enough, the observant jews won't be able to benefit of this! (as they do @ 'The Bronx Zoo'...) They screwed us big time!
At 10:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
The Jewish Museum is affiliated with the Jewish Theologcal Seminary (aka Shechters Seminary), the citadel of Conservative Judaism. The museum thru its exhibts and other presentations promotes their view of Jewish theology and philisophy.
Please consult your local Halachic advisor before you give them your support or visit the museum.
At 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
well those that use the so called eruv can join the consertave org and go to the museum on shabos
At 10:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
burnw, you are trying to impose on them to keep shobes in Manhattan?
Maybe they should spit in your face because they feel your beard is disgusting and full of dandruff?
Give them a break, they have good intentions, trying to honor shobes in some crazy way, but the intentions are still good. They removed most of chulel shobes and maybe all in that place.
You can respectfully disagree and oppose what they stand for, but why the hostility.
10:17 is a comment people will listen, to yours most people will disrespect because of your hostility.
At 11:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
And how does one get to the museum on Shabbos? By foot? It is not in the spirit of Shabbos to go to a museum any way, even it it was accessible. I would never go to this museum.I suppose conservative Jews go the museum for their Oneg Shabbat.
At 11:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
The Bronx Zoo is not a "Jewish" institution, however I think it is more appropriate to visit the zoo than the "Jewish" museum.
At 12:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Holacaust awareness is not going to stop antisemitism or another holacaust. If Hashem wants us to have another holacaust Chas vesholom, there will be nothing we can do to prevent it, unless we all do Teshuva. Eisav Sonei L'Yaakov, no matter what we try to do to improve our relations with the goyim because it is a halacha and we can't change that. Anyway we Jews always step on everyones toes so we don't help things that way either, whether it is in politics, such as Lakewood, or in trying to take over our towns, by building huge houses etc.
At 1:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey everyone, at the end of the day they are conservative and many of the negative posts are coming from orthodox viewpoints. The views regarding how each group will "honor shabbos" will differ and these posts are not going to make anyone change their opinions, so just deal with it without the nasty posts. Even within the orthodox circle many people have their own differing opinion on how to honor shabbos.
At 1:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anon 10:38
How dare u copmare the Eiruv to Conservatism?
At 1:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
you can't honor shabbos by desecrating it.
and to the moron who compared the eruv - which is provided for in halocha - to a museum being open on shabbos: start learning a little bit instead of just spewing from your mouth what your ears hear. you're trivializing the issue.
At 3:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
You are right - shame on the person that compared the eiruv to the museum being open. I dont know of any gedolim that came out against the museum, but many have gone on the record against the eiruv..
At 4:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
the so called eruv is also reform jews that don't like the old testament that does not allow to carry in a "reshus harabim diorayso"
in a "karmilis" were the torah lets you carry, chazal said you have to make a tzuras hapesach to carry.
At 5:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
burnw, the 2nd one is much better humor and rude, but no hostility.
At 5:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't understand what one needs an eruv for to walk to a museum. Can someone explain that to me?
At 6:17 PM,
Milhouse said…
Why can't the observant Jews benefit from this? If the museum is free, what's wrong with going there on Shabbos?
And yes, anonymous of 11:21AM, of course by foot, how else? If you live too far away to walk, then don't go, but why shouldn't those who are within walking distance go?
Anonymous 4:57, you are an amhooretz. Min hatorah, a tzuras hapesach helps in a reshus horabim too. The same chazal that forbade carrying in a karmelis also said that to fix a reshus horabim you need more than just a plain tzu"hp, you need either omed merubeh al haporutz, or else to keep each tzu"hp to less than 10 amos. But whether Manhattan is a rh"r is a machlokes, and many many poskim held that there could be an eruv there. You don't have to hold like them, but you have no right to condemn those who hold otherwise, or to call them reform. The halacha in all such cases is that ein mochin beyodom, since yesh lohem al mah lismoch.
At 6:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well said Milhouse 6:17
At 8:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
MILLHOUSE you are a amhuretz "RISHUS HARABEM AINU MUTERES ELLO B"DALSIS" yerusholayim had a wall around it and a tzuras hapesach at the openings and rav yochnon says "emoleh dalseho neulas balalo heve michiyovem olov mishum reshus harabem"
I understand you are an am horetz and you won't understand what I wrote but let it be for the record.
At 8:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
On Yontiff my family goes to the Jewish museums in Brooklyn. Even on Shabbat.
They visit Bobboff, Munkacz and other museums. It's full of jews.
Bobboff even has online viewing if you couldn't be there in person. It's called whatever that means.
And I imagine you can go there on Shabbat if you leave you're computer on from Friday??? Hmmm.
At 9:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, you know what? I just checked that site. They got the Satmar wedding posted now. I guess Yontiff is not front page news there anymore.
At 12:24 AM,
Milhouse said…
Anonymous 8:27 (why can't you people use names?), look in SA Horav 364:4. The requirement for doors that close is strictly midrabanan. Min hatorah a tzuras hapesach is enough. (This is a chassidishe blog, right? So the Rav's SA should be enough of a source.)
Also bear in mind that Yerushalayim at that time had two roads running through it, each of them going from one gate directly to the opposite gate, with no interruption or bend, as can be seen on the Madaba map, and these roads carried heavy traffic every day. That means that the intersection had no mechitzos at all.
Finally, are you aware that modern eruvin that cross high-traffic roads usually do have doors that are closed at least once a year?
At 11:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
the museum is not a frum organization so how can anyone hold it to a frum standard? ITs not a reform 'seminary' where there maybe you have a tyna. The director is a thoughtful nice person, but her knowledge base in yiddishkeit is very minimal. The interesting thing is they published a book on the jewish holidays in a way that is consistant with orthodoxy and doesn't upset reform or other labels of uneducated yidden (of course they hired a frum person to write it). Despite the name there is not much jewish happening over there and if they reached out to frum people to come to the museum on shabbes who would relax. Don't be outraged. Have compassion for your fellow yidden who didn't have the opportunity for a frum life....
At 1:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
i personally know of a couple who live in boro park, and they walk on shabbos to do bikur cholim in manhattan hospitals...i think for them to use a rest room, or just sit down for a few minutes they may step into this museum...
At 1:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
the SA Harav is in parantseis and the zemach zeek explains that his grandfather had a SOFEK if there are two wals closed COMPLETELY and you made a tzuras hapesach on the two sides if it will help min hatorah. but nothing more that a sofek DORAISO.!!!!!!
At 2:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
every rov/rabbi/rebbe this shabbos should tell their congregants to not financially support the Jewish Museum.
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